[publication] Adaptive Learner Profiling Provides the Optimal Sequence of Posed Basic Mathematical Problems

Our publication about “Adaptive Learner Profiling Provides the Optimal Sequence of Posed Basic Mathematical Problems” at this year EC-TEL conference is now available.

Applications that try to enhance learners’ knowledge can profit by the creation and analysis of learner profiles. This work deals with the derivation of an optimal sequence of questions by comparing similar learning behaviour of users of a mathematics training application. The adaptation of the learners’ clusters to the answers of the revised optimal question sequence improves learning

Reference: Taraghi, B., Saranti, A., Ebner, M., Großmann, A., Müller, V. (2014) Adaptive Learner Profiling Provides the Optimal Sequence of Posed Basic Mathematical Problems. In: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities. Rensing, C., de Freitas, S., Ley, T., Muñoz-Merino, P. J. (Ed.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8719, Springer 2014, pp. 592-59

[Link to .pdf at Springer]

[publication] Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education

Our publication about “Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education” at this year EC-TEL conference is now available.

The e-book market is currently in a strong upswing. This research study deals with the question which practical uses the e-book format EPUB3 offers for (higher) education. By means of a didactic content analysis, a range of interactive exercise types were developed as a result of conversations with teachers. For this purpose, a didactic and technical concept has been developed. Different kinds of exercises were prototypically implemented in an e-book. In summary, it can be remarked that EPUB3 is suitable for a variety of different exercises and that it is able to serve as a basic format for forthcoming digital textbooks. Furthermore the openness of EPUB3 will assist Open Learning and Teaching in a meaningful way.

Reference: Gailer, C., Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Lackner, E., Raunig, M., Scerbakov, A. (2014) Potential of EPUB3 for Digital Textbooks in Higher Education. In: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities. Rensing, C., de Freitas, S., Ley, T., Muñoz-Merino, P. J. (Ed.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8719, Springer 2014, pp. 564-565

[Link to .pdf at Springer]

[poster] Learning Analytics und EPUB3

We are presenting two posters at this year EC-TEL conference in Graz. One is about Learning Analytics and one about the potential of eBooks:

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[publication] A Simple MVC Framework for Widget Development

Our publication on ”A Simple MVC Framework for Widget Development” for this year ECTEL-Conference is now online. Slides have been already published here.

The great advantage of a Rich Internet Application (RIA) is the improved performance, since a great part of the processing can be done on the client-side rather than the server-side. For many web-based RIAs JavaScript (JS) is the most common programming language as it is popular as a script language for browsers. While server-side programming languages have the advantages of object oriented programming paradigm, JS bases on objects with a specific object literal notation. Using design architectures such as Model View Controller (MVC) in JS reduces the code complexity and allows semi-parallel application development. It causes an easier and much less time-consuming development on further extensions of RIAs. Web-based widgets are actually RIAs. In this paper a very simple design pattern for widget development is introduced that bases on MVC design architecture. The pattern has been applied during the development phase of widgets for the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) and
is mostly appropriate for students and RIA developers who have beginner knowledge/experience in JS programming.

Reference: Taraghi, B.; Ebner, M. (2010) A Simple MVC Framework for Widget Development. – in: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Mashup Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE10), S. 1 – 8

[publication] @twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets

Our publication on “@twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets” for this year Research 2.0 Workshop at ECTEL Conference is now online available. The slides you will find here.

The microblogging platform Twitter is beside Facebook the fastest growing social networking application of the last years. It is used in different ways, e.g. to enhance events (conferences) by sending updates, hyperlinks or other data as a news-stream to a broader public. Until now the stream ends with the end of the event. In this publication a new application is introduced that allows information retrieval and knowledge discovery by searching through local stored tweets related to a corresponding event. The architecture of the prototype is described as well as how the data is being accessed by a web application and a local client. It can be stated that making tweets available after the end of an event, enhances the way we deal with information in future.

Reference: Mühlburger, H.; Ebner, M.; Taraghi, B., (2010) @twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets. – in: Research 2.0 approaches to TEL. (2010), S. 76 – 85, Workshop Proceeding, ECTEL 2010, [Link]

[presentation] @twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets

Our presentation about “@twitter Try out #Grabeeter to Export, Archive and Search Your Tweets” for this year ECTEL-Conference is now online. We will talk about our application concerning the export of tweets and the offline searchability: Grabeeter. Slides which are presented within the Workshop Research 2.0:

[CfP] Research 2.0 at ECTEL 2010

Ich möchte auf einen Call for Papers hinweisen: Workshop Research 2.0 bei der diesjährigen ECTEL Konferenz:

As a follow-up to a successful workshop on the same theme at ECTEL09, we are organizing a workshop on Research2.0 approaches to TEL research at ECEL10.
Research2.0 is in essence a Web2.0 approach to how we do research. Research2.0 creates conversations between researchers, enables them to discuss their findings and connects them with others. Thus, Research2.0 can accelerate the diffusion of knowledge.

Topics for this workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Evaluation of existing Research2.0 tools and infrastructures from a TEL perspective
  • Development of TEL-related use case scenarios for Research2.0 tools and infrastructures
  • Influence of Research2.0 tools and technologies on scientific practices in TEL
  • Formats and protocols for Research2.0 data exchange (linked data, RSS, BuRST, …)
  • Ownership and privacy of research information
  • Practices of the diverse Technology Enhanced Learning disciplines, and how Research2.0 can influence them

[publication] Personal Learning Environments for Higher Education: A Mashup Based Widget Concept

Our paper about “Personal Learning Environment for Higher Education – A MashUp Based Widget Concept” within the MUPPLE 09 Workshop at this year ECTEL conference is now online available (presentation).

Due to the enormous growth of distributed applications, services, tools and resources, it is not easy for end users to come across existing services, manage and use them in a matter which is customized according to their personal needs. Mashups can be a very interesting approach to overcome challenges of distributed (unknown) services. Using mashups in a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) can help to connect resources and applications in one environment customized to the needs of individual users. In this paper a first approach and the concept of a PLE especially for higher education is described. The technological concept is introduced and design issues are pointed out as well as the first prototype is described.

Reference:Taraghi, B.; Ebner, M.; Schaffert, S. (2009) Personal Learning Environment for Higher Education – A MashUp Based Widget Concept, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mashup Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE09), Nice, France, 2009, ISSN 1613-0073, Vol-506, https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-506/