[presentation] Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students‘ own studies #tugraz #research

Irma did her master’s thesis about „Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students‘ own studies„. The slides of her defense are now available online:

Halilovic Salki, I. (2024, Juni 26). Concept, design, and implementation of a planning tool for students‘ own studies. Graz University of Technology. https://doi.org/10.3217/t4n9s-7vy95

[presentation] Open Educational Resources (OER) at TU Graz – Institutional Integration and development of OER #OER

Together with Sandra I joined the „Aalto RDM & Open Science Training“ and did a presentation on „Open Educational Resources (OER) at TU Graz – Institutional Integration and development of OER„.

Find here my slides:

Reference: Ebner, M. (2024, März 13). Open Educational Resources (OER) at TU Graz – Institutional Integration and development of OER. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10812686

[presentation] The use of programming tasks in interactive videos to increase learning effectiveness at MOOCs #master #tugraz #imoox #video

Michale did his masterthesis about „The use of programming tasks in interactive videos to increase learning effectiveness at MOOCs“ and here you can find his slides of the successful defense:

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