[publication] Potential of Bots for Encyclopedia #tugraz #research #bot

We are very pleased that our short chapter about “Potential of Bots for Encyclopedia” for the special issue on Digital Heritage and Related Tools got pusblished.

The wide range of applications and the capability to process and understand natural languages made chatbots very popular. Besides that, many applications chatbots are also used as information retrieval tools. Chatbots are changing the way users search for information. This document focuses on a chatbot that is used as an information retrieval tool. The chatbot enables information search in natural language in a geography domain. In case of a large number of search results, the chatbot engages users with clarification questions. It also provides support to users when uploading multimedia content to the website.

[full article @ journal’s homepage]
[full article @ researchgate]

Reference: Saracevic, M., Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2020) Potential of Bots for Encyclopedia. In: Special issue – “Digital Heritage and Related Tools“, Maurer, H. (ed.). IPSI BgD Transactions. 16(1). pp. 54-60

[publication] Microblogs #research

For the first time in my life I was invited to contribute to an encyclopedia – “The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet” about the topic microblogging.


Blogs and microblogs are used for communication, knowledge management, and publishing. Blog is simply a shortened version of weblog, a coinage of “web” and “log,” representing an information system that lists diary entries online. Microblogs can be seen as consisting of shorter blog entries. This entry further defines microblogs, then discusses the process of microblogging and how it functions as a means of mass communication.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M. (2018) Microblogging. The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Internet. Warf, B. (ed.). pp. 640-641. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781473960367.n183