[conference] University Future Festival 2025 #tugraz

Es freut uns, dass wir ankündigen können, dass die TU Graz nächstes Jahr am 13.5.2025 eine Partnerbühne für das University Future Festival anbieten wird. Wir haben dazu das Thema „KI-Applikationen an der Hochschule“ gewählt und der Call for Participation ist bis 20.1.2025 geöffnet.

Wir freuen uns auf viele Interessierte die sich live vor Ort mit uns austauschen wollen, wir werden versuchen ein tolles Programm zusammenzustellen.

[Link zum Call]

[mooc] Woche 6 im MOOC „Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien II“ #tugraz #imoox #bildungstechnologie #lul24

Und schon sind wir in der sechsten und damit letzten Woche beim MOOC „Lehren und Lernen mit Medien II“. Unglaublich, wie schnell die Zeit immer vergeht 🙂 .
Zum Abschluss geht es um offene und partizipative Lehr- und Lernkonzepte am Beispiel des problembasierten Lernens und ich selbst probiere mich an der Frage was denn die Zukunft von digitalen Bildungstechnologien so bringen könnte.

Hier das Video zu „Bildungstechnologien – Quo Vadis?“, vorgetragen mit einem meiner Lieblings-T-Shirts 🙂 :


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Primär sind Lehramtsstudierende die Zielgruppe des MOOCs, aber natürlich darf jeder mitmachen der daran Interesse hat. Wir freuen uns, wenn möglichst viele von dem Angebot profitieren und mit uns gemeinsam die nächsten Wochen diskutieren. Die Anmeldung ist komplett kostenfrei, wie man es von iMooX.at gewohnt ist 🙂

[Link zur kostenlosen Anmeldeseite]

[publication] WhatsApp’s Reign and Email’s Consistency: A Longitudinal Study of Communication Preferences of Study Beginners at TU Graz (2011-2023) #tugraz #study

Our publication at this year’s ED-Media conference was the result of the annual evaluation „WhatsApp’s Reign and Email’s Consistency: A Longitudinal Study of Communication Preferences of Study Beginners at TU Graz (2011-2023)

Within the last 12 years, more than 11.800 students participated in annual surveys during the university’s “Welcome Days” amongst study beginners at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in Austria. This paper presents an analysis of the digital communication tool from 2011 to 2023. The 2023 iteration provided insights into the prevailing trends, including the dominance of WhatsApp for both general and learning use, the notable reliance on email, and the increasing role of privacy-focused applications such as Signal and Telegram. We also observed a sustained interest in multipurpose devices over single-function gadgets, an upsurge in smartwatch usage, and a diversification in social media and leisure platforms, reflecting a shift towards more engaging and interactive digital experiences. This paper contributes to the discourse on educational technology by highlighting the intersection of student preferences, technological advancement, and institutional support, setting a precedent for future-proofing learning support in higher education.

[article @ publisher’s homepage]
[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Nagler, W., Mair, B., Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S. & Schön, S. (2024). WhatsApp’s Reign and Email’s Consistency: A Longitudinal Study of Communication Preferences of Study Beginners at TU Graz (2011-2023). In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 73-82). Brussels, Belgium: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 22, 2024 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/224506/.

[publication] Introduction to ‘The Future of Learning’ #education #book #chapter

I manged the section „Future of Learning“ for the book Learning with Technologies and Technologies in Learning:

This section deals with the “future of learning” and asked for contributions dealing with meta-studies ore forecasts. This is not a simple task because we all know from the pandemic that changes are unpredictable sometimes. Anyway, we are very happy that seven groups of researchers out of more than 23 proposals tried to give us insights to their research. Those 7 publications deal with different topics—meta studies, Social Interaction and communication, Open Educational Resources, Augmented and Virtual Reality.

[chapter @ book’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Rerference: Ebner, M. (2022). Introduction to ‘The Future of Learning’. In: Auer, M.E., Pester, A., May, D. (eds) Learning with Technologies and Technologies in Learning. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 456. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04286-7_1

[mooc] Chefs in future integrated health care #imoox #medunigraz

It’s a pleasure to announce the start of the MOOC „Chefs in future integrated health care“ at our platform iMooX.at

Course information:
The promotion of active and healthy ageing throughout the „whole life course“ represents an essential objective of today’s society. There is growing recognition that robust health promotion strategies are needed to prevent and postpone age-related diseases, which in turn can affect the functionality and independent living. Within this context, a healthy, tasty and adequate needs-based diet is an effective strategy to combat or delay malnutrition, sarcopenia and frailty, thus improving people’s quality of life and preventing older adults from morbidity and disability. The quality, taste and composition of food not only influence nutritional intake and consumption, but also the quality of life of patients and elderly people itself. Especially in health and social care, factors such as the age of the individual person, disease-related conditions, as well as the quality, nutritional value and taste of food served should be given great consideration to ensure adequate nutrition for patients. Consequently, the meals offered ought to satisfy quality standards as well as provide individual nutritional requirements, taking food preferences and individual problems with food intake into account.
Due to the increasing relevance of the profession of chefs in this context and especially for the future nutrition care team in the setting of social and health care (e.g. hospitals, nursing homes, home care), the aim is to close current qualification gaps of this professional occupation through a pilot course and the present MOOC.

As usual all courses at iMooX.at are for free – so feel welcome to register here: [starting page of the course]

[publication] MOOCs and their Role for Future Education #imoox #moochub

I just wrote a short essay about „MOOCs and their Role for Future Education“ for the Education Technology Insight Magazin (website). The original article has been published on their website.

[Link to article]
[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M. (2021) MOOCs and their Role for Future Education. Education Technology Insights. https://distance-and-remote-learning-europe.educationtechnologyinsights.com/cxoinsights/moocs-and-their-role-for-future-education-nid-1525.html

[presentation] www – was wirkt weiter? Hochschule virtuell #covid19 #future

Im Rahmen einer internen Weiterbildung an der PH Steiermark habe ich versucht ein wenig aus der einjährigen Erfahrung in der digitalen Lehre eine Bilanz zu ziehen. Damit sollte auch ein Anstoß gegeben werden, darüber nachzudenken, wie sich vielleicht die Hochschullehre auch verändern wird. Hier sind die zugehörigen Folien:

Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von www.slideshare.net zu laden.

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Horizon Report 2021 – Teaching and Learning Edition #horizonreport #edtech #educationaltechnology

Jedes Jahr gibt uns der Horizon Report eine Idee was die derzeigen Trends und Entwicklungen im Berich Educational Technology weltweit sein. Aufgrund der CoVid19-Pandemie haben sich nun doch auch deutliche Änderungen ergeben oder es sind gänzlich neue Punkte aufgetreten, wie z. B das Thema der hybriden Lehre.

Kurzum ich kann nur empfehlen den Bericht anzusehen, aber wer gleich wissen möchte was die Key-Trends sind, hier sind diese einmal gelistet:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Blended and Hybrid Course Models
  • Learning Analytics
  • Microcredentialing
  • Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • Quality Online Learning

Besonders freut uns auch, dass auf S. 26 explizit auf das österreichisches Projekt Open Education Austria Advanced verwiesen wird:

Der Bericht kann hier heruntergeladen werden [Horizon Report 2021]

Book Project: Learning with Technologies in Learning #cfp #elearning #research #springer

There is a new book project we would like to invite interested authors named „Learning with Technologies in Learning

In six sections (see sections’ calls for chapters), this edited volume aims to contribute to the discussion about how to agree upon standards to design and organize learning with technologies, how to streamline future developments using online delivery, multimedia content as well as machine learning in educational settings in higher education and respective institutions, and how to put respective measures for quality assurance and validation processes into practice. This work will present a rich resource for contemporary and future design considerations in technology supported higher education.

We plan to publish this book in the first half of 2022 in Springer publishing house (Cham). At this point, we are in negotiations about the book with the publisher and expect a final decision by and contract signing with Springer by mid-April. Nevertheless, not to lose time, we start our work already now and invite you to participate with your valued knowledge and experience by submitting an abstract:

– Call for Paper publication: March 31, 2021
– Chapter manuscript proposals due (2-page abstract): April 30, 2021
– Feedback and manuscript invitation (pending publisher decision): May 15, 2021
Full chapter manuscripts due: September 15, 2021
– Notification of reviewers’ feedback: October 15, 2021
– Final chapter manuscript submission: October 29, 2021
– Notification of final decision: November 15, 2021
– Expected publication date: First half 2022

Find here the final call for contributions:
[Call for book chapter proposals]

[presentation] Why the hell do we need e-Learning? #tugraz #elearning #research

Ich darf heute am P@DDay in Saarbrücken eine Keynote halten mit dem Titel „Why the hell do we need e-Learning?„. Hier gibt es meine Folien dazu:

Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von www.slideshare.net zu laden.

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