[presentation] The Metacampus as a Teaching Hub for the Unite! Alliance #unite #moodle

For the 2nd Unite!-Ed Future Conference, Katharina presented details about the Metacampus, titled „The Metacampus as a Teaching Hub for the Unite! Alliance„:

The Unite! alliance has developed the Metacampus, a federated LMS based on Moodle, to facilitate seamless collaboration and resource sharing among partner universities. This presentation showcases how the Metacampus supports teaching and learning across the alliance by addressing diverse needs and enabling innovative approaches. Key use cases where the Metacampus proves particularly beneficial are outlined, along with resources created to guide users, including detailed documentation, courses, and instructional videos (produced with AI avatars). Activities such as targeted training sessions and the streamlined submission of requests and special requirements via an integrated request form are highlighted. LTI pilot activities, aimed at integrating local LMS systems with the Metacampus, are presented, along with insights from regular E-Learning Support Group meetings. Success stories demonstrate the platform’s impact and potential for enhancing collaboration within Unite!. In conclusion, challenges extending beyond technical solutions are addressed, such as the lack of incentives to adopt Unite!-specific courses or to fully utilize the Metacampus. These insights foster dialogue on how to further support teaching and learning within the Unite! alliance.

Find the slides here:

Gasplmayr, K., Schön, S., Alcober, J., Ebner, M., & Molins, X. (2025, März 13). The Metacampus as a Teaching Hub for the Unite! Alliance. Presentation at the Unite! Ed Future Conference 2025, March 13, 2025. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/eeqtz-1f759

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