[publication] Thought Bubbles: a conceptual prototype for a Twitter based recommender system for research 2.0

The draft version of our publication “Thought Bubbles: a conceptual prototype for a Twitter based recommender system for research 2.0” at this year i-KNOW conference is now online available. The poster is already published here.

The concept of so called Thought Bubbles deals with the problem of finding appropriate new connections within Social Networks, especially Twitter. As a side effect of exploring new users, Tweets are classified and rated and are used for generating a kind of news feed, which will extend the personal Twitter feed. Each user has several interests that can be classified by evaluating his Tweets in first place and secondly by evaluating user related and already existing contacts. By categorizing a user and concerned connections, one can be placed in an imaginary category specific subset of users, called Thought Bubbles. Following the trace of people who are also active within the same specific Thought Bubble, should reveal interesting and helpful connections between similar minded users.

Thought Bubbles: a conceptual prototype for a Twitter based recommender system for research 2.0

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Reference: Thonhauser, P., Softic, S., Ebner, M. (2012) Thought Bubbles: a conceptual prototype for a Twitter based recommender system for research 2.0. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (i-KNOW ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 32 , 4 pages. DOI=10.1145/2362456.2362496

[poster] A Conceptual Prototype for a Twitter Based Recommender System for Research 2.0

Im Rahmen der iKnow 2012 Konferenz in Graz haben wir ein Shortpaper mit einer Posterpräsentation eingereicht. Der Titel lautet: “A Conceptual Prototype for a Twitter Based Recommender System for Research 2.0 ” und wird von Patrick vorgestellt.
Hier einmal das Poster:

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[publication] Semantically driven Social Data Aggregation Interfaces for Research 2.0

At this year iKNOW’11 conference we did a publication on “Semantically driven Social Data Aggregation Interfaces for Research 2.0” and explained our research efforts on Semantic Social Media by developing a browser for finding out similar person of interest.
First the presentation:

Semantically Driven Social Data Aggregation Interfaces for Research 2.0

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We propose a framework to address an important issue in thecontext of the ongoing adoption of the “Web 2.0” in science and research, often referred to as “Science 2.0” or “Research 2.0”. Agrowing number of people are linked via acquaintances and onlinesocial networks such as Twitter allows indirect access to a hugeamount of ideas. These ideas are contained in a massive humaninformation flow. That users of these networks producerelevant data is being shown in many studies. The problem however lies in discovering and verifying such a streamof unstructured data items. Another related problem is locating anexpert that could provide an answer to a very specific researchquestion. We are using semantic technologies (RDF, SPARQL3) ,common vocabularies (SIOC, FOAF, SWRC) and Linked Data(DBpedia, GeoNames, CoLinDa) to extract and minethe data about scientific events out of context of microblogs. Hereby we are identifying persons and organization related tothem based on entities of time, place and topic. The framework provides an API that allows quick access to the information that isanalyzed by our system. As a proof-of-concept we explain, implement and evaluate such a researcher profiling use case. It involves the development of a framework that focuses on the proposition of researches based on topics and conferences theyhave in common. This framework provides an API that allow quick access to the analyzed information. A demonstrationapplication: “Researcher Affinity Browser” shows how the APIsupports developers to build rich internet applications for Research 2.0. This application also introduces the concept“affinity” that exposes the implicit proximity between entities andusers based on the content users produced. The usability of ademonstration application and the usefulness of the framework itself are investigated with an explicit evaluation questionnaire.This user feedback led to important conclusions about successfulachievements and opportunities to further improve this effort.

Semantically driven Social Data Aggregation Interfaces for Research 2.0

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Reference: De Vocht, L.; Selver, S.; Ebner, M.; Mühlburger, H. (2011) Semantically driven Social Data AggregationInterfaces for Research 2.0. – in: 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (2011), S. 43:1 -43:10, International Conference on Knowledge Management (iKNow), ACM New York

[publication] Will Personal Learning Environments Become Ubiquitous through the Use of Widgets?

Our publication “Will Personal Learning Environments Become Ubiquitous through the Use of Widgets?” for this year i-Know Conference is now online available.

Nowadays Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) are described as the use of different social software tools for learning and teaching. The use of common web browsers often is a precondition to fulfil the requirements of social software tools. In this publication a new perspective as well as a couple of prototypes is presented to allow a more independent solution in this context. Using the new JavaFX technology so called widgets are implemented which can be used on different devices as well as different operating systems. Furthermore also the web browser can be replaced by a browser instance. It can be summarized that through the use of widgets the learning environment of the future can be more individualized and personalized.

Reference: Taraghi, B., Mühlburger, H.; Ebner, M.; Nagler, W. (2009) Will Personal Learning Environments Become Ubiquitous through the Use of Widgets?, Tochtermann, K. and Maurer, H. (ed.), Proceedings of I-KNOW ’09 and I-SEMANTICS ’09, Graz, Austria, pp. 329-335

Here you will find the online copy.