[mooc] Inclusive Peer Learning with Augmented Reality #imoox #nuernberg #restart

It’s a pleasure to announce the restart of the free online-course (MOOC) on “Inclusive Peer Learning with Augmented Reality” which starts today on our platform iMooX.at:

This MOOC on Inclusive Peer Learning with Augmented Reality gives you an overview on the possibilities of working with AR in a peer learning setting in Higher Education (Pear Learning). The course focusses on low end technology that is easily purchased and that demands no coding. In minor parts, it introduces the work with high end technology, as well. You will learn about the peer to peer pedagogy, a pedagogical strategy on peer learning with AR including an assessment tool for teachers, and you will design your own small AR experience for a peer learning setting.

Of cours the MOOC is as usual for free – just feel welcome to register [Link to registration page]

[mooc] Inclusive Peer Learning with Augmented Reality #imoox #nuernberg

It’s a pleasure to announce a new free online-course (MOOC) on “Inclusive Peer Learning with Augmented Reality” which starts today on our platform iMooX.at:

This MOOC on Inclusive Peer Learning with Augmented Reality gives you an overview on the possibilities of working with AR in a peer learning setting in Higher Education (Pear Learning). The course focusses on low end technology that is easily purchased and that demands no coding. In minor parts, it introduces the work with high end technology, as well. You will learn about the peer to peer pedagogy, a pedagogical strategy on peer learning with AR including an assessment tool for teachers, and you will design your own small AR experience for a peer learning setting.

Of cours the MOOC is as usual for free – just feel welcome to register [Link to registration page]

[imoox] Digitalization and Inclusive Education #imoox #inclusive

Es freut uns, dass heute der MOOC “Digitalization and Inclusive Education” auf iMooX.at startet. Das Ziel des MOOC ist:

Dieser MOOC soll die Kompetenzen von Lehrpersonen des Pflichtschulbereichs und von interessierten Personen im Bereich der digital-inklusiven Bildung stärken, um Schüler*innen mit Behinderungen die Teilhabe am mediengestützten Unterricht zu ermöglichen. Die Inhalte orientieren sich an dem „Europäischen Rahmen für die digitale Kompetenz Lehrender“ der Europäischen Union (Digital Competence Framework for Educators [DigiCompEdu]), spezifisch am Kompetenzbereich 5 „Lernerorientierung“ (Empowering Learners).
Dieser MOOC gliedert sich dabei in folgende Module:

  • Modul 1: Einführung: „Universal Design of Instruction“
  • Modul 2: Barrierefreiheit und Nutzungsfreundlichkeit
  • Modul 3: Assistive Technologien
  • Modul 4: Technologiegestützter inklusiver Unterricht
  • Modul 5: Sozial eingebettetes Lernen (im Online-Setting)

Natürlich ist der MOOC kostenlos und man kann sich kostenfrei registrieren. Wir freuen uns auf rege Teilnahme 🙂 .

[Link zur kostenlosen Anmeldung]