[L3T, publication] Wie man ein offenes Lehrbuch in sieben Tagen mit mehr als 200 Mitmacher/innen neu auflegt

L3T 2.0Es ist nun soweit, die Dokumentation des Erstellungsprozesses rund um das Lehrbuch Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien ist jetzt sowohl online verfügbar bzw. als Printexemplar als Band 7 unserer O3R-Reihe erschienen.
Wir bedanken uns bei allen Autorinnen und Autoren und natürlich auch bei allen Mitwirkenden für eine spannende Woche L3T 2.0.

L3T ist die Kurzform für das preisgekrönte und frei zugängliche “Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien” (https://l3t.eu). Im Sommer 2013 wurde das Buch im Rahmen des Projekts “L3T 2.0″ gänzlich überarbeitet und erweitert. Dabei wurde ein neuartiger Weg eingeschlagen: Innerhalb von sieben Tagen, vom 20. bis 28. August 2013 wurde das Buch in L3T-Camps und per Online-Kommunikation und -Kollaboration im deutschsprachigen Europa überarbeitet bzw. neu erstellt. Die neue Ausgabe erlaubt zudem Modifizierungen der Texte, kann also noch flexibler in der Lehre eingesetzt werden können.
In diesem Buch wird beschrieben, wie im Projekt „L3T 2.0“ vorgegangen wurde und welche Aufgaben verteilt wurde. Außerdem werden ausführlich die Ergebnisse einer Zwischen- und Abschlussbefragung der 268 Mitmacher/innen vorgestellt. Die (Selbst-) Evaluation mündet schließlich in der Formulierung in Empfehlungen für Nachahmer/innen. Das Buch sollte für all diejenigen von Interesse sein, die im Bereich der offenen Bildungsressourcen, Buchsprints oder offener Buchprojekte Erfahrungen und Berichte suchen, um sich für eigene Projekte inspirieren zu lassen.
Mit Beiträgen von Martin Ebner, Jennifer-Carmen Frey, Anett Hübner, Magdalena Noffke, Hannes Rothe und Sandra Schön

Zitation: Ebner, M., Frey, J., Hübner, A., Noffke, M., Rothe, H., Schön, S. (2014) Wie man ein offenes Lehrbuch in sieben Tagen mit mehr als 200 Mitmacher/innen neu auflegt, Book On Demand, Norderstedt, https://o3r.eu

[publication] Utilizing new technologies for the improvement of problem based learning in the field of medical education

Our publication on „Utilizing new technologies for the improvement of problem based learning in the field of medical education“ is now published in the book Active and Collaborative Learning: Practices, Problems and Prospects.

In times in which medical education seems to be more complex than ever, facing horrendous student numbers and an increasing accessibility of information, the question of how to ensure the most efficient learning experience remains a vivid point of discussion. Active Learning and its subconcept of Problem Based Learning represent a promising candidate for future improvements in the area of medical education. The utilization of the concept of Problem Based Learning, paired with the latest inventions in web and mobile technologies, finally provides the necessary media to build a possible solution, satisfying the needs of new age education. In this work we report the successful development of a novel reporting system, which focusses on the reliable and fast processing of patient case files during a student’s supervised period of compulsory hospital field work. This novel system enables an improved and fast way of supervisor/student interaction and communication.

Utilizing new technologies for the improvement of problem based learning in the field of medical education by Martin

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Reference: Kitz, G., Ebner, M. (2013) Utilizing new technologies for the improvement of problem based learning in the field of medical education. Mohamed H. (Ed.). In: Active and Collaborative Learning: Practices, Problems and Prospects. Nova Publishers, New York, pp. 231 – 242

[publication] Das Schulbuch – überhaupt noch zeitgemäß?

Im neuen OCG-Journal (3/2013) ist ein kurzer Artikel von Sandra und mir zu der Problematik der Schulbücher von morgen. Wie immer versuchen wir es von vielen Seiten zu sehen und vielleicht ein komplexes Thema neu und anders zu denken. Was in der Zukunft passiert haben wir zwar nicht in der Hand, aber vielleicht gelingt es so Impulse zu geben.
Aus dem Artikel:

Wer heute an ein Schulbuch denkt, hat ein farbig gedrucktes Buch mit zahlreichen Abbildungen vor Augen. Schon Schulanfänger haben manchmal so viele davon in der Schultasche, dass diese oft sehr schwer ist. Die Inhalte, ihre Reihenfolge und die Aufgabenstellungen der Schulbücher sind dabei in aller Regel maßgeblich für die alltägliche Unterrichtsgestaltung: Schulbücher sind damit auch der „geheime Lehrplan“ im Schulalltag.

Zitation: Ebner, M; Schön, S. (2013) Das Schulbuch – überhaupt noch zeitgemäß? OCG Journal, 3/2013, 38. Jahrgang, S. 18-19

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[publication] Using electronic Communication tools in Online Group Activities to Develop Collaborative Learning skills

It’s a great pleasure for us, that we were able to attend the 1st International Conference on Open Learning: Role, Challenges, and Aspirations in Kuwait. Hanan did the presentation – here you will find our contribution.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using synchronous and asynchronous communication tools in online group activities to develop collaborative learning skills . An experimental study was implemented on a sample of faculty of education students in Mansoura University. The sample was divided into two groups, a group studied using synchronous communication tools, and the other group studied using asynchronous communication tools. The findings highlighted the fact that electronic communication tools have an effect to develop collaborative skills. However, the researchers concluded that the synchronous communication tools are more useful than asynchronous communication tools for developing collaborative learning skills in online group activities. The implications of the findings offer support for using synchronous communication tools in online group activities to develop collaborative skill.

Using electronic Communication tools in Online Group Activities to Develop Collaborative Learning skills by Martin

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Reference: Khalil, H. & Ebner, M. (2013). Using electronic Communication tools in Online Group Activities to Develop Collaborative Learning skills. In: Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Open Learning: Role, Challenges, and Aspirations, p. 1-10

[CfP] Call for Papers for a Special Issue on „Learning Analytics“

[CfP] Learning Analytics
Together with my colleagues from the University of Athabasca and the Private University of Teacher Education Graz I like to call for submissions on the topic “Learning Analaytics“. The contributions will appear as Special Issue of the journal J.UCS (Journal of Universal Computer Science) which is an open access journal and holds an Impact Factor. Please consider to send us a scientific contribution on 29th April 2014 at latest.
The detailed call can be found here or at the Journal’s homepage.

[publication] Near Field Communication – Which Potentials Does NFC Bring for Teaching and Learning Materials?

Our publication about „Near Field Communication – Which Potentials Does NFC Bring for Teaching and Learning Materials?“ is part of the new issue of the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM).

Near Field Communication (NFC) is deemed to be a future technology with a lot of potential in many areas. One of those areas, learning and teaching, will be covered in this article, showing possible usages of NFC with teaching and learning materials. With a lot of new NFC capable devices presented recently, this technology can be utilized in many areas, including the arbitrarily growing field of mobile learning.
Mobile devices, especially smartphones, can help to close the gap between printed media and online media. Several methods, e.g. two-dimensional barcodes, have already been used to connect the digital world with printed media but almost all of them caused inconveniences or difficulties. NFC presents an easy to use way to share and communicate directly between capable devices or tags that can be applied almost anywhere.
In this publication a first insight to the potential of NFC for teaching and learning content is given. A prototype is programmed to allow data transformation between the print media and the smartphone. It can be summarized that NFC will be the logical successor of QR-Codes.

Reference: Maierhuber, M., Ebner, M. (2013) Near Field Communication – Which Potentials Does NFC Bring for Teaching and Learning Materials?. In: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, Vol. 7, Nr. 4, p. 9-14

[Link to full article]

[publication] How Useful Is Twitter for Learning in Massive Communities? An Analysis of Two MOOCs

We are feeling very honored that our contribution „How Useful Is Twitter for Learning in Massive Communities? An Analysis of Two MOOCs“ is part of the book Twitter & Society.

In this chapter we concentrate on an analysis of Twitter usage surrounding a German-language MOOC that could indicate future trends in technology-enhanced learning. Our research focuses on the Twitter stream accompanying the course and ask how Twitter is used and for what purposes by the heavy twitter users, by the educators / organisers / guestspeakers in the course and if tweets from “outside” get into to the stream.

How Useful Is Twitter for Learning in Massive Communities? An Analysis of Two MOOCs by Martin

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Reference: van Treeck, T., Ebner, M. (2013) How Useful Is Twitter for Learning in Massive Communities? An Analysis of Two MOOCs. In: Twitter & Society, Weller, K., Bruns, A., Burgess, J., Mahrt, M., Puschmann, C. (eds.), Peter Lang, p. 411-424

[publication] @twitter analysis of #edmediaXX– is the #informationstream usable for the #mass

Our book chapter about „@twitter analysis of #edmediaXX– is the #informationstream usable for the #mass“ is now online available. Enjoy the reading.

In this paper we report the use of an application that enables an automatic analyses of social media content. In this early stage of development our work focuses on data from Twitter1 as currently to be the most popular and fastest growing microblogging platform. After an introduction about a general concept the conference tweets of a big e-learning conference are examined twice. It is aimed to show whether there is a possibility to get significant information from a pool of postings or not. The publication concludes that a keyword extraction can be taken as basis for further investigations and treatment of data.

@twitter analysis of #edmediaXX– is the #informationstream usable for the #mass by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M.; Altmann, T.; Softic. (2013) @twitter analysis of #edmediaXX – is the informationstream usable for the #mass. In: Microbloggin in Educational Settings. Holotescu, C.; Grosseck, G.; Calvani, A. & Bruni, F. (Eds.), AVM – Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft, Munich 2013, pp. 55-70

[publication] Web analytics of user path tracing and a novel algorithm for generating recommendations in Open Journal Systems

Our publication on „Web analytics of user path tracing and a novel algorithm for generating recommendations in Open Journal Systems“ in the International Journal on Open Information Review got published.

Purpose: The use of articles from scientific journals is an important part of research-based teaching at universities. The selection of relevant work from among the increasing amount of scientific literature can be problematic; the challenge is to find relevant recommendations, especially when the related articles are not obviously linked together. Design/methodology/approach – This paper focuses on the analysis of user activity traces in journals using the open source software “Open Journal Systems” (OJS). The research question is to what extent end users follow a certain link structure given within OJS or immediately select the articles according to their interests. In the latter case, the recorded data sets are used for creating further recommendations. The analysis is based on an article matrix, displaying the usage frequency of articles and their user selected successive articles within the OJS. Furthermore, the navigation paths are analyzed.
Findings: According to the analysis results, it was found that the users tend to follow a set navigation structure. Moreover, a hybrid recommendation system for OJS is described, which uses content based filtering as the basic system extended by the results of a collaborative filtering approach.
Originality/value: We present two original contributions: The analysis of userpath tracing and a novel algorithm that allows a smooth integration of new articles into the existing recommendations, due to the fact that scientific journals are published in a frequent and regular time sequence.
Keywords: Web Analytics, Scientific literature, Open Journal System, Recommender System, Path analysis, Research-Based Teaching, recommendation algorithm

Web analytics of user path tracing and a novel algorithm for generating recommendations in Open Journal Sys… by Martin

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Reference: Behnam Taraghi, Martin Grossegger, Martin Ebner, Andreas Holzinger, (2013) „Web analytics of user path tracing and a novel algorithm for generating recommendations in Open Journal Systems“, Online Information Review, Vol. 37 Iss: 5, pp.672 – 691 [Link]

[publication] Discussing Public Voting in the Web as a Measure to Democratize Award Decisions

Our publication for this year Social Media Conference in HongKong about „Discussing Public Voting in the Web as a Measure to Democratize Award Decisions“ is now online available. The slides were already published here.

As active and innovative e-learning researchers, we had been part of the voting crowd but also were applicants to public voting contents on the Web. L3T, a project delivering an open textbook about learning and teaching with technologies, was applicant at three public voting contests on the Web: at the ‘Neue Deutsche Buchpreis” (2011), at the podcast competition of the MMKH (2011) as well as at the MOOC Production Fellowship (2013). According to our experiences made, we got the impression, that there is a need to re-name ‘public voting” to ‘social voting”, as it is not ‘the public” (i.e. the crowd) that decides who wins. In fact, we found out social aspects, i.e. strong and weak ties in so- cial communities to dictate the voting results. Therefore the publication ad- dresses the research question, whether public voting on the Web is a democratic process at all.

Discussing Public Voting in the Web as a Measure to Democratize Award Decisions by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, S., Stocker, A., Rothe, H., Tsang, P. (2013) Discussing Public Voting in the Web as a Measure to Democratize Award Decisions. In: Tsang,P., Eustace K. Tsoi, R, & Tse, S.(eds) Proceedings of Social Media 2013, pp. 51-59, City University press, ISBN 978 988-19712-1-0