[publication] Attraktive Lösungen für Open Educational Resources aus dem österreichischen Hochschulraum – ein Werkstattbericht von Open Education Austria Advanced #OER #OEAA

Unsere gemeinsame Publikation im Open Education Austria Advanced Projekt ist nun erschienen mit dem Titel „Attraktive Lösungen für Open Educational Resources aus dem österreichischen Hochschulraum – ein Werkstattbericht von Open Education Austria Advanced“.

Open Education Austria Advanced ist ein Projekt mehrerer österreichischer Universitäten, das attraktive Lösungen für OER als Gesamtprojektziel verfolgt. Diese äußern sich im Rahmen eines OERhub (zentrale Meta-Suchmaschine für OER aus dem gesamten öst. Hochschulraum), dem Aufbau von lokalen OER-Repositorien und einer nationalen Zertifizierungsstelle mit passenden Qualifizierungsangeboten. Der weitreichende Wissenstransfer des Projekts in die österreichischen Hochschulen an der Schnittstelle von Bibliotheken, Zentralen IT-Services und Teaching & Learning Zentren trägt zur Sichtbarmachung und Nutzung von Synergien aus Open Science und Open Education bei, um einen Beitrag zur freien Nutzung von Bildungsinhalten aus der (Hochschul-)Lehre zu leisten und offene Praktiken analog zur Forschung zu etablieren (Open Access, Open Data).

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Zitation: Hackl, C., Ebner, M., Ganguly, R., Gröblinger, O., Handle-Pfeiffer, D., Kopp, M., Schmölz, A., Schön, S. und Zwiauer, C. (2022) „Attraktive Lösungen für Open Educational Resources aus dem österreichischen Hochschulraum – ein Werkstattbericht von Open Education Austria Advanced“, Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 75(2). doi: 10.31263/voebm.v75i2.7190

[publication] Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting #tugraz #edil22 #MOOC #imoox #LearningAnalytics

Our research about „Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting“ was presented at EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2022:

The analysis of learner data in MOOCs provides numerous opportunities to look for patterns that may indicate participants‘ learning strategies. In this article, we investigated how participants in a MOOC (N=1,200), in which they must successfully complete a quiz in each unit, deal with the fact that they can repeat this quiz up to five times. On the one hand, patterns can be identified regarding the success of the quiz attempts: For example, 32.7% of the course participants always repeat the quizzes up to a full score, while about 16.0% of the participants repeat, but only until they pass all quizzes. Regarding the number of attempts, independent of the success, there is only a uniformity in „single attempt“; 12.6% of the participants only take exactly one attempt at each of the quizzes in the MOOC. An analysis of a subgroup of 80 learners which were students of a course where the MOOC was obligatory, shows that the proportion of learners attributed to patterns making more attempts is generally bigger. It can be shown as well that learners who uses several attempts, even after a full score results, tend to get better exam. The article concludes by discussing how these patterns can be interpreted and how they might influence future MOOC developments.

[full article @ conference homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Mair, B., Schön, S., Ebner, M., Edelsbrunner, S., Leitner, P., Schlager, A., Teufel, M. & Thurner, S. (2022). Patterns of quiz attempts in a MOOC. The full-points-pattern and other patterns on the way to a successful MOOC in a lecture setting. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1169-1179). New York City, NY, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 13, 2022 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/221430/

[essay] Digitale Transformation der Hochschullehre #tugraz

Für den digital university hub hab ich einen Artikel zur „Digitalen Transformation der Hochschullehre“ geschrieben, der nun online verfügbar ist. Dabei beziehe ich mich wieder auf das schon vorgestellte 8-Stufen-Modell zur Beurteilung des Fortschrittes der Transformation.

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[article @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Ebner, M. (2022) Digitale Transformation der Hochschullehre, digital university hub, October 2022 https://www.digitaluniversityhub.eu/dx-events-news/duh-news/digitale-transformation-in-der-hochschullehre

[publication] Developing a Professional Profile of a Digital Ethics Officer in an Educational Technology Unit in Higher Education #Learninganalytics #ethics #tugraz #research

Our chapter about „Developing a Professional Profile of a Digital Ethics Officer in an Educational Technology Unit in Higher Education“ is published right now.

The digitalisation of learning, teaching, and study processes has a major impact on possible evaluations and uses of data, for example with regard to individual learning recommendations, prognosis, or assessments. This also gives rise to ethical issues centered around digital teaching and possible challenges of data use. One possible approach to this challenge might be to install a Digital Ethics Officer (DEO), whose future profile this paper outlines for a Educational Technology unit of a Higher Education Institution (HEI). Therefore, an introductory overview of the tasks and roles of Ethics Officers (EO) is given based on the literature. The authors then describe the current ethics program of a university of technology and collect current and potential ethical issues from the field of educational technologies. Based on this, a first professional profile for a DEO at an educational technology unit of a university is described. From the authors’ point of view, the article thus prepares important considerations and steps for the future of this position.

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Reference: Andrews, D., Leitner, P., Schön, S., Ebner, M. (2022). Developing a Professional Profile of a Digital Ethics Officer in an Educational Technology Unit in Higher Education. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing the Learner and Teacher Experience. HCII 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13328. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05657-4_12

[publication] Der OER-Canvas für Lehrende: Werkstattbericht zum Einsatz von Learning Experience Design Zusammenfassung #OER #canvas #LXD

Wir beschreiben im Beitrag zu „Der OER-Canvas für Lehrende: Werkstattbericht zum Einsatz von Learning Experience Design Zusammenfassung“ wie wir den OER-Canvas unter Berücksichtigung von LXD erstellt haben. Vorgestellt haben wir es dann auf der GMW 2022 Tagung.

Bezugnehmend auf eine Analyse der Rolle von offenen Bildungsressourcen (OER für „Open Educational Resources“) in den Leistungsvereinbarungen österreichischer öf- fentlicher Universitäten der Jahre 2019–2021 (Edelsbrunner, Ebner & Schön, 2021) werden in diesem Beitrag die Entwicklungen des vergangenen Jahres in Bezug zu OER und den Hochschulen in Österreich beschrieben. Zentral ist dabei die Analyse der neuen Leistungsvereinbarungen der 22 öffentlichen österreichischen Universitäten für die Periode 2022–2024 und der Nennung von OER-Aktivitäten. Dabei wird auf- gezeigt, dass nun alle öffentlichen Universitäten OER in den Leistungsvereinbarungen erwähnen, 16 der 22 Universitäten planen sogar weitreichende OER-Aktivitäten. Auch haben weitere Hochschulen OER-Strategien veröffentlicht.

[Artikel @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Edelsbrunner, S., Ebner, M., Lari, C., Schön, S. (2022) Der OER-Canvas für Lehrende. In: Digitale Lehre nachhaltig gestalten, Standl B. (ed.), S. 13-18, Waxmann Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8309-4633-5

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 17 / No.20 #ijet #research

Issue 17(20) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • The Extended Technology Acceptance Model (ETAM): Examining Students’ Acceptance of Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Specific Features of the Use of Distance Learning Technologies in Foreign Language Classes with Postgraduate Students
  • Construction and Application of Waterway Engineering Design Virtual Simulation Cloud System Based on Outcome-Based Education
  • Technology Acceptance in Seeking Jobs Among University Graduates in Vietnam
  • Features and Influencing Factors of Mobile Learning Behavior of Employees in Accounting Profession
  • Influence of a Function’s Coefficients and Feedback of the Mathematical Work When Reading a Graph in an Online Assessment System
  • Model of Adaptive System for Mathematical Training of Students within eLearning Environment
  • Training Path for Talents Engaged in Agricultural Product Supply Chain Management and the Assessment of Their Training Quality
  • University English Language Teachers’ Use of Digital Platforms for Online Teaching
  • Deployment of Honeypot and SIEM Tools for Cyber Security Education Model In UITM
  • Integrated Art and ESP Project in Ukraine
  • Effects of the TPACK Levels of University Teachers on the Use of Online Teaching Technical Tools
  • Use of Self-Assessment Questionaries with Moodle Surveys to Improve Reading Comprehension and Study Habits in Preservice Teacher Education
  • Blending E-Learning with Hands-on Laboratory Instruction in Engineering Education
  • Establishment and Study of an Evaluation Model for the Exploitation Effect of University Scientific and Technological Patents
  • Multi-Label Classification of Learning Objects Using Clustering Algorithms Based on Feature Selection
  • The Learning Behavior Analysis of Online Vocational Education Students and Learning Resource Recommendation Based on Big Data
  • Database Administration Practical Aspects in Providing Digitalization of Educational Services
  • Research on the Impact of Innovative Interactive Technologies in the Education of Health Care Students

[Link to Issue 17/20]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[publication] How Activities Related to Maker Education Contribute to Overcome Entry Barriers for Girls into Formal Technical Education Pathways – Case Study of Holiday Camps at a Technical Secondary Vocational School in Austria #edil22 #tugraz #research #makereducation

One of our publication at ED-Media & Innovative Learning 2022 conference is about „How Activities Related to Maker Education Contribute to Overcome Entry Barriers for Girls into Formal Technical Education Pathways – Case Study of Holiday Camps at a Technical Secondary Vocational School in Austria„.

This research considers the suitability of holiday camps as possible entry routes into technical education pathways. Therefore, two very successful holiday camps at a technical secondary vocational school (HTL) in Austria were observed. Using a mixed method research approach, a gender-mixed camp for 13-year-olds with a technical theme is compared to an all-girls event for 8- to 12-year-olds focusing on creativity. We show the recruitment success of given events, but also consider potential biasing factors in the evaluation. A discussion of the most successful activity specifically designed for girls during the camp, creating luminous jewelry, is provided, and an analysis of the stakeholders´ perception reveals the importance of adapted wording in promoting technical activities for girls, as well as the need for the actions and artifacts produced to be meaningful in order to spark participants‘ interest in the tools used and, beyond that, into formal technical education pathways.

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[article @ proceeding’s homepage]

Reference: Sagbauer, N.N., Pollak, M. & Ebner, M. (2022). How Activities Related to Maker Education Contribute to Overcome Entry Barriers for Girls into Formal Technical Education Pathways – Case Study of Holiday Camps at a Technical Secondary Vocational School in Austria. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 463-469). New York City, NY, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved June 30, 2022 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/221329/.

[publication] Gute Online-Lehrpraxis aus Studierendensicht in den ersten Wochen der CoViD-19-Krise #covid19 #tugraz #research

Wir freuen uns, dass unser Beitrag zu „Gute Online-Lehrpraxis aus Studierendensicht in den ersten Wochen der CoViD-19-Krise. Der studentische Blick auf ‹gute Lehre› an der TU Graz im Mai 2020“ zwar etwas verspätet aber doch in der Zeitschrift für MedienPädagogik erschienen ist:

Ende Mai 2020 wurden die Studierenden der Technischen Universität Graz im Rahmen einer studentischen Qualifizierungsarbeit zu guten Lehrerfahrungen in der der Notfall-Online-Lehre durch die CoViD-19-Pandemie im Sommersemester 2020 befragt. 137 Beispiele für gute Lehre von unterschiedlichen Teilnehmenden werden für den Beitrag ausgewertet. Die Analyse der Antworten zeigen, dass in einem Gros der Lehrveranstaltungen die als gelungen erlebt wurden, (auch) Videotechnik zum Einsatz kommt (90 %), bei mehr als der Hälfte (auch) Videos zur Verfügung gestellt werden und bei der Hälfte Live-, d. h. synchrone Veranstaltungen angeboten werden. Ein wesentliches Merkmal für gute Lehrbeispiele ist, dass Studierende etwas gelernt haben (77 % «trifft voll zu») und bei Beschreibungen der Lehrbeispiele erwähnen rund ein Drittel, dass die Umstellung der Lehrveranstaltung, die sie als gute Lehre erlebten, zügig erfolgte. Methodisch-didaktische Besonderheiten werden damit in der frühen Phase des Distance Learning eher selten (12 %) von den befragten Studierenden benannt.

[full article @ Journal homepage]
[full article @ ResearchGate]

Referenz: Schön, Sandra, Viktoria Wieser, Sebastian Dennerlein, und Martin Ebner. 2021. „Gute Online-Lehrpraxis Aus Studierendensicht in Den Ersten Wochen Der CoViD-19-Krise: Der Studentische Blick Auf ‹gute Lehre› an Der TU Graz Im Mai 2020“. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung 40 (CoViD-19):411-29. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/40/2021.11.26.X.

[publication] MOOCs, Learning Analytics and OER: An Impactful Trio for the Future of Education! #imoox #OER #tugraz #LearningAnalytics

Our contribution to the CSEDU 2020 conference about „MOOCs, Learning Analytics and OER: An Impactful Trio for the Future of Education!“ got finally published. I did the presentation in May 2020 in the very beginning of the COVID19-pandemic and it was my first complete online keynote 🙂

This paper discusses the general thesis that massive open online courses (in short MOOC), open educational resources (in short OER) and learning analytics are an impactful trio for future education, especially if combined. The contribution bases upon our practical experience as service providers and researchers in the department “Educational Technology” at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in Austria. The team members provide support to lecturers, teachers and researchers in these addressed fields for several years now, for example as host of the MOOC platform iMooX.at, providing only OER since 2015. Within this contribution, we will show, against some doubtful or conflicting opinions and positions, that (a) MOOCs are opening-up education; (b) learning analytics give insights and support learning, not only online learning, if implemented in MOOCs; and (c) that OER has the potential for sustainable resources, innovations and even more impact, especially if implemented in MOOCs.

[full article @ book’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner M., Schön S. (2021) MOOCs, Learning Analytics and OER: An Impactful Trio for the Future of Education!. In: Lane H.C., Zvacek S., Uhomoibhi J. (eds) Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1473. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-86439-2_2

[publication] An Exploratory Mixed Method Study on H5P Videos and Video-Related Activities in a MOOC Environment #H5P #MOOC #imoox

Our article about „An Exploratory Mixed Method Study on H5P Videos and Video-Related Activities in a MOOC Environment“ got finally published:

In this paper, an exploratory mixed-method study is presented examining the video-related behavior of participants of a massive open online course (MOOC; N=1.238). Firstly, detailed log-file analysis of six videos has been carried out to compare clickstreams of videos with and without integrated H5P quiz integration. It shows quite different seeking and watching pattern behavior in video with H5P quizzes. In a second step, learners participated in an online questionnaire (N=707): Most of them see the quizzes in videos as always or mostly helpful (67%). The survey also shows that for many, taking notes, turning on subtitles, using the transcripts or even increasing the speed are important activities when learning with the videos in the MOOC. In a third step, interviews with ten MOOC participants are a source for qualitative insights in how the learners use the learning videos.

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Reference: Thurner, S., Schön, S., Schirmbrand, L., Tatschl, M., Teschl, T., Leitner, P., & Ebner, M. (2022). An Exploratory Mixed Method Study on H5P Videos and Video-Related Activities in a MOOC Environment. International Journal of Technology-Enhanced Education (IJTEE), 1(1), 1-18. http://doi.org/10.4018/IJTEE.304388