[presentation] Stephen Downes über Personal Learning Environment

Also die Aschenwolke hat doch etwas Gutes: Stephen Downes konnte nicht nach Finnland fliegen und zeichnete seinen Vortrag daher auf, wodurch wir alle in den Genuss kommen. Nachdem wir uns ja auch an der TU Graz stark mit dem Thema Personal Learning Environment auseinandersetzen, interessierte es mich natürlich sehr was Stephen dazu zu sagen hat. Nun ich stimme nur bedingt zu, aber gebe recht, dass eine PLE auch für mich der nächste Schritt ist.

(via Stephen’s Web)

New Education Wave (N-Ed Wave)?

After my talk at the Online Round Table about „EduPunk a really interesting debate started online. Fascinating how many people agreed and some other disagreed. I am quite happy with such a situation due to the fact the scientific discussions help to improve future education.
However I would like to list all the statements on the Web:

  • Stephen mentioned „Martin is seeking to open up the VLE and apply the ideas of edupunk in an institutional context [and not as] as subversive or a challenge to the establishment but rather as a way of enhancing the teaching and learning environment,“ I want to call it N-Ed Wave or some such thing. [Link]
  • Graham disagreed „I am not convinced about the movement from punk to New Wave. But as I said in my original article, we need to establish edupunk as having a meaning in its own right. The music analogy is getting stretched and has limited further purchase.“ [Link]
  • Frances pointed out „Having checked out these and previous responses on Edupunk, I realise that I have missed a dimension that Chris Sessums captures in his response to a blog post on a previous Edupunk sessions“[Link]
  • And of course also Steve shares his opinion „No, Edupunk promises to do for education what Punk did for music. Punk gave the British music industry a much need shot in the arm and saved it from stagnation. I also said that sometimes you need to be destructive in order to be creative“ [Link]
  • Gemma summarized my ideas as „While Ebner isn’t as revolutionary as he tries to find a way to open VLE to free contents and tools.“ [Link]

I like to thank again for discussing this important topic and I am sure that we are all on the right way to enhance our education. If anyone likes to more know about all the stuff we are doing right now there is also a publication online available.