[MOOC] OER in Higher Education #imoox #unite!

Regarding the topic of Open Educational Resources, there will be a new MOOC available on the platform iMooX.at starting from May 6, 2024. The free online course “OER in Higher Education” by the European University Alliance “Unite!” and other cooperating partners will be accessible in several languages, and the learning videos are created with the help of artificial intelligence. The avatars of the course instructors – me and Sandra Schön from TU Graz – will now speak in French, Italian, Indonesian, and other languages in the course videos of the four units.


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Link to the MOOC – join us for free: https://imoox.at/course/OERinHE

Unite! pioneers open science and multilingual OER courses #oer #unite

I am happy to announce that we are currently working on another exciting OER-Project for our university alliace UNITE!:

In the fast-evolving landscape of higher education, the convergence of Open Science and Open Educational Resources (OER) is proving to be a transformative force. Unite! is taking a bold step forward by adopting the UNESCO recommendations on OER and Open Science to enhance the quality and accessibility of education.

In principle we are developing a multilingual OER-course for all partners and we will provide it as a MOOC @ imoox.at

Find more information at the UNITE! website or just register for the course right here [Registration page]

But before just watch our trailer:


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