[publication] Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math-Coach

Our publication at this year IADIS Conference about our Multi-Math-Trainer ist now online available. And we like to invite everyone to use it 🙂 .

Individual learning is out of sync with the elements of a curricula and the daily program of a teacher. At a time when multidigit multiplication methods are taught, many children are not perfectly performing the basic multiplication table. Teachers organize settings for learning and they usually have no time to give an individual feedback to every single student. Furthermore they have no physiological capacity to produce statistics and to investigate the probable causes of errors. Our goal is to give teachers a tool to help them to review and train some typical requirements for written multiplying. We use the ubiquity of the Internet and provide on different devices free applications with written multiplication problems. All data are collected centrally and are used to determine typical errors. These data could also be used to answer further new questions and test new hypothesis. This is one aspect of Learning Analytics. The given tasks are automatically adapted to the skill level of a student. Teachers can see every detail of the solution process of every task. But really useful is that teachers can see the typical problems of each student as well as of the whole class every time at a glance. They need just a connection to the database with a web browser – anywhere, anytime.

Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math- Coach by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M., Taraghi, B., Steyrer, M. (2013) Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math- Coach, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2013, Nunes, M. B. & McPherson, M. (Ed.), Prague, IADIS Press, p. 183-190

[publication] Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses

Our publication about „Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses“ at this year HCII conference is now available online as a draft.

Human learning processes are strongly depending on attention of each single learner. Due to this fact any measurement helping to increase students’ attention is from high importance. Till now there are some developments called Audience-Response-Systems only available for face-to-face education even for masses. In this publication we introduce a web-based information system which is also usable for online-systems. Students’ attention will be conserved based on different interaction forms during the live stream of a lecture. The evaluation pointed out that the system helps to enlarge the attention of each single participant

Introducing an Information System for successful support of selective attention in online courses by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Wachtler, J. & Holzinger, A. 2013. Introducing an Information System for Successful Support of Selective Attention in Online Courses. In: Stephanidis, C. & Antona, M. (eds.) Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services for Quality of Life, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 8011. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 153-162.

[publication] Monitoring Learning Activities in PLE UsingSemantic Modelling of Learner Behaviour

At this year SouthCHI conference in Maribor we published a contribution titled „Monitoring Learning Activities in PLE Using Semantic Modelling of Learner Behaviour„.

n this paper we report about the reflection of learning activities and revealing hidden information based on tracked user behaviour in our widget based PLE (Personal Learning Environment) at Graz University of Technology. Our reference data set includes information of more then 4000 active learners logs for a period of around two years. For the purpose of trend tracking and analytics collected logs have been used to model activity and usage traces with domain specific ontologies like Activity Ontology and Learning Context Ontology which have been created within the IntelLEO EU project. Generally we distinguish three different metrics: user centric, learning object (widget) centric and activity centric. We used Semantic Web query languages like SPARQL and representation formats like RDF to implement a human and machine readable web service along with a learning analytics dashboard for metrics visualization. The results o↵er a quick overview of learning habits, preferred set-ups of learning objects (widgets) and overall reflection of usages and activity dynamics in the PLE platform over time. The architecture delivers insights for intervening and recommending as closure of a learning analytics cycle with aim to optimize confidence in the PLE.

Monitoring Learning Activities in PLE Using Semantic Modelling of Learner Behaviour by Martin

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Reference: Selver, S.; Tarahi, B.; Ebner, M.; De Vocht, L.;Mannens, E. & Van De Walle, R. (2013) Monitoring Learning Activities in PLE Using SemanticModelling of Learner Behaviour. In: Human Factors in Computing and Informatis. Holzinger, A.;Ziefle, M.; Hitz, M & Debevc, M. (Ed.). Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg. p. 74-90

[publication] Predicting Developments in Technology-enhanced Learning through Betting – The Concept for a Facebook App

Our publication about „Predicting Developments in Technology-enhanced Learning through Betting – The Concept for a Facebook App“ is now published in the book E-Learning: New Technology, Applications and Future Trends [Link].

Our research article deals with a new form of future study methodology in the field of technology-enhanced learning (TEL): the approach of prediction markets, especially pari-mutuel betting. Therefore we start with a short introduction in future research and go on with a description on the process of prediction markets. Our focus is on a concept for a Facebook app supporting the idea of bets on future developments. The application itself is a betting application wherein a user is able to bet on a certain question, related to TEL problems and trends, with a variable amount of virtual money. The goal of the tool is to use the outcome of the bets for evaluating future trends


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Reference: Albustin, A., Ebner, M., Schön, S. (2013) Predicting Developments in Technology-enhanced Learning through Betting – The Concept for a Facebook App, In: E-Learning: New Technology, Applications and Future Trends. Hamada, M. (Ed.), Nova Science Publishers. NY. P. 207 – 220, ISBN: 978-1-62618-961-4

[publication] Die Rolle der Erwähnungen auf Twitter bei #OPCO12

Zusammen mit Sandra habe ich das Kapitel „Die Rolle der Erwähnungen auf Twitter bei #OPC12“ geschrieben um zu beleuchten ob es erkennbare Anreize gibt auf Twitter zu posten. Das Kapitel ist dann im gesamten Werk „Macht mit im Web! Anreizsysteme zur Unterstützung von Aktivitäten bei Community- und Content-Plattformen“ erschienen, welches zur Gänze auch online zugänglich ist:

Bei vielen Web-Unternehmungen sind Beiträge von Nutzer/innen gefragt, beispielsweise Klicks, Bewertungen, Texte, Fotos, Videos oder Metadaten. Der vorliegende sechste Band der Buchreihe „Social Media“ beschreibt und untersucht Anreize und Anreizsysteme im Web, die Nutzer/innen zu Beiträgen motivieren und aktivieren versuchen: Geldpreise, Freundschaft, Reputation, positive Rückmeldungen, die Schaffung freien Wissens oder auch unterhaltsame Spiele sind Hilfsmittel, Aktivitäten bzw. Beiträge zu unterstützen. Anreizsysteme im Web werden dazu identifiziert und beschrieben und auch theoretische Erklärungen für ihre Funktionsweise vorgestellt. Wie wirkt sich beispielsweise das Feedback von anderen Nutzer/innen aus? Mit welchen Zielsetzungen beteiligen sich viele an Projekten, bei denen ein Jahr lang jeden Tag ein Foto online gestellt wird? – Dies sind zwei der Fragen, die dabei genauer mit Hilfe der Daten aus erfolgreichen Systemen betrachtet werden. Weil es rund um die Entwicklung und den Einsatz von Anreizsystemen im Web Herausforderungen und Stolperstellen gibt, beschäftigt sich der letzte Teil der Studie mit der Entwicklung von passenden und erfolgreichen Anreizsystemen.
Die Studie entstand im Rahmen des Kompetenzzentrum für Neue Medien, Salzburg NewMediaLab – The Next Generation (SNML-TNG), das unter der Koordination der Salzburg Research Forschungsges.m.b.H. daran arbeitet, digitale Inhalte zu personalisieren, für alle auffindbar zu machen und nachhaltig zu nutzen.

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Zitierung: Schön, S. & Ebner, M (2013) Die Rolle der Erwähnungen auf Twitter bei #OPC12. In: Macht mit im Web! Anreizsysteme zur Unterstützung von Aktivitäten bei Community- und Content-Plattformen. Band 6 der Reihe „Social Media“, herausgegeben von Georg Güntner und Sebastian Schaffert, Salzburg: Salzburg Research. S.49-54 (ISBN 978-3-902448-38-5

[publication] M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context- What is it about

Our publication at this year ED-Media Conference in Victoria, Canada about „M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context – What is it about“ is now online available.

Mobile devices are changing the social, educational and economic situation especially in developing countries. Based on recent scientific publications, conference reports and educational blogs meaningful trends and critical challenges with reference to Sub Saharan Africa are explored in this meta-study. Since mobile phones are increasingly affordable and accessible this has become one of the most important topics concerning future education in Sub Saharan Africa. They are seen as key technology for bringing educational opportunities to even the most marginalized populations. The development of and the needs for education in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) differs arbitrarily from other parts of the world. M-learning is one of the most emerging fields. This publication articulates and summarizes the wider issues raised by using mobile phones to deliver and enhance learning for dispersed population in Africa, Finally the key issues for further developments are pointed out to address the future needs for educational strategies.

M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context- What is it about by Martin

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Reference: Grimus, M. & Ebner, M. (2013). M-Learning in Sub Saharan Africa Context- What is it about. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 2028-2033). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[publication] Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment

Our publication at this year ED-Media Conference in Victoria, Canada about „Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment“ is now online available.

Nowadays Learning Management Systems are an integrated part of educational institutions. Teachers as well as learners profit from the so-called Web 2.0 applications in their daily learning process. Communication and collaboration between students have been enhanced using mashups of Web 2.0 technologies. Smart mobile phones and the increased availability of free wireless network access points make the integration of all these tools in our personal daily life and personal learning process much easier than before. This publication focuses on the Personal Learning Environment (PLE) that was launched at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in 2010. It illustrates how the PLE at TU Graz has been extended to move towards mobile PLE. Furthermore the learning activities of about more than 4000 learners in the last two years are revealed based on the tracked user behavior. The activities and usage traces are modeled using domain specific semantic ontologies. The models are used as the input for our Analytics Dashboard to visualize statistics and get a quick overview of learning habits and overall reflection usages and activity dynamics in the PLE.

Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment by Martin

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Reference:Taraghi, B., Softic, S., Ebner, M. & De Vocht, L. (2013). Learning Activities in Personal Learning Environment. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 2466-2475). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

[publication] Medienkompetenzentwicklung in einem außerschulischen Lernvideoprojekt für Kinder

Bildschirmfoto 2013-06-20 um 10.55.39Das Projekt IZED2 ist vorbei und (natürlich) haben wir versucht, unsere Erfahrungen auch systematisch zu dokumentieren und auszuwerten. Nach dem Buch zu „Gute Lernvideos“ gibt es nun eine wissenschaftliche Sicht auf das Projekt. Gerald Geier hat das Projekt begleitet und sich dabei auf Aspekte der Medienkompetenzentwicklung konzentriert. Das Vorgehen war dabei explorierend, mangels entsprechender vorhandener konkreter Medienkomptenzentwicklungstheorien oder -Raster, und ich denke, dass sich die Methodenvielfalt (akademisch „Triangulation“), v.a. die Auswertung der Videos und des Projekttagebuchs gelohnt hat – einige Dinge würden bei der reinen (zeitpunktbezogenen) Beobachtung und Interviews unter den Tisch fallen. Ich bin gespannt, inwieweit die „illustrativen“ Aspekte, die „Gschichterln zwischendrin“ auch allgemein zutreffen und sich in (meinen) Folgeprojekten wiederholen oder auch bei anderen (ähnlichen) Projekten ähnlich ablaufen (oder auch nicht!).

Die Kurzbeschreibung:

Ich zeig es Dir – HOCH 2 (kurz IZED2) ist ein medienpädagogisches Praxisprojekt des BIMS e.V., bei dem Lernvideos von Kindern für Kinder erstellt wurden. Zentrale Kompetenzen welche die Teilnehmer des Projekts erwerben sollten waren die technische Kompetenz (iPad, Schnitt, Apps), die didaktische Gestaltung von Lernvideos (Präsentation der Lerninhalte, Gestaltung) und rechtliche Komponenten (Relevantes zu Urheberrecht und Persönlichkeitsrecht, z.B. Darstellung von Personen im Bild). In der ersten Projektphase wurden die teilnehmenden Kinder durch ExperteInnen unterwiesen. In der zweiten Phase wurden die TeilnehmerInnen mit einem Peer–to–Peer–Ansatz zu ExpertInnen und zeigen anderen Kindern („Peers“), in unserem Fall auch Erwachsenen, wie man Lernvideos mit iPads erstellt. In der projekteigenen Begleitforschung, die mit Unterstützung der Technischen Universität Graz durchgeführt wurde, wurden dazu unterschiedliche Verfahren eingesetzt um den Fortschritt der Kompetenzentwicklung nachzuzeichnen. Neben Fragebögen, Gruppeninterviews und Beobachtung wurden auch die Lernvideos analysiert und das Projekttagebuch hinzugezogen.

Zitierung: Geier, Gerald, Schön, Sandra & Ebner, Martin (2013). Medienkompetenzentwicklung in einem außerschulischen Lernvideoprojekt für Kinder. In: medienimpulse, 2/2013. 1-14. URL: https://www.medienimpulse.at/articles/view/538

[publication] Open Educational Resources on the Road to the Best Case Scenario – Guidelines for Centres for Academic Instruction

Togehter with Sebastian and Sandra I wrote a short vision paper for Open Educational Resources in Hihger Education for the year 2030. Our contribution was submitted to the Joint Research Centre of the European Comission. We would love to her your opinion 🙂 .

Worst and best case scenarios in the year 2030 are the two antipodes for the future development of open educational resources (OER) in higher education (HE). As additional (realistic) vision we develop guidelines for centres for academic instruction, aiming at a systematic implementation and distribution of OER related to HE.

Here you can find the full publication [Link]
Reference: Ebner, M.; Kelle, S.; Schön, S. (2013) Open Educational Resources on the Road to the Best Case Scenario – Guidelines for Centres for Academic Instruction. in: Open Education 2030 / Higher Education. p.94-99

[publication] “Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?

Our publication at this year ED-Media Conference in Victoria, Canada about „“Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?“ is now online available.

One of the most important parameter for a successful service is to optimize targeting. Teaching at universities can be seen as a kind of service on students. To meet the needs of students according to e-learning services best an annual questionnaire amongst freshmen is carried out at Graz University of Technology by its Department of Social Learning since 2007. The poll takes a detailed look on digital device usage as well as on IT and Web 2.0 competences of the freshmen. This unique survey in Austria reflects the media behavior of young people aged 18 to 22 and can be compared to bigger reports like the German JIM-study. Special focus of this year ́s survey was laid on the question, whether the field of study correlates with any of the polled elements? Is there a need for a specialized e-learning service subject to the field of study? To answer these questions more precisely also a project has been started analyzing special e-learning requirements on base of oral interviews with selected teachers of different faculties. Apart from that, this publication offers all relevant results of this year ́s survey.

“Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Be… by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Nagler, W. & Schön, M. (2013). “Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2013 (pp. 43-53). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.