[presentation] Federated virtual learning management in a European University alliance: General challenges and first experiences using LTI to connect LMS in Unite! #unite! #tugraz #research

The next presentation at this year’s ED-Media conference is “Federated virtual learning management in a European University alliance: General challenges and first experiences using LTI to connect LMS in Unite!“. Find here our slides:

[Link to slides @ ResearchGate]

[presentation] The Development of “Teaching Management Patterns” from the Perspective of IT Infrastructure as a Tool for Consulting and Further Development in a European University Alliance #unite #tugraz #research

The next presentation at this year’s ED-Media conference is “The Development of “Teaching Management Patterns” from the Perspective of IT Infrastructure as a Tool for Consulting and Further Development in a European University Alliance“. Find here our slides:

[Link to slides @ ResearchGate]

[presentation] Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students’ own studies #tugraz #research

Irma did her master’s thesis about “Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students’ own studies“. The slides of her defense are now available online:

Halilovic Salki, I. (2024, Juni 26). Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students’ own studies. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/t4n9s-7vy95