[master] Implementation and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Learning Game for Mathematics #tugraz

Christof did his masterthesis about “Implementation and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Learning Game for Mathematics” and he developed a game, which can also be downloaded at the Google Play Store. Here you can find the slides of his defense – great work 🙂

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[vodcast] From the Idea to a Finished LEGO® Technic Artifact, Assembled by Using Smart Glasses #tugraz #research #edmedia

Because we are not able to attend the ED-Media conference 2017 in Washington this year, we are doing our presentations virtually. The third of four talks is about “From the Idea to a Finished LEGO® Technic Artifact, Assembled by Using Smart Glasses“:


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[video] Wie schaut das Lernen von morgen aus? #gadi17 #tugraz

Im Rahmen meines MOOCs zu “Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie” habe ich ein heuer ein Video erstellt mit der Idee zu zeigen, wie sich durch die Digitalität das Lehren und Lernen in Zukunft verändern kann. Wenn wir davon ausgehen, dass sich die technische Entwicklung weiterhin so rasant voran schreitet und Datenbrillen & Co immer mehr auf den Markt drängen, scheint es naheliegend auch über die Veränderungen nachzudenken. Können wir heute schon Medien zur Anreicherung und zur besseren Visualisierung verwenden, werden wir bald selbst die Perspektive bestimmen können (Stichwort 360-Grad-Kamera) um zu guter Letzt auch den Lehr- und Lernort räumlich zu entkoppeln. Meine Prognose ist, dass es in absehbarer Zeit nicht mehr notwendig ist, sich zwingend physikalisch zu treffen um den Diskurs starten zu können. Das geht zwar grundsätzlich schon heute, aber die Einschränkungen sind ja noch deutlich. Hier das Video dazu – ich freue mich wie immer über Kommtare jeglicher Art:


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Learning in a Virtual Environment: Implementation and Evaluation of a VR Math-Game #publication #research #VirtualReality

Our publication about “Learning in a Virtual Environment: Implementation and Evaluation of a VR Math-Game” is now part of the book Mobile Technologies and Augmented Reality in Open Education.

With the introduction of Google Cardboard, a combination of mobile devices, Virtual Reality (VR) and making was created. This “marriage” opened a wide range of possible, cheap Virtual Reality applications, which can be created and used by everyone. In this chapter, the potential of combining making, gaming and education is demonstrated by evaluating an implemented math-game prototype in a school by pupils aged 12-13. The aim of the virtual reality game is to solve math exercises with increasing difficulty. The pupils were motivated and excited by immerging into the virtual world of the game to solve exercises and advance in the game. The results of the evaluation were very positive and showed the high motivational potential of combining making and game-based learning and its usage in schools as educational instrument.

[Chapter @ IGI-Global]

[Draft Version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Sternig, C., Spitzer, M., & Ebner, M. (2017). Learning in a Virtual Environment: Implementation and Evaluation of a VR Math-Game. In G. Kurubacak, & H. Altinpulluk (Eds.), Mobile Technologies and Augmented Reality in Open Education (pp. 175-199). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2110-5.ch009