Our presentation about „Exploring the Use of Generative AI in Education: Broadening the Scope“ done at this year’s HCII conference is now online available:

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Our presentation about „Exploring the Use of Generative AI in Education: Broadening the Scope“ done at this year’s HCII conference is now online available:
We are happy that our contribution about „Evaluation Design for Learning with Mixed Reality in Mining Education Based on a Literature Review“ got published now.
Mixed Reality technologies are on the rise in the educational sector. However, research shows that there is still a lack in knowledge concerning the evaluation of these technologies. In this paper we present a research on current practices in evaluation for Mixed Reality. For this purpose, we selected 94 publications from between 2015 and 2021 and reduced them to 45 which included formal evaluation processes. We then adapted a classification scheme by Duenser et al. [5] and categorized these papers according to their evaluation methods. We present our overall findings and explain some examples more detailed. The results are then compared to previous work outside and within the MiReBooks project and applied on the didactical framework. This allows us to illustrate the development of this sector over the last years and it helps us to enhance our own evaluation approaches. First results also show that there is a rise in evaluation approaches recently and that the overall goals for these processes did not change much from 2008.
[draft @ ResearchGate]
[full article @ book’s homepage]
Reference: Thurner S., Daling L., Ebner M., Ebner M., Schön S. (2021) Evaluation Design for Learning with Mixed Reality in Mining Education Based on a Literature Review. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Games and Virtual Environments for Learning. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12785. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77943-6_21
Our publication about „Influential factors for technology-enhanced learning: professionals’ views“ got published in the Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching &Learning.
The literature includes several studies that define different critical success factors (CSF) which have to be considered to support the implementation of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) approaches. An analysis of such studies revealed that (1) regional differences seem to determine the CSF for TEL approaches, (2) certain CSF are relevant for TEL approaches in general, and (3) professionals in higher education determine which influential factors they consider when implementing TEL approaches. Thus, the question arises: in general, which influential factors do professionals in Austrian and German institutions of higher education actually consider when implementing TEL approaches?Design/methodology/approach
The study is a quantitative research approach based on survey data.Findings
The results show that certain influential factors seem to be generally important, such as the factors of respecting learning success or motivation. However, the outcome of the study also indicated that different moderating variables like experiences and personal relevance affect the professionals’ choices.Originality/value
The originality and value are in the approach to identify generally important influential factors for the implementation of TEL approaches in Austrian and German institutions of higher education.
[Article @ Journal’s Homepage]
Reference: Schweighofer, P., Weitlaner, D., Ebner, M., Rothe, H. (2019) Influential factors fortechnology-enhanced learning: professionals’ views. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching &Learning, https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIT-09-2017-0023
Our publication about „What is Learning Analytics about? A Survey of Different Methods Used in 2013-2015“ for this year Smart Learning Excellence Conference in Dubai is now online available. The slides have been already published here.
The area of Learning Analytics has developed enormously since the first International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) in 2011. It is a field that combines different disciplines such as computer science, statistics, psychology and pedagogy to achieve its intended objectives. The main goals illustrate in creating convenient interventions on learning as well as its environment and the final optimization about learning domain’s stakeholders (Khalil & Ebner, 2015b). Because the field matures and is now adapted in diverse educational settings, we believe there is a pressing need to list its own research methods and specify its objectives and dilemmas. This paper surveys publications from Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference from 2013 to 2015 and lists the significant research areas in this sphere. We consider the method profile and classify them into seven different categories with a brief description on each. Furthermore, we show the most cited method categories using Google scholar. Finally, the authors raise the challenges and constraints that affect its ethical approach through the meta-analysis study. It is believed that this paper will help researchers to identify the common methods used in Learning Analytics, and it will assist by establishing a future forecast towards new research work taking into account the privacy and ethical issues of this strongly emerged field.
[Full text @ ResearchGate]
Reference: Khalil, M., Ebner, M. (2016). What is Learning Analytics about? A Survey of Different Methods Used in 2013-2015. Conference proceeding of the 8th e-Learning Excellence Conference, 2016. Dubai, UAE. pp. 1-12
Our publication about „Aspects to Be Considered when Implementing Technology Enhanced Learning Approaches: A Literature Review“ got published in the Open Access Journal Future Internet.
The significance of approaches to technology-enhanced learning (TEL) has increased rapidly during the last few years. Nowadays in education different approaches such as game-based learning, web-based learning, video-based online courses, and many others are used on a daily basis. However, what defines the success of technology-enhanced learning approaches and how can such approaches be developed in a structured way? Furthermore, what different aspects have to be considered while doing so? To answer these questions, 4567 publications were analyzed in this present literature review in order to recognize the different aspects of implementing technology-enhanced learning approaches. Finally, 20 categories are defined in four main areas that summarize all the aspects in the field of technology-enhanced learning. Moreover, the study also reveals research areas that are important but hardly investigated in the observed journals of this study.
Reference: Schweighofer P, Ebner M. (2015) Aspects to Be Considered when Implementing Technology Enhanced Learning Approaches: A Literature Review. Future Internet. 2015; 7(1):26-49
Our publication about „Technology Enhanced Learning and the Digital Economy: A Literature Review“ is now online published in the International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE).
Throughout history, the ongoing technological progress has caused the economy to change in many aspects; furthermore, at times it triggered the dawn of a new era. In the 1980s, this happened for the last time and the digital economy has emerged over the last decades. Since then, the significance of approaches to technology enhanced learning (TEL) has increased rapidly. However, the relations between the digital economy and technology enhanced learning are hardly investigated. Therefore this study points out the known relations between technology enhanced learning and the digital economy by reviewing 1089 publications. Thereby one could recognize that the relations between the regularities of the digital economy and the field of technology enhanced learning have not been thoroughly researched yet.
Reference: Schweighofer, P., Grünwald, S., & Ebner, M. (2015). Technology Enhanced Learning and the Digital Economy: A Literature Review. International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE), 6(1), 50-62. doi:10.4018/ijide.2015010104 [Link to the article]