[imoox, gadi] Zukunft des Schulbuchs, der Bildung und dann gibt es da noch Learning Analytics #imoox #gadi16

Martin Ebner / GADI 2012Schoen SandraDer MOOC “Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie” auf iMooX geht nun schon in die sechste Woche. Diesesmal sind die Experten Sandra Schön, Mohammad Khalil und ich selbst dran.
Wir tragen zum MOOC die Themen Schulbücher und die Bildung an sich bei Mohammad Khalil – provokativ und anregend war die Vorgabe 🙂 .
Und dann setzt Mohammad der Diskussion mit dem Thema Learning Analytics noch das Sahnehäubchen drauf.
Also unbedingt vorbei schauen und mitdiskutieren – der Einstieg in den MOOC ist ebenso jederzeit möglich.
[Link zum Kurs]

[presentation] “How satisfied are you with your MOOC?” – A Research Study on Interaction in Huge Online Courses

Our presentation about ““How satisfied are you with your MOOC?” – A Research Study on Interaction in Huge Online Courses” at this year ED-Media Conference is now online available:

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[lecture] Technology Enhanced Learning – Lecture 3

The third lecture of my seminar “Technology Enhanced Learning” was done by our colleague Hanan Khalil. She introduced the field of Instructional Design and explained her perspectives on learning objectives as an educational technologies. Attached you will find here slides as well as a photo of a poster series of one student group done during the lecture:

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Picture of a poster series for a learning object:
TEL 2013 / 3

[publication] Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen?

Toegehter with Hanan Khalil we did a first research work about Massive Open Online Courses (shortly MOOCs). The publication titled “Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen?” and was accepted for presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Development “Future Visions for Higher Education Development” in Mansoura, Egypt. The slides of Hanan’s talk are already here online.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are booming. They possibility to study whatever, wherever, and whenever for free is convincing to millions of online learners. A main criterion for the success of learning is interaction and communication as for MOOCs too. But there is little research work to be found according to the ways of MOOC interaction, its usage, and importance so far. This study deals exactly with these topics. The results of this study show that there is a lot of distinct “student to student” interaction using social networks and other Web 2.0 possibilities but very little “student to instructor” interaction. It is a task of the future to strengthen such interaction in order to optimize the learning outcome and community.

Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen? by Martin

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Reference: Khalil, H., Ebner, M. (2013) Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen?, International Conference on Higher Education Development, p. 1-24, Mansoura University, Egypt

[presentation] Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen?

Hanan Khalil is presenting today our both research work concerning the interaction in MOOCS at 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Development “Future Visions for Higher Education Development”. Find here the slides of her talk “Interaction Possibilities in MOOCs – How Do They Actually Happen?“:

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