[publication] Erfahrungen und Einsichten zum Aufbau einer IT-Infrastruktur für das Lernen und Lehren in der Universitätsallianz „Unite!“ #unite #tugraz #researc

Wir haben unsere Erfahrungen und Einsichten im Rahmen der europäischen Allianz einmal zusammengefasst und unter „Erfahrungen und Einsichten zum Aufbau einer IT-Infrastruktur für das Lernen und Lehren in der Universitätsallianz „Unite!““ publiziert, damit wir gerne auch in einen gesamtheitlichen Diskurs kommen:

Die Universitätsallianz Unite! fördert seit 2019 die Mobilität der Studierenden durch die Entwicklung verschiedener IT-Plattformen. Eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme von Martin Ebner und Sandra Schön (beide TU Graz) bietet spannende Einblicke in die aktuellen Herausforderungen zum Aufbau einer gemeinsamen IT-Infrastruktur für das Lernen und Lehren – und nennt dabei auch fallübergreifende Einsichten und Lösungen.

[Online-Beitrag bei Hoschulforum Digitalisierung]
[Beitrag bei ResearchGate]

Zitation: Ebner, M. & Schön, S. (2024) Erfahrungen und Einsichten zum Aufbau einer IT-Infrastruktur für das Lernen und Lehren in der Universitätsallianz „Unite!“, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, online am 18.11.24, https://hochschulforumdigitalisierung.de/universitaetsallianz-unite/

[conference] University Future Festival 2025 #tugraz

Es freut uns, dass wir ankündigen können, dass die TU Graz nächstes Jahr am 13.5.2025 eine Partnerbühne für das University Future Festival anbieten wird. Wir haben dazu das Thema „KI-Applikationen an der Hochschule“ gewählt und der Call for Participation ist bis 20.1.2025 geöffnet.

Wir freuen uns auf viele Interessierte die sich live vor Ort mit uns austauschen wollen, wir werden versuchen ein tolles Programm zusammenzustellen.

[Link zum Call]

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 19 / No.08 #ijet #research

Issue 19(08) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Evaluating the Impact of Japanese English-Language YouTubers on Learners: A Teaching Material Perspective for Enhancing English Proficiency and Cross-Cultural Understanding
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Cloud Computing Education
  • University Students’ Perceptions and Practices of Online Co-construction of Digital Citizenship Competencies
  • Factors Influencing the Implementation of Data-Driven Techniques for Students’ Mental Health
  • Intelligent Support for Low Literacy Adults: The European Portuguese iRead4Skills Corpus
  • Building Consistent Characters through Open-Source Generative AI/li>

[Link to Issue 19/08]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[press] Die Vielfalt des Einsatzes von KI im Lehr- und Lernalltag ist (fast) unbegrenzt, aber… #imoox

Ich bin gebeten worden einen Gastbeitrag für APA-Science zu machten unter der Überschrift KI in der Bildung und folgenden Gedanken:

Anwendungen, die von KI-unterstützt werden, sind im Alltag angekommen und damit natürlich auch im Lehr- und Lernbetrieb der Hochschulen. Selbstverständlich sind damit neue Herausforderungen verbunden, Risiken, aber auch Chancen und Potenziale.

[Originalbeitrag bei APA-Science]
[.pdf @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Ebner, M. (2024) Die Vielfalt des Einsatzes von KI im Lehr- und Lernalltag ist (fast) unbegrenzt, aber … , APA-Science, online am 23.10.24, https://science.apa.at/power-search/6531323553575723843

[publication] Didaktik und Praxis der Maker Education #makereducation

Für die Ausgabe Pädagogik 10/24 wurden wir angefragt für einen kurzen Beitrag zu „Didaktik und Praxis der Maker Education

Die Maker Education eröffnet neue Lernmöglichkeiten und vielfältige Potenziale. Dabei muss es nicht immer gleich der neu eingerichtete, voll ausgestattete Makerspace sein, in dem die Schüler*innen projektorientiert und fächerverbindend arbeiten.

[Link zum Originalartikel]
[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Hannah Bunke-Emden, Kristin Narr, Sandra Schön, Didaktik und Praxis der Maker Education (21.10.2024), Pädagogik 10/24. Beltz Verlagsgruppe, 69 469 Weinheim, ISSN: 0933-422X, 2024 #10, S.12-15

[publication] Distance Learning in Times of COVID-19 at Austrian Schools: A Rapid Systematic Literature Review #tugraz #research

Our publication at this year’s E-Learn conference about „Distance Learning in Times of COVID-19 at Austrian Schools: A Rapid Systematic Literature Review“ is available online.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the Austrian education system, necessitating an abrupt shift to distance learning and triggering a reassessment of digital education strategies. This rapid literature review examines the challenges faced by students in Austria during this time. The synopsis of 7 selected reports revealed six key themes: communication dynamics between students and teachers, availability of communication tools, adequacy of technical equipment, importance of self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies, barriers to the transition to distance learning, and high workload. Despite challenges, including a notable gender gap in communication skills and a digital divide in technology, students and teachers have adapted to new learning modalities. The findings highlight the essential role of effective communication, strategic integration of digital tools, and the importance of promoting SRL to improve student engagement, learning outcomes, and psychological well-being in distance learning contexts. The transition has not only highlighted the demand for resilience and adaptability from all education stakeholders but has also pointed to future opportunities to refine and enhance digital learning scenarios to ensure a more inclusive, effective, and engaging learning experience for students in Austria and beyond.

[draft @ ResearchGate]

Citation: Brünner, B., Ebner, M. & Burgsteiner, H. (2024). Distance Learning in Times of COVID-19 at Austrian Schools: A Rapid Systematic Literature Review. In C. Bonk & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 544-549). Singapore, Singapore: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved October 14, 2024 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/225045/

[CfP] Special Issue on „Applications of Digital Technology and AI in Educational Settings“ #call #AI

We are very happy to invite submissions to the special issue “Applications of Digital Technology and AI in Educational Settings” in Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417), part of the “Computing and Artificial Intelligence” section. This special issue explores the innovative uses of digital tools and artificial intelligence in enhancing education.

Submission Deadline: 20 March 2025

For more information and to submit your manuscript, visit the MDPI Special Issue Page.

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 19 / No.07 #ijet #research

Issue 19(07) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Looking into Students’ Cognitive Processes in an Online Collaborative Learning Environment
  • A Systematic Review of Software for Learning Analytics in Higher Education
  • Michael Hansmeyer’s Algorithmic Architecture: The Transformative Impact of 3D Printing on Architectural Design and Education
  • Unravelling Technology Acceptance: Lessons Learnt from Teacher’s Experience During COVID-19 for Post-Pandemic Systemic Education
  • A Review of Empathy Education with Digital Means among College Students
  • Hybrid Approach Using Multi-Relational Weighted Matrix Factorization (WMRMF) and Cohen’s Kappa (Sk) to Refine Educational Items Clustering
  • Enhancing Student Engagement: Technology Acceptance in Higher Education During Covid-19
  • Developing Future Teachers’ Academic Writing and Critical Thinking Skills Using ChatGPT
  • A Sociological Take on Language Generative AI Tools

[Link to Issue 19/06]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[publication] Should Universities partner with NGOs? A Case Study of a University of Technology and a Coding School for Refugees #research

At this years‘ EDEN conference we made a publication titled „Should Universities partner with NGOs? A Case Study of a University of Technology and a Coding School for Refugees

This paper explores the advantages of a University-NGO Partnership between the Faculty of Informatics at Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) and the NGO „refugees{code}-, a coding school for refugees in Vienna, Austria. The goal of this collaboration is twofold: Firstly, to help students apply coding skills practically and enhance their proficiency through teaching experiences with underrepresented groups; and secondly, to provide refugees with meaningful activities that match their profession, education, and personal interests, which might have been interrupted in their home countries. The study evaluates the perspectives of the stakeholders involved. To do so, written surveys and interviews with computer science students, refugees and team members of the NGO were conducted. The results indicate that meaningful educational benefits for computer science students can be created within such partnerships, such as enhanced teaching abilities, dispelled prejudices, insights into the factors affecting refugees‘ educational and career trajectories, as well as improved communication and empathy skills. However, challenges for such partnerships also exist, including giving student teachers more time for meetings and discussions, empowering them to make decisions, providing access to counseling psychologists and interpreters, and offering support in managing participants‘ expectations. The findings shed light on the potential benefits from participating in campus-community partnerships and suggest several measures to improve them, such as providing additional ECTS credits, intensifying promotional activities to encourage greater student participation, providing alumni support, and issuing official certificates.

[article @ proceeding’s homepage]
[article @ ResearchGate]

Citation: Wolf, D. and Ebner, M. (2024) ‘Should Universities partner with NGOs? A Case Study of a University of Technology and a Coding School for Refugees’, Ubiquity Proceedings, 4(1), p. 36. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5334/uproc.158.