[publication] M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context- What is it about

Our publication at this year ED-Media Conference in Victoria, Canada about „M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context – What is it about“ is now online available.

Mobile devices are changing the social, educational and economic situation especially in developing countries. Based on recent scientific publications, conference reports and educational blogs meaningful trends and critical challenges with reference to Sub Saharan Africa are explored in this meta-study. Since mobile phones are increasingly affordable and accessible this has become one of the most important topics concerning future education in Sub Saharan Africa. They are seen as key technology for bringing educational opportunities to even the most marginalized populations. The development of and the needs for education in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) differs arbitrarily from other parts of the world. M-learning is one of the most emerging fields. This publication articulates and summarizes the wider issues raised by using mobile phones to deliver and enhance learning for dispersed population in Africa, Finally the key issues for further developments are pointed out to address the future needs for educational strategies.

M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context- What is it about by Martin

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Reference: Grimus, M. & Ebner, M. (2013). M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context- What is it about. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 2028-2033). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[publication] Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment

Our publication at this year ED-Media Conference in Victoria, Canada about „Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment“ is now online available.

Nowadays Learning Management Systems are an integrated part of educational institutions. Teachers as well as learners profit from the so-called Web 2.0 applications in their daily learning process. Communication and collaboration between students have been enhanced using mashups of Web 2.0 technologies. Smart mobile phones and the increased availability of free wireless network access points make the integration of all these tools in our personal daily life and personal learning process much easier than before. This publication focuses on the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) that was launched at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in 2010. It illustrates how the PLE at TU Graz has been extended to move towards mobile PLE. Furthermore the learning activities of about more than 4000 learners in the last two years are revealed based on the tracked user behavior. The activities and usage traces are modeled using domain specific semantic ontologies. The models are used as the input for our Analytics Dashboard to visualize statistics and get a quick overview of learning habits and overall reflection usages and activity dynamics in the PLE.

Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment by Martin

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Reference:Taraghi, B., Softic, S., Ebner, M. & De Vocht, L. (2013). Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 2466-2475). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[masterthesis] Relevant Information and Information Visualization for Lecturers in Web-Based Audience Response Systems

Karin did her masterthesis about Realfeedback and made a worthful contribution to the visualisation possibilities for ARS-Systems. Find here her presentation of the masterthesis:

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If you like to try the application then do it here for free.

[presentation] Discussing Public Voting in the Web as a Measure to Democratize Award Decisions

Our presentation at this year SocialMedia 2013 conference about „Discussing Public Voting in the Web as a Measure to Democratize Award Decisions“ is now online available:

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[masterthesis] Echtzeit-Interaktionsformen für Web-Inhalte

Im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit hat Josef Wachtler ein System entwickelt, indem er versucht bei Online-Events in der Lehre die Aufmerksamkeit zu erhöhen:

Diese Arbeit dokumentiert die Entwicklung und die Evaluation eines Web-Portals zur Bereitstellung von verschiedenen Interaktionsformen während der Präsentation von beliebigen Echtzeit Web-Inhalten zu festgelegten Zeiten. Da die Interaktion und die Kommunikation als wichtige Bestandteile des E-Learnings angesehen werden, zielt das entwickelte Web-Portal auf eine Verwendung in diesem Bereich, hauptsächlich zur Unterstützung von Vorlesungsübertragungen über das Internet, ab. Somit wird es ermöglicht, dass die bzw. der Vortragende, Fragen an die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer stellen kann, ähnlich wie mit einem sogenannten Audience Response System. Außerdem ist auch die umgekehrte Richtung der Fragestellung möglich. Dadurch soll die Erhaltung bzw. Erhöhung der Mitarbeit und der Aufmerksamkeit der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer erreicht werden. Ebenfalls wird eine Berechnung des Aufmerksamkeitsgrads auf Basis der Mitarbeit an den Interaktionsformen, zur Bereitstellung eines Feedbacks, durchgeführt. Die Evaluation zeigt, dass das Potential zur Verbesserung der Aufmerksamkeit durch das Web-Portal gegeben ist, jedoch hängt der erfolgreiche Einsatz stark von der aktiven Unterstützung sowohl durch die Vortragenden als auch von der Mitarbeit durch die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer ab.

Hier die Folien seiner Defense:

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[video] Rückschau auf die iUNIg-Tagung

Zur iUNIg-Tagung im letzten November „Warum E-Books (nicht) funktionieren“ gibt es nun auch einen kleinen Film:


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[TedTalk] Sugata Mitra: Eine Schule in der Cloud

Ich kann nur eines empfehlen – 22 Minuten Zeit reservieren, zurücklehnen und den Talk genießen. Ich bin fasziniert über das Vorgehen und noch mehr über die Ergebnisse:

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[conference] EMOOCs 2014

EMOOCs 2014, Lausanne
EMOOCs 2014, Lausanne
It’s a great pleasure to announce the EMOOCs 2014, the „Second MOOC European Stakeholders Summit“ in Lausanne, February 12-14 2014. Due to the fact that I am a member of the program committee of the Research Track I also like to point you on the Call for Papers (deadline 20th september 2013):

EMOOCs 2014, the Second MOOC European Stakeholders Summit, will be held on February 10-12, 2014 in Lausanne (Switzerland).

Organised by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and P.A.U. Education the event aims to be an opportunity to gather European actors involved in the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) phenomenon, from policy makers to practitioners and researchers. This conference is the follow-up of the MOOC Summit 2013.

The goal of the summit is to develop synergies among European universities around themes such as student assessment, MOOC accreditation, platform interoperability or joint research initiatives.

The conference will include four tracks (Policy, Experience, Research and Business), with 5 sessions of 90 minutes and a keynote speaker. EMOOCs 2014 will also offer a series of workshops, meetings and the tutorial “All you need to know about MOOCs”.

[Homepage of the conference]

[presentation] Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses

Our presentation at this year HCII 2013 conference about „Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses“ is now online available:

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