[presentation] Impacts of Interactions in Learning-Videos: A Subjective and Objective Analysis #edmedia

Our fifth presentation at this year ED-Media conference in Montreal is about “mpacts of Interactions in Learning-Videos: A Subjective and Objective Analysis“. Here you can find the slides:

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[publication] Support of Video-Based lectures with Interactions – Implementation of a first prototype

Our contribution at this year ED-MEDIA conference in Tampere, Finnland about “Support of Video-Based lectures with Interactions – Implementation of a first prototype” is now online available. The slides have alreday been published here.

In general videos have a more or less consuming character without any interaction possibilities. Due to this fact a web-based application is developed which offers different methods of communication and interaction to a certain learning-video. This should help attendees to avoid that they become tired and annoyed. The lecturer is able to use interactions to omit whether learners are able to understand the content of the video. For instance the developed web-application offers the possibility to add multiple-choice-questions at predefined positions. Furthermore there are many different kind of analysis as for example a detailed attention-profile. In this publication the implementation of a first prototype is described as well as a first field study which points out that learners? interactions and engagements increased arbitrarily.

Support of Video-Based lectures with Interactions – Implementation of a first prototype by Martin

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Reference: Wachtler, J. & Ebner, M. (2014). Support of Video-Based lectures with Interactions – Implementation of a first prototype. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2014 (pp. 562-571). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[publication] Attention Profiling Algorithm for Video-based Lectures

Our first publication at this year HCII conference in Crete, Greece about “Attention Profiling Algorithm for Video-based Lectures” is now online available as prelimiary version. The slides are already published here.

Due to the fact that students’ attention is the most crucial resource in a high-quality course it is from high importance to control and analyze it. This could be done by using the interaction and the communication because they are known as valuable influencing factors of the attention. In this publication we introduce a web-based information system which implements an attention-profiling algorithm for learningvideos
as well as live-broadcastings of lectures. For that different methods of interaction are offered and analyzed. The evaluation points out that the attention profiling algorithm delivers realistic values.

Attention Profiling Algorithm for Video-based Lectures by Martin

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Reference: Wachtler, J., Ebner, M., Taraghi, B. (2014). Attention Profiling Algorithm for Video-based Lectures. Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing and Developing Novel Learning Experiences. Panayiotis, Z., Ioannou, A. (Ed.), Springer Lecture Notes, pp. 358-367

[presentation] Attention Profiling Algorithm for Video-based Lectures

Our first presentation at this year HCII 2014 conferece in Creta Maris, Heraklion, Crete, Greece was about “Attention Profiling Algorithm for Video-based Lectures“. First of all find here the slides:

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[presentation] Support of Video-Based Lectures with Interactions

Our third presentation at this year ED-Media Conference in Tampere, Finland is about the “Support of Video-Based Lectures with Interactions” – find here the slides:

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[publication] Unterstützung von videobasiertem Unterricht durch Interaktionen – Implementierung eines ersten Prototyps

In der Ausgabe 9/3 der ZfHE ist unser Beitrag zu “Unterstützung von videobasiertem Unterricht durch Interaktionen – Implementierung eines ersten Prototyps” erschienen und online zugänglich.

Videos sind meist reine Konsumationsmedien ohne weitere Interaktion. Aus diesem Grund wird eine Web-Anwendung entwickelt, welche es ermöglicht, verschiedene Formen der Interaktion und Kommunikation während dem Betrachten eines Videos bereitzustellen. Dies soll den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern helfen, den sogenannten “Berieselungseffekt” zu vermeiden. Die bzw. der Vortragende sollte mit Hilfe der Interaktionen feststellen können, ob die Teilnehmer/innen die Lerninhalte verstehen. Die entwickelte Web-Anwendung bietet unter anderem die Möglichkeit, Multiple-Choice-Fragen zu bestimmten Zeitpunkten in das Video einzubetten. Außerdem stehen viele Analysemöglichkeiten wie zum Beispiel ein genaues Aufmerksamkeitsprofil zur Verfügung. Eine erste Evaluation zeigt eine rege Teilnahme an den Interaktionen.

Zitation: Wachtler, J., Ebner, M. (2014) Unterstützung von videobasiertem Unterricht durch Interaktionen – Implementierung eines ersten Prototyps, Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE), 9/3, S. 13-22

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[presentation] Unterstützung von videobasiertem Unterricht durch Interaktionen

Die zweite Präsentation im Rahmen der iUNIG-Tagung in Graz hat Josef gehalten über sein Dissertationsvorhaben – das System LIVE kann man übrigens auch hier gerne testen:

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[publication] Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses

Our publication about “Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses” at this year HCII conference is now available online as a draft.

Human learning processes are strongly depending on attention of each single learner. Due to this fact any measurement helping to increase students’ attention is from high importance. Till now there are some developments called Audience-Response-Systems only available for face-to-face education even for masses. In this publication we introduce a web-based information system which is also usable for online-systems. Students’ attention will be conserved based on different interaction forms during the live stream of a lecture. The evaluation pointed out that the system helps to enlarge the attention of each single participant

Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Wachtler, J. & Holzinger, A. 2013. Introducing an Information System for Successful Support of Selective Attention in Online Courses. In: Stephanidis, C. & Antona, M. (eds.) Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services for Quality of Life, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 8011. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 153-162.

[presentation] Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses

Our presentation at this year HCII 2013 conference about “Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses” is now online available:

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[GADI13] mHealth und Open Educational Resources

[GADI13] Martin Ebner[GADI13] Günter SchreierIch darf heute, Mittwoch 20.03.2013, wieder zur Vorlesung “Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie” an der TU Graz herzlich begüßen. Der dritte Termin besteht aus folgendenden Vorträgen:

  • Günter Schreier: “mHealth – wer hat die Gesundheitsversorgung in der Tasche
  • Martin Ebner: “Freie Bildungsmaterialien – wesentlicher Bestandteil der Gesellschaft von morgen

Die Vorträge werden live ab 16.15 Uhr gestreamt – Link zum Streamingserver
Weitere Vorträge/Abstracts findet man hier auf der Vorlesungshomepage.