We did a workshop about “Experiences with Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom” at this year’s ED-Media conference and had great discussions. Thanks a lot to all the participants. All notes are documented and available here.
[podcast] Flipped Classroom für Großgruppen #tugraz #flippedclassroom #telucation
Es freut uns, dass wir nun den neuten Teil unserer Podcast-Serie “Lehren – Lernen – Lauschen” auf der TELucation-Webseite zur Verfügung stellen können. Diesesmal sprechen Alexander Steinmaurer und Aleksandar Karakaš über ihre Erfahrungen:
Maria Grandl spricht in diesem Podcast über ihren Massive Alexander Steinmaurer und Aleksandar Karakaš vom Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science erzählen, wie sie in der Online-Lehre mit Großgruppen Flipped Classroom einsetzen und ein gutes Betreuungsverhältnis sowie Feedbackmöglichkeiten schaffen.
[09 Flipped Classroom für Großgruppen]
Und nicht übersehen – der Podcast ist auch in allen gängigen Portalen verfügbar:
[presentation] Introducing Augmented Reality at Secondary Colleges of Engineering
Thanks to Andreas – he gave a short presentaion of his exciting work about the use of augmented reality in classroom at an engineering school in Austria at this year International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (E&PDE2018).
Here you can find his slides:
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[publication] Practical Usage of OER Material in the EFL Classroom #OER #reseach #OpenEducation
We did a publication about “Practical Usage of OER Material in the EFL Classroom” and give an overview about daily barriers when you try to use OER in classrooms. The findings are for sure interesting.
In this research work, we want to follow the idea of using open educational resources (OER) in a classroom to gather practical experiences. The topic of our choice is English as a foreign language (EFL), because in our opinion a lot of teaching content should be available. The preparation of the lectures, as well as the final lecturing, is described to understand how OER can be used in the EFL classroom. The feedback of the pupils and the lessons learned point out that there are more obstacles than expected, mainly because of the strict copyright law in German-speaking Europe.
[Full Chapter @ Book Homepage]
Reference: Maria Haas, Martin Ebner and Sandra Schön (July 18th 2018). Practical Usage of OER Material in the EFL Classroom, Advanced Learning and Teaching Environments Núria Llevot, IntechOpen, pp. 123-136 DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.72452.
[itug] iPads in the Classroom
The second volume of our book series “Internet-Technology and Society” (ITuG) is now published. It’s about our experiences with the use of iPads in classrooms. Sabrina’s master thesis with the title “iPads in the Classroom” is now online available.
The current media landscape is changing and growing at a fast pace which is increasingly affecting the school sector. Numerous schools all over the world have already focused on the value added to lessons by tablet computers, such as Apple’s iPad. A myriad of learning applications and ways to transfer subject matters are provided on and through such devices. However, at the present time, there is little experience with respect to the didactically reasonable inclusion of tablets in schools. Therefore, the motivation of this book, which is based on a diploma thesis, is to provide a general overview of the didactical integration of tablets, in this case, Apple’s iPad. Within a field experiment educational apps are being tested and evaluated according to the Austrian curriculum for foreign languages as well as iOS Human Interface Guidelines that focus on user interface and user experience
The book is published by our partner Book-on-Demand.
Reference: Huber, S. (2012) iPads in the Classroom, Ebner, M. & Schön, S. (ed.), Internet-Technology and Society, Volume 2, Book on Demand, Norderstedt
[publication] First Experiences with OLPC in European Classrooms
Our publication on “First Experiences with OLPC in European Classrooms” is now online as Draftversion available.
For many years now E-learning researchers have been discussing the use of laptops in educational settings. The One Laptop per Child project, (OLPC project), has been used in developing countries since the year 2002 to avoid the increase of the digital divide between those with ready access to technology and those with limited access. Austria has become one of the first countries in the European Union (EU) to start an OLPC-project of its own. The focus of the project was on the use of digital devices in education at elementary school level. Accompanied by a solid research team, which brought teachers, e-learning experts and a software developer together, a first attempt was established. This article will describe the preliminary work and the first real life setting of this project, concluding with the experiences of the whole research group. It will also summarize a recommendation for the transfer of the project to developing countries.
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Reference: Ebner, M., Dorfinger, J. & Neuper, W. (2011). First Experiences With OLPC in European Classrooms. International Journal on E-Learning, 10(4), 343-‐364. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
[video] The Class
Yeah, nice video of “real problems” by using technology in classroom – do not talk about it, just do it:
(via Digital Ethnography)