[presentation] Beyond Open Access: Open Educational Resources (OER) for Legal Clarity, Sustainability, and Digital Sovereignty in European University Alliances #tugraz #OER #UNITE!

We did a presentation about „Beyond Open Access: Open Educational Resources (OER) for Legal Clarity, Sustainability, and Digital Sovereignty in European University Alliances“ at the 2nd Unite!-Ed Future Conference.

Open Educational Resources (OER) are widely recognized for improving access to education and enabling the sharing of knowledge. However, in the context of European university alliances, such as Unite!, OER offer additional, often underappreciated benefits that are crucial for cross-border collaboration and sustainable development in higher education. This position paper explores three key aspects of OER that are particularly relevant for European alliances. First, OER enable the legally secure use of educational resources across national borders, addressing uncertainties about copyright laws, particularly for translations and adaptations. This ensures compliance with different legal frameworks while fostering collaboration. Second, OER support sustainability by ensuring that investments in educational materials are not limited by restrictive usage rights. This is particularly critical in alliances where shared resources play a central role in fostering long-term cooperation and aligning with sustainability goals, a priority for Unite!. Finally, OER contribute to digital sovereignty by empowering institutions and educators to create, adapt, and share resources without reliance on proprietary platforms or licenses. This aligns with the broader strategic objectives of European alliances to promote autonomy and resilience in their digital ecosystems. By highlighting these often-overlooked benefits of OER, this research aims to broaden the perspective on their strategic importance in fostering collaboration, sustainability, and sovereignty within European university alliances.

Find our slides here:

Ebner, M., & Schön, S. (2025, März 13). Beyond Open Access: Open Educational Resources (OER) for Legal Clarity, Sustainability, and Digital Sovereignty in European University Alliances. Presentation at the Unite! Ed Future Conference, March 13, 2025. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/cz2rm-g9g13

[presentation] Building OER Competence Across the Unite! Alliance. Insights from the „Unite! OER Courses“ Project #OER #tugraz #research

For the 2nd Unite!-Ed Future Conference, we presented the results of our OER course, titled „Building OER Competence Across the Unite! Alliance. Insights from the „Unite! OER Courses“ Project

The „Unite! OER Courses“ seed fund project successfully advanced Open Educational Resources (OER) competence among students and lecturers across the Unite! alliance. A major milestone was the development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on OER, licensed under CC BY 4.0 International and translated into 11 languages, including Turkish and Indonesian, with the help of AI avatars and tools. Since its launch on May 6, 2024, the MOOC has attracted over 1,200 participants. Additionally, an OER course in English was introduced on the Unite! federated learning management system Metacampus.
To further enhance capacity, a dedicated OER training for lecturers was conducted, which resulted in the publication of a collection of tools and methods for future OER training initiatives. In this contribution, we build upon previous work, particularly insights from our project report (Unite, 2024) and various presentations on the topic, including preliminary findings on the impact at partner universities (Schön et al., n.d., submitted for JODDE).
Methodologically, we addressed different research questions primarily through a case study, allowing us to analyse the implementation, reception, and institutional effects of the OER initiatives within the alliance. The collected data provides valuable insights for the establishment of a future Unite! Open Science Academy.
This presentation will share the project’s achievements, methodologies, and outcomes while addressing challenges and opportunities for promoting OER practices in international higher education settings.

Find the slides here:

Schön, S., Ebner, M., & Vicente-Saéz, R. (2025, März 13). Building OER Competence Across the Unite! Alliance. Insights from the „Unite! OER Courses“ Project. Presentation at Unite! Ed Future Conference, March 13, 2025. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/hm2aw-dvh27

[presentation] The Metacampus as a Teaching Hub for the Unite! Alliance #unite #moodle

For the 2nd Unite!-Ed Future Conference, Katharina presented details about the Metacampus, titled „The Metacampus as a Teaching Hub for the Unite! Alliance„:

The Unite! alliance has developed the Metacampus, a federated LMS based on Moodle, to facilitate seamless collaboration and resource sharing among partner universities. This presentation showcases how the Metacampus supports teaching and learning across the alliance by addressing diverse needs and enabling innovative approaches. Key use cases where the Metacampus proves particularly beneficial are outlined, along with resources created to guide users, including detailed documentation, courses, and instructional videos (produced with AI avatars). Activities such as targeted training sessions and the streamlined submission of requests and special requirements via an integrated request form are highlighted. LTI pilot activities, aimed at integrating local LMS systems with the Metacampus, are presented, along with insights from regular E-Learning Support Group meetings. Success stories demonstrate the platform’s impact and potential for enhancing collaboration within Unite!. In conclusion, challenges extending beyond technical solutions are addressed, such as the lack of incentives to adopt Unite!-specific courses or to fully utilize the Metacampus. These insights foster dialogue on how to further support teaching and learning within the Unite! alliance.

Find the slides here:

Gasplmayr, K., Schön, S., Alcober, J., Ebner, M., & Molins, X. (2025, März 13). The Metacampus as a Teaching Hub for the Unite! Alliance. Presentation at the Unite! Ed Future Conference 2025, March 13, 2025. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/eeqtz-1f759

[publication] From Gretel to Strudelcity: Empowering Teachers Regarding Generative AI for Enhanced AI Literacy with CollectiveGPT #AIinEducation #research #edtech

Congratulations to Benedikt, who did a great job developing a successful workshop for school teachers. We summarized his results in the publication „From Gretel to Strudelcity: Empowering Teachers Regarding Generative AI for Enhanced AI Literacy with CollectiveGPT.“

In the era of transformative technologies, generative artificial intelligence (genAI) offers profound opportunities and challenges for education. This study explores the development and execution of an interactive workshop designed to equip educators with foundational genAI literacy. Using a design-based research (DBR) framework, the workshop leverages interactivity and contextual relevance to introduce genAI concepts, prompting strategies and ethical considerations. Participants engaged in a scripted learning workshop design, comparing human and AI responses, exploring genAI’s probabilistic foundations, context dependency, and vulnerability to manipulation. Conducted across 12 workshops with 191 participants in Austria, this study revealed significant improvements in self-perceived genAI understanding, with 70% of participants reporting better grades in post-assessment evaluations. Feedback emphasized the workshop’s strengths in interactivity and relevance, alongside recommendations for deeper school-specific applications. Scalability analysis showed that workshop duration remained consistent regardless of group size, suggesting potential for broader implementation. The findings highlight the effectiveness of scripted learning workshop design in fostering critical AI literacy, preparing educators to critically evaluate and ethically integrate genAI into pedagogical practices. This adaptable model contributes to the discourse on professional development in AI-enhanced education.

[full paper @ publisher’s Homepage]
[full paper @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Brünner, B., Schön, S., & Ebner, M. (2025). From Gretel to Strudelcity: Empowering Teachers Regarding Generative AI for Enhanced AI Literacy with CollectiveGPT. Education Sciences15(2), 206. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci15020206

[presentation] Bildungsmaterialien für die Aus- und Weiterbildung zugänglich machen: Empfehlungen und Erfahrungen aus Forschungsprojekten zu Accessibility #tugraz

Im Rahmen des Online-Symposium „Diversität in der beruflichen Bildung“ an der PH Niederösterreich haben wir über unser Forschungsprojekt geredet und Einblicke gegeben unter dem Titel „Bildungsmaterialien für die Aus- und Weiterbildung zugänglich machen: Empfehlungen und Erfahrungen aus Forschungsprojekten zu Accessibility„.

Hier gibt es noch die Vortragsfolien:

[publication] Examining IT Infrastructures for Learning and Teaching in the European University Alliance Unite! #UNITE! #tugraz

Together with my colleagues, we contributed to the EUNIS 2024 conference in Athen with a publication about „Examining IT Infrastructures for Learning and Teaching in the European University Alliance Unite!

Abstract: In the digital era, European University Alliances like „Unite!“ work to reshape tertiary education by bridging nine prominent universities to champion regional integration, technology transfer, and quality science and engineering education. This paper delineates the methodologies used to harmonize varied IT infrastructures visualizations and descriptions across partner institutions, fostering knowledge sharing and facilitating standardized IT landscape comparisons. The absence of a general universal approach in representing teaching-related IT systems in higher education propelled the development of a unique, synchronized representation methodology. The paper offers a look at TU Graz’s digital infrastructure as an illustrative example. Through iterative collaboration, the alliance will develop a comprehensive IT infrastructure report, aiming to serve as a valuable blueprint for other educational entities.

[publication @ EasyChair]
[publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S., Alcober, J., Bertonasco, R., Herczak-Ciara, A., Hoppe, C., Langevin, E., Gasplmayr, K., Reignier-Tayar, N., Martikainen, J., Laurent, R., Leitner, P., Petersson, J., Silva, F. M. D., Steitz, K., Taraghi, B., & Wuerz, A. (2025). Examining IT Infrastructures for Learning and Teaching in the European University Alliance Unite! In R. Vogl, L. Desnos, J.-F. Desnos, S. Bolis, L. Merakos, G. Ferrell, E. Tsili, & M. Roumeliotis (Hrsg.), Proceedings of EUNIS 2024 annual congress in Athens (Band 105, S. 276-283). (EPiC Series in Computing). EasyChair Ltd. https://doi.org/10.29007/6n28

[poster] Offene Bildungsressourcen (OER) und Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) an österreichischen Hochschulen #OER #SDG #Nachhaltigkeit

Für die Tagung „Innovative Ansätze für die Nachhaltigkeitslehre in der Hochschulbildung“ am 17.1.2025 an der HAW Hamburg durften wir ein Poster gestalten rund um das Thema Open Educational Resources und Nachhaltigkeit:

Referenz: Jakob, J., Schön, S., Ebner, M., Gabriel, S., Liebhart-Gundacker, M., & Ruffeis, D. (2025). Offene Bildungsressourcen (OER) und Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) an österreichischen Hochschulen. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/6nk2h-3js28

[report] Die Zukunft der Bildungsforschung vernetzen: Konzeption eines Community-Events für Doktorand:innen der Bildungsforschung #edunexus #tugraz

Wir haben edunexus.at durchführen dürfen und nun gibt es dazu auch einen kurzen Abschlussbericht „Die Zukunft der Bildungsforschung vernetzen: Konzeption eines Community-Events für Doktorand:innen der Bildungsforschung„:

Konzept und Bericht zum Forum “Bildungsinnovation braucht Bildungsforschung” für Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden der Bildungsforschung vom 18. bis 22. November 2024 im Schloss Zell an der Pram.
Dokumentiert wird eine Veranstaltung, die vom 18. bis 22. November 2024 im Schloss Zell an der Pram, Oberösterreich, stattfand und im Rahmen des Projekts „trans!doc – Gemeinsam erreichen wir mehr“ von der TU Graz, der PH Steiermark sowie der Universität Wien durchgeführt sowie von der Innovationsstiftung Bildung (ISB) gefördert wurde. 
Ziel des Community-Events war es, die Vernetzung von Doktorand:innen aus den neun Programmen der Initiative „Bildungsinnovation braucht Bildungsforschung“ zu vernetzen und zu fördern, den interdisziplinären Austausch zwischen Betreuer:innen, Expert:innen und Studierenden zu unterstützen und Anregungen für die zukünftige Gestaltung der österreichischen Bildungsforschung zu geben. Unter dem Motto „Jahrmarkt der (Un-)Möglichkeiten“ bot das Event ein abwechslungsreiches Programm aus Workshops, Vorträgen und informellen Begegnungen, das gezielt auf die Mitgestaltung durch die Teilnehmenden ausgelegt war. Thematische Schwerpunkte lagen unter anderem auf Design Thinking, Open Science, offenen Bildungsressourcen und innovativen Organisationsformaten. Besonders hervorgehoben wird die positive Resonanz auf die Veranstaltung (Feedback, Online-Befragung, öffentliche Beiträge von Teilnehmer:innen) und die aktive Beteiligung der Teilnehmenden, die während der Veranstaltung eigene Beiträge einbrachten und sich über Forschungsfragen und -methoden austauschten. Der Report beleuchtet auch die organisatorischen Herausforderungen des Events, die positiven Rückmeldungen der Teilnehmer:innen sowie Verbesserungsvorschläge für zukünftige Veranstaltungen. Abschließend wird betont, dass das Event eine wichtige Rolle in der Förderung von Bildungsinnovation und in der Unterstützung der österreichischen Bildungsforschung gespielt hat und ähnliche Initiativen auch in Zukunft empfohlen werden.

[Bericht @ Repository TU Graz]
[Bericht @ ResearchGate]

Referenz: Schön, S., Brünner, B., Burgsteiner, H., Ebner, M., & Nöhrer, G. (2025). Die Zukunft der Bildungsforschung vernetzen: Konzeption eines Community-Events für Doktorand:innen der Bildungsforschung. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/p78hw-06z37

[publication] How to Plan and Manage a Blended Learning Course Module Using Generative Artificial Intelligence? #ai #research

Our contribution about „How to Plan and Manage a Blended Learning Course Module Using Generative Artificial Intelligence?“ got published.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the educational landscape, playing a crucial role in the transition to blended learning environments. As generative AI gains momentum, educators now have access to a growing repository of AI tools that can facilitate the shift from face-to-face instruction to more virtual learning experiences. This chapter provides a practical guideline for integrating and using AI tools to support educators in transitioning their courses to blended learning. The approach is structured around four key pillars: teacher practice support, online classroom support, evaluation and feedback, and student support. Following this guideline, we explore a curated list of AI-powered tools categorized based on their functions within these four pillars. To illustrate the application of these guidelines, we present a case study demonstrating a transition of a selected module of a traditional face-to-face machine learning course and make it accessible to students online, thus enabling blended learning experience. This chapter can empower future educators interested in AI to structure engaging blended learning courses and underscore the significant role of AI in enhancing the planning, management, implementation, and assessment of new blended learning courses.

[final publication @ publisher’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M., Shakya, R., Liu, Q., Ebner, M. (2024). How to Plan and Manage a Blended Learning Course Module Using Generative Artificial Intelligence?. In: Panda, S., Mishra, S., Misra, P.K. (eds) Case Studies on Blended Learning in Higher Education. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-9388-4_4