[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 19 / No.03 #ijet #research

Issue 19(03) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Implementing the Flipped Classroom Model in Science Lessons for Junior High School Students
  • Teachers Motivating Themselves by Motivating Students: A Cryptocurrency Appears
  • An Interdisciplinary Educational Proposal in Junior High School: The Fractal Geometry in Science, Computer Science and Art Lessons
  • The Development of Teacher Training Curriculum for Organizing of Learning Experiences to Enhance Social Development for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Effectiveness of Question-Based Instructional Video (QBIV) for an Automotive Engineering Study Program
  • Online Teaching Effect Evaluation and Analysis Using Combined Weighting Technique

[Link to Issue 19/03]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[publication] Maker Days for Kids – Durchführungen und Varianten im Überblick #makereducation

Unsere Publikation zu “Maker Days for Kids” ist im Rahmen der Zeitrschrift MedienPädagogik nun erschienen.

Als «Maker Days for kids» werden offene (digitale) Werkstätten für Kinder und Jugendliche von 8 bis 14 Jahren bezeichnet, die von einem Netzwerk rund um den Verein BIMS e. V. temporär aufgebaut und für mehrere Tage geöffnet und betreut werden. Die ersten Maker Days fanden im Jahr 2015 in Bad Reichenhall (Deutschland) statt. Seit 2018 gab es (bis dato) insgesamt vierzehn weitere Durchführungen in Graz (Österreich), Leipzig, Görlitz und Traunstein (alle in Deutschland). Das Netzwerk steht im engen Austausch im Hinblick auf Zielsetzung, Inhalte, didaktisch-pädagogische Vorgehensweise und Organisation. Obwohl sich die Verantwortlichen an den gleichen Prinzipien orientieren, gibt es doch mehrere Varianten der Durchführung – nicht zuletzt auch aufgrund von Herausforderungen, ausgelöst durch die Corona-Pandemie. Dieser Praxisbeitrag beschreibt die Merkmale und Prinzipien des Konzepts und stellt vergleichend dar, wie bei der Umsetzung des Konzepts vorgegangen wurde. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, erstmals einen Überblick über die durchgeführten Varianten der Maker Days for kids zu geben und die Hintergründe, Besonderheiten und Erkenntnisse der einzelnen Veranstaltungen aus Praxissicht zu beleuchten.

[Originalbeitrag @ Zeitschriften-Homepage]
[Originalbeitrag @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Grandl, Maria, Hannah Bunke-Emden, Danilo Dietsch, Martin Ebner, Kristin Narr, Anna Schaffert, und Sandra Schön. 2024. „Maker Days for Kids: Durchführungen Und Varianten Im Überblick“. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung 56 (Making & more):281-313. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/56/2024.01.25.X

[publication] Exploring the Utilization of Online Resources and Experiences in Language Learning: A Study of Indonesian Students Learning German as a Foreign Language #languagelearning #TEL

Our research about “Exploring the Utilization of Online Resources and Experiences in Language Learning: A Study of Indonesian Students Learning German as a Foreign Language” is now online available.

Abstract: This study examines the frequency of online resource utilization among German language students at Universitas Negeri Malang (Indonesia) who are at the B1 level. The aim of the research is to investigate the usage of websites and applications during German language studies. Standardized questions were administered to a sample of 54 students to gather information regarding their engagement with online resources throughout their coursework. Additionally, feedback on selected online resources was collected and assessed. The findings reveal that Indonesian students demonstrate a preference for using videos featuring interviews with native German speakers, alongside the inclusion of supportive subtitles to enhance comprehension. However, a significant challenge arises due to the lack of materials specifically tailored for Indonesian learners, which also clearly indicate the intended language proficiency level.

[preprint @ ResearchGate]
[publication @ publisher’s homepage]

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S., Hidayat, E. & Ardiyani, D.K. (2023). Exploring the Utilization of Online Resources and Experiences in Language Learning: A Study of Indonesian Students Learning German as a Foreign Language. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1085-1090). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 17, 2023 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/222623/.

[publication] Learning Analytics als Instrument für wirkmächtige Mediendidaktik – 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Forschungsfeld #tugraz

In einem kurzen Beitrag zu “Learning Analytics als Instrument für wirkmächtige Mediendidaktik – 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Forschungsfeld” konnte ich im Buch “Didaktik in einer Kultur der Digitalität” unsere Erfahrungen darlegen:

Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit Learning-Analytics-Applikationen als Werkzeug für Lernenden und Lehrende. Dabei wird in die Begrifflichkeit eingeleitet, um ein gemeinsames Verständnis zu schaffen und danach entlang von umgesetzten und in der Praxis erprobten Beispielen bisher Erkenntnisse herausgearbeitet. Die Erfahrungen stützen sich dabei primär aus zwei Anwendungsbereichen in den Unterrichtsfächern Mathematik und Deutsch. In der abschließenden Diskussion werden die Herausforderungen und Ziele von Learning Analytics besprochen, die in den dafür nötigen Kompetenzen der Lehrenden münden, um im Sinne einer wirkungsmächtigen Mediendidaktik diese gezielt einsetzen zu können.

[Vorabversion @ ReserachGate]

Zitation: Ebner, M. (2023) Learning Analytics als Instrument für wirkmächtige Mediendidaktik – 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Forschungsfeld. In: Didaktik in einer Kultur der Digitalität. Brandhofer, G. & Wiesner, C. (Hrsg.). Verlag Julius Klinkhardt GmbH & Co. KG. S. 163 – 176. ISBN 9783781526037

[publication] Impact Assessment of a MOOC Platform Considerations, Development, and Results #imoox #emoocs

Our contribution on “Impact Assessment of a MOOC Platform Considerations, Development, and Results” was published at EMOOCs 2023 conference.

In 2020, the project “iMooX-The MOOC Platform as a Service for all Austrian Universities” was launched. It is co-financed by the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research. After half of the funding period, the project management wants to assess and share results and outcomes but also address (potential) additional “impacts” of the MOOC platform. Building upon work on OER impact assessment, this contribution describes in detail how the specific iMooX.at approach of impact measurement was developed. Literature review, stakeholder analysis, and problem-based interviews were the base for developing a questionnaire addressing the defined key stakeholder “MOOC creators”. The article also presents the survey results in English for the first time but focuses more on the development, strengths, and weaknesses of the selected methods. The article is seen as a contribution to the further development of impact assessment for MOOC platforms.

[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Hohla-Sejkora, K., Mair, B., Schön. S., Lipp, S., Steinkellner, I., Stojcevic, I. & Zwiauer, C. (2023) Impact Assessment of a MOOC Platform Considerations, Development, and Results. EMOOCs 2023, 171-186 [.pdf]

[publication] A Metastandard for the International Exchange of MOOCs – The MOOChub as First Prototype #imoox #moochub #emoocs

Our contribution about “A Metastandard for the International Exchange of MOOCs – The MOOChub as First Prototype” for the EMOOCs 2023 was published.

The MOOChub is a joined web-based catalog of all relevant German and Austrian MOOC platforms that lists well over 750 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Automatically building such a catalog requires that all partners describe and publicly offer the metadata of their courses in the same way. The paper at hand presents the genesis of the idea to establish a common metadata standard and the story of its subsequent development. The result of this effort is, first, an open-licensed de-facto-standard, which is based on existing commonly used standards and second, a first prototypical platform that is using this standard: the MOOChub, which lists all courses of the involved partners. This catalog is searchable and provides a more comprehensive overview of basically all MOOCs that are offered by German and Austrian MOOC platforms. Finally, the upcoming developments to further optimize the catalog and the metadata standard are reported.

[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Staubitz, T., Serth, S., Max, T., Ebner, M., Koschutnig-Ebner, M., Rampelt, F., von Stellen, A. & Wittke, A. (2023) A Metastandard for the International Exchange of MOOCs – The MOOChub as First Prototype. EMOOCs 2023, 147-161 [.pdf]

[publication] Role of MOOCs and Imoox for Austrian Universities Analysis of Performance Agreements and Activities at imoox #imoox #emoocs

We did a publication about “Role of MOOCs and Imoox for Austrian Universities Analysis of Performance Agreements and Activities at imoox” for the EMOOCS 2023 conference.

This research paper provides an overview of the current state of MOOCs (massive open online courses) and universities in Austria, focusing on the national MOOC platform iMooX.at. The study begins by presenting the results of an analysis of the performance agreements of 22 Austrian public universities for the period 2022-2024, with a specific focus on the mention of MOOC activities and iMooX. The authors find that 12 of 22 (55 %) Austrian public universities use at least one of these terms, indicating a growing interest in MOOCs and online learning. Additionally, the authors analyze internal documentation data to share insights into how many universities in Austria have produced and/or used a MOOC on the iMooX platform since its launch in 2014. These findings provide a valuable measure of the current usage and monitoring of MOOCs and iMooX among Austrian higher education institutions. Overall, this research contributes to a better understanding of the current state of MOOCs and their integration within Austrian higher education.

[full paper @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Hohla-Sejkora, K., Lipp, S., & Schön. S. (2023) Role of MOOCs and Imoox for Austrian Universities. EMOOCs 2023, 77-94 [.pdf]

[publication] Learning with Videos and Quiz Attempts: Explorative Insights into Behavior and Patterns of MOOC Participants #imoox #video #hcii

Our publication about “Learning with Videos and Quiz Attempts: Explorative Insights into Behavior and Patterns of MOOC Participants” for the HCII 2023 conference got published:

Many MOOCs use units with videos and quizzes, where a successful attempt after several tries is the basis for a MOOC certificate. A first in-depth analysis of quiz behavior within a MOOC at the Austrian MOOC platform iMooX.at had shown several quiz attempts patterns (Mair et al. 2022). As a next step, the researchers now collected details on video watching within a new edition of the same MOOC and therefore could combine data on quiz and video behavior. This analysis shows similar distribution of the quiz attempt patterns as in our first analysis. Additionally, the analysis indicates that learners who completed more quiz attempts than needed for full point results or passing have a higher average video watching time than learners who only made attempts until reaching a full score or passing.KeywordsMOOC; quiz behaviorVideo behaviorLearningLearning analytics

[full paper @ publisher’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Mair, B., Schön, S., Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Leitner, P. (2023). Learning with Videos and Quiz Attempts: Explorative Insights into Behavior and Patterns of MOOC Participants. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14040. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34411-4_22

[presentation] Exploring the Utilization of Online Resources and Experiences in Language Learning – A Study of Indonesian Students Learning German as a Foreign Language #edil23 #language #OER #learning

Our research together with the University of Malang about “Exploring the Utilization of Online Resources and Experiences in Language Learning – A Study of Indonesian Students Learning German as a Foreign Language” at the EDMedia and Innovative Learning 2023 conference in Vienna is now online available – here you can find the slides:

[slides @ ResearchGate]

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 19 / No.02 #ijet #research

Issue 19(02) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Digital Inclusion in English Language Teaching in Ukraine
  • Teachers’ Perspectives on Using Technology to Facilitate Pupil Participation
  • Construction and Innovative Application of Fundamental Training Educational Resource Repository Using Data Mining Techniques
  • Integration of Internet Technology and Environmental Design Education: Cross-disciplinary Curriculum System Construction and Its Teaching Effect Evaluation
  • Utilising Big Data Analysis to Augment Student Learning: A Deep Dive into Customised Teaching and Management Mode
  • Research on Retrieval Method of Online English Grammar Questions Based on Natural Language Processing
  • Using Artificial Intelligence to Reform the Collaborative Teaching Mode of Visual Communication Design Courses
  • Transformation of Students’ Societal Perceptions through Data-Driven Pedagogies in Sociology Courses
  • Leveraging Gamification Strategies for Enhanced Environmental Education: An Exploration into Design, Technology, and Learning Outcomes

[Link to Issue 19/02]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .