[masterthesis] Relevant Information and Information Visualization for Lecturers in Web-Based Audience Response Systems

Karin did her masterthesis about Realfeedback and made a worthful contribution to the visualisation possibilities for ARS-Systems. Find here her presentation of the masterthesis:

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[iphone] Realfeedback App

Bildschirmfoto 2013-06-21 um 21.09.02Im Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2013” ist die App Realfeedback entstanden. Damit ist es möglich das Audience Response System der TU Graz Realfeedback direkt mit einer native App am iPhone / iPad zu verwenden.

RealFeedback makes it easy to ask questions and get answers, like polling your audience during a lecture. The creator makes a project, adds some questions and shares the project ID with the participants. Each question can be activated individually. As soon as a question is active, participants can answer it until the creator closes it. Then the results are shown to the creator and all participants.

[Link zur App]

[masterthesis] Quantitative Digital Backchannel: Developing a Web-Based Audience Response System for Measuring Audience Perception in Large Lectures

Christian did his masterthesis about a quantitative backchannel for mass-interaction in large lecture halls. Find here his presentation of the masterthesis:

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