[publication] Trends and Opportunities in Online Learning, MOOCs, and Cloud-Based Tools #research

Our article about „Trends and Opportunities in Online Learning, MOOCs, and Cloud-Based Tools“ within the Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education got published.


Online learning, in particular massive open online courses (MOOCs) and cloud-based tools, is on the move. This chapter takes a deeper look at opportunities and possibilities that might be provided to K-12 education through these emerging tools. The chapter summarizes experiences, case studies, and examples that illustrate where technology-enhanced learning is heading.

[Full article @ Springer]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Chang V., Gütl C., Ebner M. (2018) Trends and Opportunities in Online Learning, MOOCs, and Cloud-Based Tools. In: Voogt J., Knezek G., Christensen R., Lai KW. (eds) Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham

[publication] Using Cloud Services in a Modern Learning Management System

Our publication „Using Cloud Services in a Modern Learning Management System“ as part of a Special Issue of the Journal of Computing and Information Technology (CIT) has been published online.

LMS (Learning Management Systems) today are being widely used in almost every educational facility. In the last years all conceivable use cases that need to be carried out by such LMS have been defined and the features a modern LMS needs to offer are very clear. Rarely do we find something a teacher or student needs that an LMS cannot offer. So the task for LMS developers shifted from offering all tools a teacher or student needs to make these tools as convenient to use as possible. Our goal in this research work is to describe the web services we use in TeachCenter, an LMS that has been widely used for the past years at Graz University of Technology to simplify the use of certain components. It can be pointed out that cloud services have to be an integral part of a modern LMS.

[Link to full article]

Reference: Scerbakov, A., Ebner, M., Scerbakov, N. (2015) Using Cloud Services in a Modern Learning Management System, Journal for Computing and Information Technology (CIT), 23/1, pp. 75-86 [.pdf]

[video] Chromebook

Google liefert wieder einmal etwas was für Zündstoff sorgen wird – Chrombook. Ein kleines Notebook mit einem Betriebssystem welches nur mehr webbasiert ist. Sämtliche Dienste sind online und daher ein reiner CloudComputing-Ansatz.
Also ist es nun soweit, worüber seit Jahren diskutiert wird – man braucht nur mehr einen Client mit Internetanschluss um arbeiten zu können. Nun ich bin gespannt, wie es sich durchsetzt und wo die Grenzen liegen, aber es ist wohl ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung: