[lecture] iOS Human Interface Guidelines For iOS-Platforms #iOS #tugraz

Together with my colleagues Markus Ebner & Mohammad Khalil we did the introduction to the HCI guidlines for iOS in our lecture “Mobile Applications”. Enjoy and reuse the slides:

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[publication] Guidelines for Leveraging University Didactics Centers to Support OER Uptake in German-Speaking Europe #OER #research #article

Our publication on “Guidelines for Leveraging University Didactics Centers to Support OER Uptake in German-Speaking Europe” is now published as part of the Special Issue Models of Open Education in Higher Education.

Although less well established than in other parts of the world, higher education institutions in German-speaking countries have seen a marked increase in the number of open educational resource (OER) initiatives and in government-supported OER funding in recent years. OER implementation, however, brings with it a unique set of challenges in German-speaking higher education contexts, stemming in part from copyright laws and use permissions that have made sharing and reuse of educational materials less prevalent. The article discusses how instructional development centers, including university didactics centers (hochschuldidaktische Zentren) and e-learning centers, can play a key role in faculty uptake and adoption of OER, and concludes by proposing a set of OER implementation guidelines that leverage the expertise and interfacing role of these centers in German-speaking countries.

[Full article @ ResearchGate]

[Full article @ Journal Homepage]

Citation: Ebner, M., Schön, S., & Kumar, S. (2016). Guidelines for leveraging university didactics centers to support OER uptake in German-speaking Europe. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(39). https://dx.doi.org/10.14507/epaa.24.1856

[publication] How to MOOC? – A pedagogical guideline for practitioners

Our publication at this year “10th International Scientific Conference “eLearning and Software for Education” in Bucharest is now online available. The slides are already available here.

Massive Open Online Courses, shortly MOOCs, are a trending phenomenon in online education. Neither distance education nor online courses are new, but especially in the field of technology enhanced learning, MOOCs have been gathering enormous attention by the public. Thus, following the main idea of bringing education to a broad range of people, two universities in Graz developed an xMOOC platform for the German speaking area, mostly addressing people in Austria. Before the first courses started the authors reflected on how such a MOOC should be carried out and which key factors (didactical, technical and administrative) have to be considered.
This research study strongly concentrates on developing a checklist for practitioners who would like to do an xMOOC in the future by examining different xMOOCs and reflecting first experiences gathered through daily work on MOOCs.
It can be concluded that doing a Massive Open Online Course is much more challenging as maybe expected at first sight. Nevertheless the proposed checklist will help to overcome first barriers and provide solid steps towards one’s first online course.

How to MOOC? – A pedagogical guideline for practitioners by Martin

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Reference: Lackner, E., Kopp, M., Ebner, M. (2014) How to MOOC? – A pedagogical guideline for practitioners. Roceanu, I. (ed.). Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference “eLearning and Software for Education” Bucharest, April 24 – 25, 2014. Publisher: Editura Universitatii Nationale de Aparare “Carol I”

[presentation] iPhone / iPad – Human Interface Guidelines

Im Rahmen der Vorlesung “AK Medientechnologie” wo wir unter anderem iPhone Development unterrichten, habe ich wieder meine Vorlesung über HCI erstellt. Hier die dazugehörigen Folien:

iPhone / iPad – Human Interface Guidelines

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View more presentations from Martin Ebner

AK Medientechnologie 2011 – iPhone Development

Unsere heurige Vorlesung “AK Medientechnologie” wo wir iPhone Development lehren ist wieder gestartet. Wie gewohnt stehen alle Unterlagen auf iTunesU zur Verfügung oder auch unter itunes.tugraz.at.
Meine Beiträge die sich vorallem mit der Human Interface Design beschäftigen sind auch auf Slideshare zugänglich.