[publication] Impact Assessment of a MOOC Platform Considerations, Development, and Results #imoox #emoocs

Our contribution on “Impact Assessment of a MOOC Platform Considerations, Development, and Results” was published at EMOOCs 2023 conference.

In 2020, the project “iMooX-The MOOC Platform as a Service for all Austrian Universities” was launched. It is co-financed by the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research. After half of the funding period, the project management wants to assess and share results and outcomes but also address (potential) additional “impacts” of the MOOC platform. Building upon work on OER impact assessment, this contribution describes in detail how the specific iMooX.at approach of impact measurement was developed. Literature review, stakeholder analysis, and problem-based interviews were the base for developing a questionnaire addressing the defined key stakeholder “MOOC creators”. The article also presents the survey results in English for the first time but focuses more on the development, strengths, and weaknesses of the selected methods. The article is seen as a contribution to the further development of impact assessment for MOOC platforms.

[full article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Hohla-Sejkora, K., Mair, B., Schön. S., Lipp, S., Steinkellner, I., Stojcevic, I. & Zwiauer, C. (2023) Impact Assessment of a MOOC Platform Considerations, Development, and Results. EMOOCs 2023, 171-186 [.pdf]

[publication] Wirkung der nationalen MOOC-Plattform iMooX.at auf die digitale Transformation der Hochschulen #imoox #mooc

Wir wurden gebeten einen kurzen Artikel zu “Wirkung der nationalen MOOC-Plattform iMooX.at auf die digitale Transformation der Hochschulen” in dem Buch zur digitalen Transformation an österreichischen Universitäten beizutragen. Da ist nun die publizierte Fassung:

2012 entstand die österreichische MOOC-Plattform iMooX.at in Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Universität Graz und der Technischen Universität Graz (TU Graz). 2020 wurde mit dem Projekt „iMooX – Die MOOC-Plattform als Service für alle österreichischen Universitäten“ das Ziel verfolgt, iMooX zu einer nationalen MOOC-Plattform auszu- bauen. Das Projekt ermöglichte die Produktion und Bereitstellung von MOOCs für alle österreichischen Universitäten. Dieser Artikel präsentiert vorläufige Ergebnisse zu den Auswirkungen von iMooX.at im Hinblick auf die digitale Transformation in der Hochschulbildung. Als Basis dient dafür eine Befragung von MOOC-Ersteller*innen. Als Ausblick wird die Integration von Microcredentials in MOOCs diskutiert.

[Artikel @ Verlag Technische Universität Graz]
[Artikel @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Ebner, M., Schön, S. & Zwiauer, C. (2023) Wirkung der nationalen MOOC-Plattform iMooX.at auf die digitale Transformation der Hochschulen. In: Digitale Transformation an österreichischen Hochschulen. S. 146-157. DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-966-7-16

[publication] Potential Impact of Open Educational Resources and Practices for Good Teaching at Universities. The OER Impact Assessment at TU Graz #OER #tugraz #research

We contributed to the book “Learning with Technologies and Technologies in Learning” with a chapter named “Potential Impact of Open Educational Resources and Practices for Good Teaching at Universities. The OER Impact Assessment at TU Graz

Based on the increasing demand for and promotion of Open Educational Resources (OER, see (UNESCO (2019), this chapter describes the objectives of Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in Austria for good teaching. A description of how the impact of OER at TU Graz will be analysed and considerations around it is the central contribution. In addition, the effects, and potentials of selected OER initiatives of the university are described as examples and discussed as key potential for good teaching. For a better understanding of the role of OER at TU Graz, the national context of OER in the Austrian higher education landscape is described at the beginning of the chapter.

[draft @ ResearchGate]
[chapter @ book’s homepage]

Citation: Ebner, Martin; Schön, Sandra; Ebner, Markus; Edelsbrunner, Sarah; Hohla, Katharina (2022). Potential Impact of Open Educational Resources and Practices for Good Teaching at Universities. The OER Impact Assessment at TU Graz. In: Michael E. Auer, Andreas Pester, Dominik May (Eds.), Learning with Technologies and Technologies in Learning. Experience, Trends and Challenges in Higher Education, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Volume 45, Cham: Springer, pp. 79-100.

[publication] OER Impact Assessment: A framework for higher education institutions and beyond. Approaches to assess the impact of Open Educational Resources #OER #research #OEAA

Our publication about “OER Impact Assessment: A framework for higher education institutions and beyond. Approaches to assess the impact of Open Educational Resources” got published.

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of approaches to and insights for impact assessment on open educational resources (OER) in higher education and building on this to sketch a framework for university focussed OER impact assessment. The authors describe the literature on impact assessment in the OER context and the existing contributions to OER impact assessment in higher education. Findings of the analysis are that there are few contributions on the effects of OER in general or of specific OER initiatives. Four contributions are presented in more detail. From these examples and the literature analysis, derivations, and challenges for OER impact assessment are drawn, such as the large diversity in OER purposes and the invisibility of the re-usage of OER. The contribution sketches a framework model for describing OER-relevant results, outcomes, and impact, and more specifically demonstrates how this can be done for exemplary OER-related objectives. This contribution is thus of relevance to funding bodies and institutions working in the context of higher education that wish to systematically evaluate and monitor statements about the effectiveness of OER activities according to the UNESCO (2019) OER recommendation.

[article @ journal’s homepage]
[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, Martin, Orr, Dominic and Schön, Sandra. “OER Impact Assessment: A framework for higher education institutions and beyond. Approaches to assess the impact of Open Educational Resources” Open Education Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, 2022, pp. 296-309. https://doi.org/10.1515/edu-2022-0018