[presentation] Mining and Visualizing Usage of Educational Systems Using Linked Data

Our presentation about „Mining and Visualizing Usage of Educational Systems Using Linked Data“ at this year 4th European Immersive Education Summit is now online available. Here are the slides:

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[publication] Adaptive Learner Profiling Provides the Optimal Sequence of Posed Basic Mathematical Problems

Our publication about „Adaptive Learner Profiling Provides the Optimal Sequence of Posed Basic Mathematical Problems“ at this year EC-TEL conference is now available.

Applications that try to enhance learners’ knowledge can profit by the creation and analysis of learner profiles. This work deals with the derivation of an optimal sequence of questions by comparing similar learning behaviour of users of a mathematics training application. The adaptation of the learners’ clusters to the answers of the revised optimal question sequence improves learning

Reference: Taraghi, B., Saranti, A., Ebner, M., Großmann, A., Müller, V. (2014) Adaptive Learner Profiling Provides the Optimal Sequence of Posed Basic Mathematical Problems. In: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities. Rensing, C., de Freitas, S., Ley, T., Muñoz-Merino, P. J. (Ed.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8719, Springer 2014, pp. 592-59

[Link to .pdf at Springer]

[publication] Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics

Our contribution to 8th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoCs on „Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics“ is now online available.

Building a cloud-based e-learning platform using the approach of the research field of learning analytics is the overall goal of this research study. With the strengths of a cloud service it is possible to add value to the learning process for all stakeholders. With such a solution, the process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data becomes rather easily.
This research study aims to introduce a novel platform to generate interactive e-books. In order to create digitalized forms of exercise books for primary school children, additional features have to be added to gain acceptance by such an idea. The evolution of new e-book standards as EPUB in its version 3.0 makes it possible to generate those additional features. The developments of the platform as well as each interactive exercise, which can be done are described in detail. Finally the weakness and the strength of the approach is discussed. The study concluded that the approach offers huge potential for tomorrow’s learning behaviors

Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Prettenthaler, C., Hamada, M. (2014) Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics, Proceedings of IEEE 8th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoCs, pp. 116-122

[presentation] How to MOOC? – A pedagogical guideline for practitioners

Our presentation at this year „10th International Scientific Conference on eLearning and software for Education“ about „How to MOOC? – A pedagogical guideline for practitioners“ is now online available:

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[presentation] Unterstützung von videobasiertem Unterricht durch Interaktionen

Die zweite Präsentation im Rahmen der iUNIG-Tagung in Graz hat Josef gehalten über sein Dissertationsvorhaben – das System LIVE kann man übrigens auch hier gerne testen:

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Open Commons_Kongress

Das Programm für den Open Commons_Kongress in Linz vom 20-21.05.2014 ist nun online. Es wird zwar persönlich etwas stressig, da ich am Nachmittag auch noch einen weiteren Vortrag in Graz halte, dennoch erschien es mir sehr wichtig, dort L3T und die Entstehung des OER-Buches vorzustellen:

Der Vortrag stellt das Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien (L3T) vor, welches im August 2013 von mehr als 280 Personen im Rahmen eines Booksprints erstellt wurde. Dabei wird der Sprint selbst beschrieben und die Logistik des offenen Verfahrens erläutert. Das Buch ist seither als CC-BY-SA erhältlich und hat zusammen mit der ersten Auflage in ca. 3 Jahren mehr als 300.000 Downloads erzielt. Das Projekt gilt heute als Vorreiter für OER im deutschsprachigen Raum.

[podcast] Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenors’ perspective

Swapna’s and my talk about „Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenors’ perspective“ at this year EMOOCs conference is now online available as recording. The slides as well as the publication can be already find in the blog.


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[publication] Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenors’ perspective

Our publication on „Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenors’ perspective“ for this year E-MOOC 2014 conference ist now online available. The whole conference proceeding can be downloaded here.

This paper shares the experiences of offering the community-oriented MOOC called “COER13” with a special focus on how the convenors perceived the collaborative endeavor of planning and implementing this cMOOC and lessons learnt in the process. COER13, the “Online Course on Open Educational Resources (OER)”, aimed at increasing awareness of open educational resources and was offered in a joint venture in spring/summer 2013 by eight e-learning experts from Austria and Germany with affiliations to five different institutions. The course was designed for participants to become knowledgeable about OER and finally to generate small OER-piece. It attracted over 1000 registered participants and instigated lively discussions spread over various social media communication channels. The convenors’ experience will be described and discussed on the basis of interviews with five of the eight convenors, led and analyzed by an external expert. Final recommendations might benefit future (teams of) convenors of (c)MOOCs.

Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenors’ perspective by Martin

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Reference: Arnold, P., Kumar, S., Thillosen, A. & Ebner, M. (2014) Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenor’s perspective, In: Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2014, Cress, U. & Kloos, C. D. (Ed.), p. 184-188

[publication] Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math-Coach

Our publication at this year IADIS Conference about our Multi-Math-Trainer ist now online available. And we like to invite everyone to use it 🙂 .

Individual learning is out of sync with the elements of a curricula and the daily program of a teacher. At a time when multidigit multiplication methods are taught, many children are not perfectly performing the basic multiplication table. Teachers organize settings for learning and they usually have no time to give an individual feedback to every single student. Furthermore they have no physiological capacity to produce statistics and to investigate the probable causes of errors. Our goal is to give teachers a tool to help them to review and train some typical requirements for written multiplying. We use the ubiquity of the Internet and provide on different devices free applications with written multiplication problems. All data are collected centrally and are used to determine typical errors. These data could also be used to answer further new questions and test new hypothesis. This is one aspect of Learning Analytics. The given tasks are automatically adapted to the skill level of a student. Teachers can see every detail of the solution process of every task. But really useful is that teachers can see the typical problems of each student as well as of the whole class every time at a glance. They need just a connection to the database with a web browser – anywhere, anytime.

Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math- Coach by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M., Taraghi, B., Steyrer, M. (2013) Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math- Coach, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2013, Nunes, M. B. & McPherson, M. (Ed.), Prague, IADIS Press, p. 183-190

[call, conference] Symposium: VIDEO: Didaktik – Technik – Hochschullehre

iUNIG-Tagung 2014Es freut uns ankündigen zu können, dass die Interuniversitäre Initiative für Neue Medien Graz, kurz iUNIG, nun bereits ihre 6 Veranstaltung am 24. und 25. April 2014 durchführen wird. Diesesmal steht das Symposium ganz im Zeichen von Videos, wie diese zur Lehre ein- und umgesetzt werden.
Es gibt auch einen Call for Papers und damit verbunden einer Publikationsmöglichkeit in der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE).
Alle Details bzw. auch die Anmeldung zur Tagung findet man hier.