Our publication “Will Personal Learning Environments Become Ubiquitous through the Use of Widgets?” for this year i-Know Conference is now online available.
Nowadays Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) are described as the use of different social software tools for learning and teaching. The use of common web browsers often is a precondition to fulfil the requirements of social software tools. In this publication a new perspective as well as a couple of prototypes is presented to allow a more independent solution in this context. Using the new JavaFX technology so called widgets are implemented which can be used on different devices as well as different operating systems. Furthermore also the web browser can be replaced by a browser instance. It can be summarized that through the use of widgets the learning environment of the future can be more individualized and personalized.
Reference: Taraghi, B., Mühlburger, H.; Ebner, M.; Nagler, W. (2009) Will Personal Learning Environments Become Ubiquitous through the Use of Widgets?, Tochtermann, K. and Maurer, H. (ed.), Proceedings of I-KNOW ’09 and I-SEMANTICS ’09, Graz, Austria, pp. 329-335
Here you will find the online copy.
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