[publication] Supporting Sustainable and User-Oriented Educational Technology Innovation with the University Innovation Canvas #tugraz #digitaltransformation #research

Our contribution titled “Supporting Sustainable and User-Oriented Educational Technology Innovation with the University Innovation Canvas” was published in the newest issue of Education Sciences.

Innovating higher education teaching and learning is challenging due to structural, cultural, and resource-related reasons, and research indicates that university innovation benefits from a bottom-up approach as well as strategic alignment with university objectives. In this paper, we investigate such bottom-up innovation processes within higher education as supported by a specific tool: the University Innovation Canvas (UIC). Adapted from the Business Model Canvas and Lean Canvas, the UIC is designed to promote educational technology innovation and foster alignment of the innovation process with strategic objectives of the university: namely, sustainability and user orientation. An evaluation of the UIC based on interview and questionnaire data shows that its usage differs between innovation teams (on paper vs. digital, individual vs. collaborative, co-located vs. remotely, and synchronous vs. asynchronous). UIC usability is linked with these differences and with teams’ experience in realizing innovations. Overall, the UIC is perceived to be useful by (particularly, less-experienced) innovation teams and is successful at supporting sustainable and user-oriented innovations, as 14/15 innovations are still in use after up to four years since completion. To maximize its potential, more effort needs to be devoted to improving understanding of the UIC and supporting different workflows of innovation teams in the future.

[full article @ journal’s homepage]
[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Bangerl, M.; Dennerlein, S.; Maitz, K.; Nitschke, M.; Ebner, M.; Pammer-Schindler, V. Supporting Sustainable and User-Oriented Educational Technology Innovation with the University Innovation Canvas. Educ. Sci. 202414, 528. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14050528

[publication] Digital Transformation of Teaching and Perception at TU Graz from the Students’ Perspective: Developments from the Last 17 Years #tugraz #education

Our chapter on “Digital Transformation of Teaching and Perception at TU Graz from the Students’ Perspective: Developments from the Last 17 Years” we presented last year at ICL-conference is now online available:

The use of digital technologies in teaching to make it more varied, better, more diverse, or even more accessible is being pursued systematically at many universities. This article shows the developments in the digital transformation of teaching at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) over the last 17 years. In the process, the various activities of Graz University of Technology and of the central department of teaching and learning technologies about the digital transformation of teaching and its focus and change during this period are described in the form of a workshop report. The consequences and developments of the Covid-19 pandemic on digital transformation efforts are also addressed. This is contrasted with results of two students’ surveys from 2014 (N = 1,502 complete questionnaires) and 2021 (N = 1,386 complete questionnaires). Within this contribution, the authors use the survey’s data to assess how students’ attitudes towards technology-enhanced teaching were changing at TU Graz. Mean indices were created to be able to compare the two surveys. This shows that despite the less good experience with teaching at TU Graz during the pandemic the attitude towards digital teaching is relatively satisfying. Nevertheless, the authors point out that the students clearly indicate that digital (distance) learning has a negative impact on communication between students and teachers as well as between students themselves, and that measures would be desirable here.

[full chapter @ book homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Martin Ebner; Bettina Mair; Christoph De Marinis; Hannes Müller; Walther Nagler; Sandra Schön; Stefan Thurner (2023). Digital Transformation of Teaching and Perception at TU Graz from the Students’ Perspective: Developments from the Last 17 Years. In: Auer, M.E., Pachatz, W., Rüütmann, T. (eds) Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition. ICL 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 633. Springer, Cham, pp 366–377. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26876-2_34

[publication] MicroCredentials – the Next Big Step to Open Higher Education for the Society #microcredentials #tugraz

I just wrote a short essay about “MicroCredentials – the Next Big Step to Open Higher Education for the Society” for the Education Technology Insights journal and described our ideas about the future of microcredentials together with iMooX.at

[article @ journal’s website]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M. (2022) MicroCredentials – the Next Big Step to Open Higher Education for the Society. Education Technology Insights

[podcast] Biotehanolveredelung und Verfahrenstechnik #telucation #lehre #tugraz #verfahrenstechnik #HigherEducation

Es freut uns, dass wir nun den 16. Teil unserer Podcast-Serie “Lehren – Lernen – Lauschen” auf der TELucation-Webseite zur Verfügung stellen können. Diesesmal spricht Georg Rudelstorfer über die seine Lehrerfahrungen an der TU Graz:

Georg Rudelstorfer, Endnominierter für den Preis für exzellente Lehre, erzählt in diesem Podcast von seiner Lehrveranstaltung Bioethanolveredelung, in der Studierende anhand von Schnapsbrennerei und Bierbrauerei die Prozesse der Verfahrenstechnik kennen lernen und in der Praxis anwenden können. Außerdem spricht er über Herausforderungen in der eigenen Lehre als junger Lehrender kurz nach dem Studium sowie darüber, wie der Stellenwert der Hochschullehre verbessert werden kann. Er gibt auch Einblicke in seine Auslandserfahrungen und Zukunftspläne.

[#16 – Georg Rudelstorfer: Biotehanolveredelung und Verfahrenstechnik]

Und nicht übersehen – der Podcast ist auch in allen gängigen Portalen verfügbar:

[presentation] Mixed Reality im Distance Learning in der Hochschullehre

Im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit hat Stefan Thurner den Einsatz eines Mixed Reality Handbuchs evaluiert. Seine Präsentation steht hier zur Verfügung und wir gratulieren zur erfolgreichen Verteidigung:

Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von www.slideshare.net zu laden.

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[publication] Potential Impact of Open Educational Resources and Practices for Good Teaching at Universities. The OER Impact Assessment at TU Graz #OER #tugraz #research

We contributed to the book “Learning with Technologies and Technologies in Learning” with a chapter named “Potential Impact of Open Educational Resources and Practices for Good Teaching at Universities. The OER Impact Assessment at TU Graz

Based on the increasing demand for and promotion of Open Educational Resources (OER, see (UNESCO (2019), this chapter describes the objectives of Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in Austria for good teaching. A description of how the impact of OER at TU Graz will be analysed and considerations around it is the central contribution. In addition, the effects, and potentials of selected OER initiatives of the university are described as examples and discussed as key potential for good teaching. For a better understanding of the role of OER at TU Graz, the national context of OER in the Austrian higher education landscape is described at the beginning of the chapter.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[chapter @ book’s homepage]

Citation: Ebner, Martin; Schön, Sandra; Ebner, Markus; Edelsbrunner, Sarah; Hohla, Katharina (2022). Potential Impact of Open Educational Resources and Practices for Good Teaching at Universities. The OER Impact Assessment at TU Graz. In: Michael E. Auer, Andreas Pester, Dominik May (Eds.), Learning with Technologies and Technologies in Learning. Experience, Trends and Challenges in Higher Education, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Volume 45, Cham: Springer, pp. 79-100.

[mooc] Applying Methods and Mindset of Design Thinking in Higher Education Teaching #fhstp #imoox

The exciting MOOC about “Applying Methods and Mindset of Design Thinking in Higher Education Teaching” startet at iMooX.at a couple of days ago:

This English-language MOOC is aimed at people who want to apply the basic principles, methods and mindset of design thinking in various educational settings. It is aimed at university teachers and researchers from all disciplines as well as people working in various areas of adult education, vocational training and internal training in institutions or companies. 
The MOOC will first provide an introduction to the methodology as well as an overview of what is important when applying it in different educational settings. Then the participants are invited to follow the steps Empathize, Define, Ideate and Iterate based on background information about them and to implement them themselves. A variety of methods that can be used in dialogue with learners will also be introduced.  
In total, you will spend a maximum of 25 hours (1 ECTS), with the focus on doing it yourself, experiencing the Design Thinking approach in educational settings.

The participation is – as usual – completly free: [Regristration for the free online-course]

[presentation] Content quality ensurance in a Higher Education OER-repository #OER #OEAA #repository

Within the ENCORE+ Quality Workshop 2 I did a short presentation about how we are dealing with quality ensurance when uploading OER to our OER-repository at Graz University of Technology. Find here my slides:

[presentation about “Content quality ensurance in a Higher Education OER-repository”]

This works happens within our Open Education Austria Advanced project – thanks to all to let this happen 🙂