[publication] Cooperative Face-to-Face Learning with Connected Mobile Devices: The Future of Classroom Learning? #tugraz #research

Our chapter about “Cooperative Face-to-Face Learning with Connected Mobile Devices: The Future of Classroom Learning?” got published as chapter of the book Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Pervasive Learning.


Communication and collaboration among peers influence learning outcomes in a positive way. Therefore our research work focuses on enhancing face-to-face group learning with the usage of mobile devices by developing a learning game for iPhone/iPad devices called MatheBingo. The app allows up to four learners to connect to each other through their mobile devices and learn together in a face-to-face setting. An initial evaluation in this field of research indicates the usefulness of such activities and how they uniquely motivate children to learn. It can be summarized that the connection of mobile devices is an important step towards the future of face-to-face classroom learning.

[Link to full chapter @ Springer]

[Link to Draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S., Khalil, H., Zuliani, B. (2016) Cooperative Face-to- Face Learning with Connected Mobile Devices: The Future of Classroom Learning? In: Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Pervasive Learning Fundaments, Applications, and Trends, Edition: 1st, Publisher: Springer, Editors: Alejandro Peña-Ayala, pp.121-138

[presentation] Teamsketch – Collaborative Drawing on iPads

Our first presentation at this year ED-Media conference in Montreal is about “Teamsketch – Collaborative Drawing on iPads“. Here you can find the slides:

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[publication] Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices: An Approach in Higher Secondary Education in Ghana

Our publication about “Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices: An Approach in Higher Secondary Education in Ghana” got published in the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning.

While many developing nations find Internet-based e-learning unsuitable for their needs mobile learning methods – specifically those involving the use of mobile-phones for both formal and informal learning – hold great promise for them (Grimus et al, 2013b). In this paper chances and challenges introduced by mobile devices to support improvement and transformation of education in a Senior High School in Ghana are examined. The field-study draws attention to the local situation, looking at infrastructure and teachers and students attitudes in using digital learning material. This paper presents results of a pilot project at a Senior High Technical School in Ghana, by addressing the issue how mobile devices can be integrated in learning and teaching. Based on our results we conclude that teachers and students hold great promise for using mobile devices for learning. Together they developed content based on the national curriculum, available for eReaders and mobile phones.

Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices: An Approach in Higher Secondary Education in Ghana. by Martin

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Reference: Grimus, M., Ebner, M. (2015) Learning and Teaching with Mobile Devices: An Approach in Higher Secondary Education in Ghana. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 7(2), 17-32. doi:10.4018/ijmbl.2015040102

[Link zum Artikel]

[workshop] Social Media Learning und Mobile Learning

Im Rahmen des CAS eLearning Zertifikatkurses darf ich auch heuer das Modul “Social Media Learning & Mobile Learning” abhalten. Die dafür notwendigen Unterlagen sind hier nochmals übersichtlich dargestellt.


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Als weiterführende Literatur wird das Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien empfohlen mit den entsprechenden Kapiteln (Kollaborative Werkzeuge, Mobile Learning), sowie das Kapitel “Web 2.0 als Basis für CSCL-Umgebungen“.
Zur Info für Nicht-Teilnehmer/innen: Es handelt sich um einen ganztägigen Workshop.

[publication] Development of a Collaborative Learning Game Using External Plastic Cards as an Input Device on an iPad

Our publication about “Development of a Collaborative Learning Game Using External Plastic Cards as an Input Device on an iPad” in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) is now published.

This paper evaluates and describes the usage of plastic cards, coated with conductive paint, as an input device for capacitive touchscreens. By using the developed card prototypes it should be proofed, that usage of this new kind of input device can be handled by primary school pu- pils in a collaborative learning game. For this reason an educative digital learning game has been developed which can be controlled by the card prototypes. The game asks questions of general knowledge and the answer can be given by putting the proper plastic card on the touchscreen.
The evaluation of the game by two groups of four children pointed out, that the cards can be easily used to identify a specific user. Although evaluation shows that the card con- trol has weaknesses to reliably detect the correct answer during the game phase. All pupils enjoy to play the game and they additionally state, that they like the usage of the cards.
Beside the problems with a reliable card recognition the evaluation shows that the collaborative concept of the game is promising due to the fact that the pupils are always work- ing together on finding a solution for the answer. Further they support each other in handling and understanding the plastic cards which leads to a deeper understanding of the technical backgrounds.

[Link to the full article (logged in mode only)]
Reference: Lexow, S., Ebner, M. (2014) Development of a Collaborative Learning Game Using External Plastic Cards as an Input Device on an iPad, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), Vol. 8, Nr. 2, p. 12-17

[GADI, recording] mobile Learning in Sub Sahara Afrika

Die Aufzeichung vom 19.03.2014 aus der heurigen Vorlesung “Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie” ist nun verfügbar.

  • Margarete Grimus: Mobile Learning: Bildungschancen für Sub Sahara Afrika, zB. in Ghana
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[workshop] Mobile Learning – ein Motivator für Lehrende und Lernende

Die Folien zu meinem Workshop über “Mobile Larning – ein Motivator für Lehrende und Lernende?” sind nun online zugänglich. Für Nicht-Workshopteilnehmer: es handelt sich um eine halbtägige Veranstaltung.

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[publication] Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education

Our article about “Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education” for Springer’s Prospectus Journal is now published. You will find the article right here – additionally I published a earlier “draft” version for further discussions.

Recent statistics on the use of mobile technology proclaim that the world is becoming mobile. People use their phones to socialize, to conduct business, to search for information, and more. For the first time in history, people around the world have the potential to learn from any location at their own convenience. But first, education systems must change, to facilitate mobile access to education. As this article describes, the most important change will be training teachers, both in pre-service programmes and through professional development, to use the technology to design and deliver education and to create bridges to informal learning. The article also describes some projects around the world that are helping to prepare teachers for the mobile world, and some pilot projects using the technology. Most such research, however, is limited to short-term studies focusing on learners’ satisfaction with mobile learning. Future studies must consider its long-term benefits and its impacts on performance and retention. As mobile technologies emerge, teachers have to keep up with the changes so that they can take advantage of the power of the technology to design and deliver education.

Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education by Martin

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Reference: Ally, M., Grimus, M., Ebner, M. (2014) Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education. Prospectus. 2014. Springer Netherlands. p. 1-­17


Our publication about “LEARNING AND TEACHING WITH MOBILE DEVICES AN APPROACH IN SECONDARY EDUCATION IN GHANA” at this year International Conference on Mobile Learning is now online available.

While many developing nations find Internet-based e-learning unsuitable for their needs (lack of technology as well as of accessibility), mobile learning methods – specifically those involving the use of mobile-phones for both formal and informal learning – hold great promise for them (Grimus et al, 2013b). This article examines the chances and challenges of the use of mobile devices to support improvement and transformation of education in a Senior High School in Ghana. It draws attention to the local situation in a field-study looking at infrastructure, development of material and support. A model for teacher training was designed to facilitate teachers’ attitudes and abilities for implementation of mobile learning. The article figures out how mobile devices can be integrated in learning and teaching on the specific background of a school in Ghana. Based on our results we conclude that teachers and students want to use mobile devices in learning. Their perceptions are positive and they developed courses for specific subjects available for eReaders and mobile phones. The results and feedback from two workshops encourage us to propose this model as an example for integration of mobile devices for learning in other regions of Sub Sahara Africa.


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Reference: Grimus, M.; Ebner, M. (2014) LEARNING AND TEACHING WITH MOBILE DEVICES – AN APPROACH IN SECONDARY EDUCATION IN GHANA. In: Proceedings of the 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOBILE LEARNING 2014. IADIS, Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez and Pedro Isaías (Eds.), pp 66-74.