[publication] Property-Based Testing for Parameter Learning of Probabilistic Graphical Models #machinelearning #learninganalytics

Thanks to my colleagues – we did a publication for this year CDMAKE-conference about “Property-Based Testing for Parameter Learning of Probabilistic Graphical Models“.

Code quality is a requirement for successful and sustainable software development. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence and data driven Machine Learning in current applications makes customized solutions for both data as well as code quality a requirement. The diversity and the stochastic nature of Machine Learning algorithms require different test methods, each of which is suitable for a particular method. Conventional unit tests in test-automation environments provide the common, well-studied approach to tackle code quality issues, but Machine Learning applications pose new challenges and have different requirements, mostly as far the numerical computations are concerned. In this research work, a concrete use of property-based testing for quality assurance in the parameter learning algorithm of a probabilistic graphical model is described. The necessity and effectiveness of this method in comparison to unit tests is analyzed with concrete code examples for enhanced retraceability and interpretability, thus highly relevant for what is called explainable AI.

abstract of the article

[publication @ book homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Saranti A., Taraghi B., Ebner M., Holzinger A. (2020) Property-Based Testing for Parameter Learning of Probabilistic Graphical Models. In: Holzinger A., Kieseberg P., Tjoa A., Weippl E. (eds) Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. CD-MAKE 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12279. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-57321-8_28

[publication] Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – The Path to Individualization in Learning #hcii20 #iderblog

We did a contribution titled “Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – The Path to Individualization in Learning” for this year HCII conference.

This paper shows how Learning Analytic Methods are combined with German orthography in the IDeRBlog-project (www.iderblog.eu). After a short introduction to the core of the platform – the intelligent dictionary – we focus on the presentation and evaluation of a new training format. The aim of this format is, that pupils can train misspelled words individually in a motivating and didactic meaningful setting. As a usability test was run with twenty one third graders, we are able to present the results of this evaluation.

Abstract of the publication

[full article @ publisher’s webpage]
[draft @ researchgate]

Reference: Ebner M., Edtstadler K., Ebner M. (2020) Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – The Path to Individualization in Learning. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing, Developing and Deploying Learning Experiences. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12205. Springer, Cham. pp. 317-325.

[publication] Individualized Differentiated Spelling with Blogs – Implementing and Individualizing (IDeRBlog ii) #iderblog #hcii2020 #tugraz

We did a contribution titled “Individualized Differentiated Spelling with Blogs – Implementing and Individualizing (IDeRBlog ii)” for this year HCII conference.

The paper depicts the Erasmus+ project “Individual DifferEntiated correct writing with Blogs – Individualizing and Implementing (IDeRBlog ii)”. IDeRBlog ii is a follow-up project evolving the result of IDeRBlog, a blogging platform for pupils aged eight and above. The project is an international cooperation between 3 countries in Europe. This paper presents an overview of possibilities in context of individualization of the exercises. Further, it covers the benefits of using the platform, e.g. learning about media competences, how to communicate online and the possibility to get individualized exercises for supported during their writing process by the feedback of the intelligent dictionary.

Abstract of the publication

[full article @ publisher’s webpage]
[draft @ researchgate]

Reference: Leidinger N., Gros, M., Ebner, M., Ebner, M., Edtstadler, K. Herunter, E., Heide J., Pfeifer, S., Huppertz, A. & Kistemann V. (2020) Individualized Differentiated Spelling with Blogs – Implementing and Individualizing (IDeRBlog ii). In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing, Developing and Deploying Learning Experiences. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12205. Springer, Cham. pp. 368-279

[presentation] Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – the Path to Indivdualization in Learning #iderblog #hcii20

Markus presented yesterday his research about “Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German” at this year HCII 2020 conference.

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[presentation] Learning Analytics and MOOCs #mooc #hcii20 #imoox

Ebru is presenting today her research about “Learning Analytics and MOOCs” at this year HCII 2020 conference.

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[presentation] Implementation fo Interactive Learning Objects for German Language Acquisition in Primary School based on Learning Analytics Measurements #iderblog #edil2020 #tel

The third presentation at this year EDMedia conference (online) was about ” Implementation fo Interactive Learning Objects for German Language Acquisition in Primary School based on Learning Analytics Measurements “. Find here the slides of the talk of Markus:

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[presentation] MOOCs, Learning Analytics and OER 
- a perfect triangle for 
the future of education!

I feel honored to give the keynote presentation for this year CSEDU 2020 conference. Due to the CoVid-crisis it was done completely online. Here you can find my slides:

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[publication] Mobile Learning Applications for Android und iOS for German Language Acquisition based on Learning Analytics Measurements #LearningAnlytics #IdERblog

We did a contribution to the International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI) titled “Mobile Learning Applications for Android und iOS for German Language Acquisition based on Learning Analytics

The use of digital media is increasingly being promoted in school teaching. Since this aspect changes the interaction between teachers and pupils, this research is concerned with the development of a prototype of a mobile application for Android and iOS, in which different learning applications for language acquisition are offered on the basis of learning analytical measurements provided by experts in the field. By logging and collecting interactions of the user, it is possible to create a variety of statistical evaluations and thus respond to the needs and weaknesses of students. For the evaluation of the application, a user experience test was carried out, whereby the child-friendly operation of the application was tested. Due to the very positive feedback, the design was found to be good and can therefore be further developed.

Journal’s homepage

[Link to full article @ ResearchGate]
[Link to full article @ journal’s homepage]

Reference: Friedl, Markus, Ebner, Markus, Ebner, Martin (2020) Mobile Learning Applications for Android und iOS for German Language Acquisition based on Learning Analytics Measurements. International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI). 2(1). pp. 4-13

[presentation] Implementation of Interactive Learning Objects for German Language Acquisition #master #tugraz

Marko hat seiner Masterarbeit rund um das Thema Interactive Learning Objects für das Projekt IDeR-Blog geschrieben. Hier die Folien seiner Verteidigung:

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[publication] Learning Analytics: Einsatz an österreichischen Hochschulen #fnma #LearningAnalytics

Unsere gemeinsaem Publikation zu “Learning Analytics: Einsatz an österreichischen Hochschulen” versucht ein gemeinsames Verständnis für das Themenfeld zu schaffen und ist nun auch online zugänglich:


Learning Analytics ist sowohl international als auch national ein immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnendes Themenfeld, welches dabei helfen kann, Lehr- und Lernprozesse besser zu verstehen und gezielt zu optimieren. Dieses Whitepaper soll eine erste Orientierung zu diesem Thema geben und dabei speziell die österreichische Hochschullandschaft adressieren.
Ausgehend von der Definition: “Learning Analytics umfasst die Analyse, Darstellung und Interpretation von Daten aus Lehr- und Lernsettings mit dem Zweck, dass Lernende ihr Lernen unmittelbar verändern können” werden Herausforderungen benannt und der Status Quo in Österreich präsentiert. Daraus werden sechs Argumente für Learning Analytics abgeleitet und vier konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen ausgesprochen.

[Link zum Whitepaper auf Researchgate]

Zitation: Leitner, P., Ebner, M., Ammenwerth, E., Andergassen, M., Csanyi, G., Gröblinger, O., Kopp, M., Reichl, F., Schmid, M., Steinbacher, H.-P., Handle-Pfeiffer, D., Zitek, A., Zöserl, E., Zwiauer, C. (2019) Learning Analytics: Einsatz an österreichischen Hochschulen. Whitepaper, Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre (FNMA). 24s.