[publication] Offering cMOOCs Collaboratively: The COER13 Experience from the Convenors’ Perspective

Our publication on „Offering cMOOCs Collaboratively: The COER13 Experience from the Convenors’ Perspective“ was not only published in the proceeding of the eMOOCs conference, but also as part of the Special Issue of the eLearning Papers Issue 37, titled „Experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs„.

[Link to the Article]

Reference: Arnold, P., Kumar, S., Thillosen, A. & Ebner, M. (2014) Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenor’s perspective, In: eLeanrning Papers, 37, pp. 63-68

[publication] Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education

Our article about „Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education“ for Springer’s Prospectus Journal is now published. You will find the article right here – additionally I published a earlier „draft“ version for further discussions.

Recent statistics on the use of mobile technology proclaim that the world is becoming mobile. People use their phones to socialize, to conduct business, to search for information, and more. For the first time in history, people around the world have the potential to learn from any location at their own convenience. But first, education systems must change, to facilitate mobile access to education. As this article describes, the most important change will be training teachers, both in pre-service programmes and through professional development, to use the technology to design and deliver education and to create bridges to informal learning. The article also describes some projects around the world that are helping to prepare teachers for the mobile world, and some pilot projects using the technology. Most such research, however, is limited to short-term studies focusing on learners’ satisfaction with mobile learning. Future studies must consider its long-term benefits and its impacts on performance and retention. As mobile technologies emerge, teachers have to keep up with the changes so that they can take advantage of the power of the technology to design and deliver education.

Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education by Martin

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Reference: Ally, M., Grimus, M., Ebner, M. (2014) Preparing teachers for a mobile world, to improve access to education. Prospectus. 2014. Springer Netherlands. p. 1-­17

[publication] Developing a Web-Based Question-Driven Audience Response System Supporting BYOD

Our scientific publication about Realfeedback titled „Developing a Web-Based Question-Driven Audience Response System Supporting BYOD“ is now published as part of the Special J.UCS-Issue „Interaction in Massive Courses„.

Question-driven Audience Response Systems (ARSs) are in the focus of research since the 1960s. Since then, the technology has changed and therefore systems have evolved too. This work is about conception and implementation of the web-based ARS RealFeedback which uses the principle of bring your own device (BYOD). A state-of-the-art analysis compares the features of existing web-based ARSs. The most important findings are used for the conception and the implementation of the system. Thinking-aloud tests, and the first usages during lectures confirm that the chosen requirements are very significant and valuable for lecturers.

[Link Article (Open Access)]

Reference: Haintz, C., Pichler, K., Ebner, M. (2014) Developing a Web-Based Question-Driven Audience Response System Supporting BYOD, Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS). Special Issue on Interaction in Massive Courses. Bry, F., Ebner, M., Pohl, A., Taraghi, B. (Ed.) 20(1), p. 39-56

[Special Issue] Interaction in Massive Courses

It’s a great pleasure to announce that our Special Issue of the Journal of Universal Computer Science about „Interaction in Massive Courses“ is online published. Due to the fact that the Journal is part of the Open Access Iniative all chapters are free downloadable. Thanks a lot to all who made this issue possible 🙂 .
Table of Content:

  • Editorial: Interaction in Massive Courses [.pdf]
  • Proposal for a Conceptual Framework for Educators to Describe and Design MOOCs [.pdf]
  • Adapting an Awareness Tool for Massive Courses: the Case of ClassON [.pdf]
  • Developing a Web-Based Question-Driven Audience Response System Supporting BYOD [.pdf]
  • Toward Project-based Learning and Team Formation in Open Learning Environments [.pdf]


Our publication about „LEARNING AND TEACHING WITH MOBILE DEVICES AN APPROACH IN SECONDARY EDUCATION IN GHANA“ at this year International Conference on Mobile Learning is now online available.

While many developing nations find Internet-based e-learning unsuitable for their needs (lack of technology as well as of accessibility), mobile learning methods – specifically those involving the use of mobile-phones for both formal and informal learning – hold great promise for them (Grimus et al, 2013b). This article examines the chances and challenges of the use of mobile devices to support improvement and transformation of education in a Senior High School in Ghana. It draws attention to the local situation in a field-study looking at infrastructure, development of material and support. A model for teacher training was designed to facilitate teachers’ attitudes and abilities for implementation of mobile learning. The article figures out how mobile devices can be integrated in learning and teaching on the specific background of a school in Ghana. Based on our results we conclude that teachers and students want to use mobile devices in learning. Their perceptions are positive and they developed courses for specific subjects available for eReaders and mobile phones. The results and feedback from two workshops encourage us to propose this model as an example for integration of mobile devices for learning in other regions of Sub Sahara Africa.


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Reference: Grimus, M.; Ebner, M. (2014) LEARNING AND TEACHING WITH MOBILE DEVICES – AN APPROACH IN SECONDARY EDUCATION IN GHANA. In: Proceedings of the 10th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOBILE LEARNING 2014. IADIS, Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez and Pedro Isaías (Eds.), pp 66-74.


Our publication on „TEACHERS LITTLE HELPER: MULTI-MATH-COACH“ is now online available in the Journal on WWW/Internet. The articel is free for download right here [download link].

Individual learning is out of sync with the elements of a curricula and the daily program of a teacher. At a time when multidigit multiplication methods are taught, many children are not perfectly performing the basic multiplication table. Teachers organize settings for learning and they usually have no time to give an individual feedback to every single student. Furthermore they have no physiological capacity to produce statistics and to investigate the probable causes of errors. Our goal is to give teachers a tool to help them to review and train some typical requirements for written multiplying. We use the ubiquity of the Internet and provide on different devices free applications with written multiplication problems. All data are collected centrally and are used to determine typical errors. These data could also be used to answer further new questions and test new hypothesis. This is one aspect of Learning Analytics. The given tasks are automatically adapted to the skill level of a student. Teachers can see every detail of the solution process of every task. But really useful is that teachers can see the typical problems of each student as well as of the whole class every time at a glance. They need just a connection to the database with a web browser – anywhere, anytime.
Finally the first evaluation of the system pointed out some remarkable results. Children are learning with the system in the intended way according to the shown learning curves.

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M., Taraghi, B., Steyrer, M. (2014) TEACHERS LITTLE HELPER: MULTI-MATH-COACH, IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 11, 3, pp.1-12 [.pdf]

[publication] Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenors’ perspective

Our publication on „Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenors’ perspective“ for this year E-MOOC 2014 conference ist now online available. The whole conference proceeding can be downloaded here.

This paper shares the experiences of offering the community-oriented MOOC called “COER13” with a special focus on how the convenors perceived the collaborative endeavor of planning and implementing this cMOOC and lessons learnt in the process. COER13, the “Online Course on Open Educational Resources (OER)”, aimed at increasing awareness of open educational resources and was offered in a joint venture in spring/summer 2013 by eight e-learning experts from Austria and Germany with affiliations to five different institutions. The course was designed for participants to become knowledgeable about OER and finally to generate small OER-piece. It attracted over 1000 registered participants and instigated lively discussions spread over various social media communication channels. The convenors’ experience will be described and discussed on the basis of interviews with five of the eight convenors, led and analyzed by an external expert. Final recommendations might benefit future (teams of) convenors of (c)MOOCs.

Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenors’ perspective by Martin

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Reference: Arnold, P., Kumar, S., Thillosen, A. & Ebner, M. (2014) Offering cMOOCs collaboratively: The COER13 experience from the convenor’s perspective, In: Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2014, Cress, U. & Kloos, C. D. (Ed.), p. 184-188

[publication] Learning Analytics in basic math education – first results from the field

Our publication about „Learning Analytics in basic math education – first results from the field“ is part of the new elearning Papers issue 36 on Learning Analytics and Assessment. Both is published under an open license.


Learning Analytics is an emerging field, because the analyses of a big amount of data can lead to deeper insights into how learning occurs. In this publication we introduce a new addition / subtraction trainer which assists teachers in their daily basic math education. A first field study points out that beside of typical mistakes also systematic ones can be detected.

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M., Neuhold, B. (2014). Learning Analytics in basic math education – first results from the field, eLearning Papers, 36, pp. 24-27 [.pdf]

[publication] Die Entstehung des ersten offenen Biologieschulbuchs

Die Entstehung des ersten offenen BiologieschulbuchsVor einem guten Jahr hat das Projekt Schulbuch-O-Mat ein erfolgreiches Crowdfunding hinter sich, ein gutes halbes Jahr später war das Buch als erstes deutschsprachiges Schulbuch online verfügbar und jetzt haben wir die Begleitstudie gefördert durch das österreichische Unterrichtsministerium (bm:ukk) ebenso abschließen können.
Das Buch über die „Die Entstehung des ersten offenen Biologieschulbuchs“ ist ab sofort bei Amazon bzw. in unserer O3R-Reihe als Band 6 erhältlich. Wir wünschen allen LeserInnen viel Spaß mit einer aus unseren Sicht spannenden Lektüre wenn man sich mit freien Bildungsressourcen beschäftigt.

Das Projekt „Schulbuch-O-Mat“ hat sich zur Zielsetzung gemacht, bis Ende Juli 2013 das erste frei zugängliche und einsetzbare deutschsprachige Schulbuch zu veröffentlichen. Dazu wurden bis zum Januar 2013 per Crowdfunding Basiskapital gesammelt, um dann mit Freiwilligen, unter anderem BiologielehrerInnen und professionellen GrafikerInnen und Gestaltern, ein Biologieschulbuch zu schreiben, das mit dem Berliner Lehrplan konform ist (Biologie I, 7./8. Schulstufe).
In diesem Band stellen wir das Projekt vor und präsentieren die Ergebnisse der begleitenden Evaluation. Diese werden gerahmt von Informationen zu anderen offenen Schulbuchprojekten sowie den Übertragungsmöglichkeiten der Erfahrungen auf Österreich. Abschließend werden Empfehlungen für Nachahmer/innen gegeben. Das Buch ist für all diejenigen von Interesse, die im Bereich der offenen Bildungsressourcen, in der Schulbuchproduktion oder aus Sicht der Bildungspolitik Erfahrungen und Berichte suchen, um sich für eigene Projekte und zukünftige Entwicklungen inspirieren zu lassen

Zitation: Ebner, M.; Schön, M., Schön, S. & Vlaj, G. (2014) Die Entstehung des ersten offenen Biologieschulbuchs, Book On Demand, Norderstedt