[publication] Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses

Our publication about “Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses” at this year HCII conference is now available online as a draft.

Human learning processes are strongly depending on attention of each single learner. Due to this fact any measurement helping to increase students’ attention is from high importance. Till now there are some developments called Audience-Response-Systems only available for face-to-face education even for masses. In this publication we introduce a web-based information system which is also usable for online-systems. Students’ attention will be conserved based on different interaction forms during the live stream of a lecture. The evaluation pointed out that the system helps to enlarge the attention of each single participant

Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Wachtler, J. & Holzinger, A. 2013. Introducing an Information System for Successful Support of Selective Attention in Online Courses. In: Stephanidis, C. & Antona, M. (eds.) Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services for Quality of Life, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 8011. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 153-162.

[presentation] Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses

Our presentation at this year HCII 2013 conference about “Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses” is now online available:

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[publication] Shadow Expert Technique (SET) for interaction analysis in educational systems

Our publication on “Shadow Expert Technique (SET) for interaction analysis in educational systems” for this year HCII International 2011 is as draft version online available.

This paper describes a novel usability method called Shadow Expert Technique (SET), which was applied on the learning management system of the Graz University of Technology in two different trials, with focus on consistency and visual complexity. This is the summary of the development of this new method and the approach to generalize it as a new way to get deeper insight into interaction processes.

Shadow Expert Technique (SET) for interaction analysis in educational systems

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Reference: Stickel, C., Ebner, M., Holzinger, A., (2011). Shadow Expert Technique (SET) for interaction analysis in educational systems. C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Universal Access in HCI, Part IV, HCII 2011, LNCS 6768, pp. 642–651, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011

[publication] Emotion Detection: Application of the Valence Arousal Space for Rapid Biological Usability Testing to enhance Universal Access

A Draftversion of our publication “Emotion Detection: Application of the Valence Arousal Space for Rapid Biological Usability Testing to enhance Universal Access” at this year HCII Conference is now online available.

Emotion is an important mental and physiological state, influencing cognition, perception, learning, communication, decision making, etc. It is considered as a definitive important aspect of user experience (UX), although at least well developed and most of all lacking experimental evidence. This paper deals with an application for emotion detection in usability testing of software.
It describes the approach to utilize the valence arousal space for emotion modeling in a formal experiment. Our study revealed correlations between low performance and negative emotional states. Reliable emotion detection in usability tests will help to prevent negative emotions and attitudes iproducts. This can be a great advantage to enhance Universal Access.

Reference: Stickel, C.; Ebner, M.; Steinbach-Nordmann, S.; Searle, G.; Holzinger, A. (2009) Emotion Detection: Application of the Valence Arousal Space for Rapid Biological Usability Testing to enhance Universal Access. – in: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (2009) In Press
Here you will find the Draftversion and here the slides.

[publication] A Study on the Compatibility of Ubiquitous Learning (u-Learning) Systems at University Level

A Draftversion of our publication “A Study on the Compatibility of Ubiquitous Learning (u-Learning) Systems at University Level” at this year HCII Conference is now online available.

Graz University of Technology has a long tradition in the design, development and research of university wide Learning Management Systems
(LMS). Inspired by the iPhone Style, the available system has now been extended by the addition of a mobile viewer, which grants the student mobile accessibility to all available online content. In this paper, we report on the lessons learned within a study on user experience with this specially designed LMS mobile viewer. The User Experience (UX) was measured by application of a 26 item questionnaire including the six factors Attractiveness, Perspicuity, Efficiency, Dependability, Stimulation and Novelty, according to Laugwitz et al. (2008). The results showed high rates of acceptance, although the novelty of our approach received a surprisingly low rating amongst the novice end users.

Reference: Ebner, M.; Stickel, C.; Scerbakov, N.; Holzinger, A. (2009) A Study on the Compatibility of Ubiquitous Learning (u-Learning) Systems at University Level . – in: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (2009), S. 34 – 43
Here you will find the Draftversion and here the slides.

[publication] Mixing Content and Endless Collaboration – MashUps: Towards Future Personal Learning Environments

A Draftversion of our publication “Mixing Content and Endless Collaboration – MashUps: Towards Future Personal Learning Environments” at this year HCII Conference is now online available.

The recent movement by major Web services towards making many application programming interfaces (APIs) available for public use has led to the development of the new MashUp technology, a method of merging content, services and applications from multiple web sites. The new technology is now being successfully applied in the academic community to enrich and improve learning and teaching applications. This paper examines its implementation and use, discusses methods and styles of usage and highlights the advantages and
disadvantages of client and server application, based on related work and recent experiences gathered with a large university-wide open learning management system (WBT-Master/TeachCenter of Graz allows lecturers to use diverse web resources.

Reference: Auinger, A.; Ebner, M.; Dietmar, N.; Holzinger, A. (2009)
Mixing Content and Endless Collaboration – MashUps: Towards Future Personal Learning Environments. – in: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (2009) In Press
Here you will find the Draftversion and here the slides.

[publication] Intuitive E-Teaching by Using Combined HCI Devices: Experiences with Wiimote Applications

A Draftversion of our publication “Intuitive E-Teaching by Using Combined HCI Devices: Experiences with Wiimote Applications” at this year HCII Conference is now online available.

The wide availability of game based technologies and sophisticated e-Learning possibilities creates new demands and challenges on Human–Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering (HCI&UE). Solid research in HCI must support improvement in learning ability and creativity for both teachers and students. According to recent market surveys the Wii remote controller or Wiimote is currently more wide spread than standard Tablet PCs and is the most used computer input device worldwide. As a collection of many sensors, also including Bluetooth technology, accelerometers and IR sensors, Wiimote is of great interest for HCI experiments, especially in the area of e-Learning and e-Teaching. In this paper, we present results gained from the investigation of the potential of Wiimote as both a standard input device – such as mouse or presenter – and as a gesture and finger tracking sensor. We demonstrate, on the basis of examples from e-Teaching, how easily everyday gestures can be interpreted in regular computer applicationhardware modules and some additional software modules.

Reference: Holzinger, A.; Softic, S.; Stickel, C.; Ebner, M.; Debevc, M. (2009) Intuitive E-Teaching by Using Combined HCI Devices: Experiences with Wiimote Applications. – in: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 5616). (2009), S. 44 – 52
Here you will find the Draftversion.

[presentation] Intuitive E-Teaching by Using Combined HCI Devices: Experiences with Wiimote Applications

Our presentation of our publication “Intuitive E-Teaching by Using Combined HCI Devices: Experiences with Wiimote Applications” at this year HCI International 2009 Conference is now online available:

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