[publication] Die Standortattraktivität europäischer Hochschulen fördern? – Der mögliche Beitrag von Open Content

Mit Sandra Schaffert habe ich einen kurzen Beitrag in der aktuellen Ausgabe “E-Learning und Bologna” (hrsg. von Rolf Schulmeister) der Zeitschrift für E-Learning geschrieben, der sich mit dem Thema Open Content aus Perspektive der PR von Hochschulen befasst, er trägt den Titel “Die Standortattraktivität europäischer Hochschulen fördern? – Der mögliche Beitrag von Open Content“. Die ursprüngliche, nicht überarbeitete Langfassung des Beitrags haben wir online gestellt:

[publication] Microblogs in Higher Education – a chance to facilitate informal and process oriented learning?

We are happy to announce that our publication “Microblogs in Higher Education – a chance to facilitate informal and process oriented learning?” published in Journal Computer & Education is now online available.

Microblogging is one of the latest Web 2.0 technologies. The key elements are online communication using 140 characters and the fact that it involves “following” anyone. There has been a great deal of excitement about this in recent months. This paper reports on a research study that was carried out on the use of a microblogging platform for process-oriented learning in Higher Education. Students of the University of Applied Sciences of Upper Austria used the tool throughout their course. All postings were carefully tracked, examined and analyzed in order to explore the possibilities offered by microblogging in education. It can be concluded that microblogging should be seen as a completely new form of communication that can support informal learning beyond classrooms.

Reference: Martin Ebner, Conrad Lienhardt, Matthias Rohs, Iris Meyer (2010), Microblogs in Higher Education – a chance to facilitate informal and process oriented learning?, Computers & Education, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 4 January 2010, ISSN 0360-1315, DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2009.12.006.
Online available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VCJ-4Y34W8F-1/2/799ab0b1112d5696a251fca84be472c3

Interest on article “How People are Using Twitter during Conferences”

Amazing, our article as well as our presentationHow People are Using Twitter during Conferences” gathered much more interest as ever expected.
There was a big report on Read/Write Web a month ago “Study Reveals High Levels of Twitter Use at Conferences” and our presentation on slideshare reached the “Hot on Facebook”

How People are using Twitter at Conferences is being talked about on Facebook more than any other document on SlideShare right now. So we’ve put it on the homepage of SlideShare.net (in the “Hot on Facebook” section)

as well as the “Hot on Twitter” list:

How People are using Twitter at Conferences is being tweeted more than any other document on SlideShare right now. So we’ve put it on the homepage of SlideShare.net (in the “Hot on Twitter” section)

Thanks to all who were and are interested in our research and keep us motivated to do further work.