[presentation] German Language Training Apps for Primary School Children #tugraz

Alexander Schwaiger defended successfully his master thesis about an innovative app for the IdERblog project. Find here his slides:

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[publication] Mobile Seamless Learning – Die nahtlose Integration mobiler Geräte beim Lernen und im Unterricht #mlearning #research

Unser Beitrag zu “Mobile Seamless Learning – Die nahtlose Integration mobiler Geräte beim Lernen und im Unterricht” im Handbuch Mobile Learning ist nun erschienen.


Mobile Geräte möglichst nahtlos beim Lernen und im Unterricht zu integrieren, ist eine Zielsetzung des Mobile Seamless Learning. Genau genommen soll das Lernen in unterschiedlichen Räumen – inner- und außerhalb des Klassenzimmers, im physischen wie auch im virtuellen Raum, möglichst einfach gelingen. In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung des Mobile Seamless Learning-Ansatzes sowie seine Bedeutung skizziert. Fünf konkrete Einsätze, die dem Mobile Seamless Learning-Ansatz zugeordnet werden, geben Einblick in die praktische Realisierung in unterschiedlichen Lernkontexten. Schließlich werden wichtige Erfahrungen zusammengefasst und Empfehlungen für eigene Umsetzungen gegeben.

[Original-Beitrag @ Springer]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Schön, S., Ebner, M. (2018) Mobile Seamless Learning – Die nahtlose Integration mobiler Geräte beim Lernen und im Unterricht. In: Handbuch Mobile Learning. de Witt, C. & Gloerfeld, C. (Ed.). S. 283 – 302. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-19123-8_15

[publication] 1×1 Trainer with Handwriting Recognition

Our publication about „1×1 Trainer with Handwriting Recognition“ got published in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM). We described our successful app, which has been firstly announced already here.


Nowadays, computers and mobile devices play a huge role in our daily routines; they are used at work, for private purposes and even at school. Moreover, they are used as support for different kinds of activities and task, like for example, learning applications. The interaction of these applications with a computer is based on predefined input methods, whereas a touchscreen facilitates direct input via handwriting by using a finger or a pen. This paper deals with the invention of a mobile learning application, which is supposed to facilitate children’s learning of simple multiplication. The aim of this paper is to collect the data of children’ experiences using interactive handwriting on mobile devices. In order to gain this data, a school class of the school “Graz-Hirten” was tested and afterwards for evaluational purposes interviewed. The results of these usability tests have shown that children perceived handwriting via finger on screen as quite positive.

[Full text @ ResearchGate]

[Full text @ iJIM]

Reference: Rabko, M., Ebner, M. (2018) 1×1 Trainer with Handwriting Recognition. International Journal of Mobile Technologies (iJIM). 12/2. pp. 69-79. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v12i2.7714

[mooc] Learning to code: Programming with Pocket Code #imoox

We are very happy to announce our MOOC about “Learning to code: Programming with Pocket Code“. For the first time we will do it in English language to adress a broader public. If you are interested in learning coding on an Android phone this MOOC will be just perfect – and it doesn’t matter how old you are 🙂

There are many prejudices and fears about programming. With the help of Pocket Code, particularly children will gain initial experience with programming. A simple and visual user interface enables a playful implementation of your own ideas.
The course is designed for children and young people (age group 10-14 years) as well as teachers of all subjects. The main content includes creating your own games, interactive animations and apps with Pocket Code. At first, the structure and functionality of the app get presented. The participants learn how to use basic programming concepts such as conditionals, variables, events or parallelism. It is up to the children whether they take the course on their own or together with their parents.

[Enroll for the course for free right here]

[workshop] Social Meda & Mobile Learning #tugraz

Im Rahmen des CAS eLearning Zertifikatkurses darf ich das Modul “Social Media Learning & Mobile Learning” abhalten. Die dafür notwendigen Unterlagen sind hier nochmals übersichtlich dargestellt.

VORMITTAG: Social Media Learning

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NACHMITTAG: Mobile Learning

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[app] 1×1 Trainer reward #app #mobileLearning #android

Nach zahlreichen iOS-Apps gibt es nun wieder eine neue Version des 1×1-Trainers für Android mit dem klingenden Namen “1×1 Trainer reward”. Durch ein paar Gamification-Elemente hoffen wir, dass Kinder Spaß am Lernen haben.

Mit dem 1×1 Trainer lernst du leicht das Einmaleins! Schalte Tier für Tier frei, indem du die Aufgaben löst.
Der 1×1 Trainer bringt Kinder spielerisch an das Einmaleins heran. Durch das Freischalten von neuen Tieren und Hintergründen wird Kindern eine Aufgabe gestellt, die Spaß am Lernen von Multiplikationen machen soll.
Es kann sowohl online als auch offline gespielt werden. Die Statistiken aller Herausforderungen können auch eingesehen werden, wodurch man sieht was noch fehlt um ein bestimmtes Tier freizuschalten.

[Link zur App]

[Link zum 1×1 Trainer]

[presentation] 1×1 Trainer mit Handschrifterkennung #tugraz #ios #research

Im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit hat sich Michael mit der Handschrifterkennung beschäftigt und zwar für den 1×1-Trainer. Damit ist es nun möglich die Zahlen mit dem Finger/Stift einzugeben.

[Link zur App]

Hier die Folen seiner erfolgreichen Verteidigung der Masterarbeit:

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[publication] Mobile Applications for Encyclopedias #AustriaForum #mobileLearning

Paul developed within his master thesis mobile applications for the Austria Forum. We summarized this work in a chapter about “Mobile Applications for Encyclopedias” within the book “Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning. Perspectives on Rethinking and Reforming Education”.


In this research work a survey of tested mobile applications will be summarized, which were selected by a few defined prerequisites, and a brief overview is given of what is available in the corresponding stores. It will also be shown how the individual mobile applications for encyclopedias are presenting and providing information to users. This cover its visual representation and the manner in how information is retrieved. Additionally a new smart way will be introduced in which we can deal with information with a special focus to encyclopedias and mobile devices. The prototyped application carries out special features, which makes usage of mobile devices capabilities. The presented approach follows a slightly more aggressive way on how to bring information to users. For example it requires the permission of user and tells him/ her actively that there is an interesting piece of information close by his/ her location. Communication between the device and users is done using the notification system. To satisfy the needs of users a set of options will be presented so that they can customize time and number of notifications. Those settings shall also prevent the battery from draining to fast and give the user control about it. The outcome is a a prototype with a set of features which allows users to retrieve information based on their mood and their willingness of spending effort. If he/ she is eager to learn the application provides ways to support that. If he/ she just want some quick information there are ways to get it. And if he/ she wants a new way of information retrieval via mobile applications for encyclopedias the prototype offers the above mentioned possibility to do so

[Full article @ Springer]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Neuhold P., Ebner M., Maurer H. (2018) Mobile Applications for Encyclopedias. In: Yu S., Ally M., Tsinakos A. (eds) Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning. Perspectives on Rethinking and Reforming Education. Springer, Singapore. pp. 229-247 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-10-6144-8_14

[app] IDeRBlog App für iOS #LearningAnalytics

Wir haben nun für unser IDeRBlog-Projekt ein iOS-App entwickelt, damit man nicht nur über das Webinterface sondern gleich direkt am iPad die Texte eintippen kann. Damit soll die User-Experience, vor allem also die Eingabe, nochmals deutlich verbessert werden.

Hallo, schön, dass Du dich für IDeRBlog interessierst. Um die App benutzen zu können, muss Dein Lehrer einen Account für Dich anlegen. Wenn Deine Schule noch nicht beim IDeRBlog Projekt mitmacht, kannst sich Dein Lehrer auf IDeRBlog.eu informieren.

[Link zur App im App Store]

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