[publication] Designing a Sandpit- and Co-Design-informed Innovation Process for Scaling TEL Research in Higher Education #TEL #research

We did a small contribuation titled “Designing a Sandpit- and Co-Design-informed Innovation Process for Scaling TEL Research in Higher Education” for this year 15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik.

Sustainably digitalizing higher education requires a human-centred approach. To address actual problems in teaching as well as learning and increase acceptance, the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) solution(s) must be co-designed with affected researchers, teachers, students and administrative staff. We present research-in-progress about a sandpit-informed innovation process with a f2f-marketplace of TEL research and problemmapping as well team formation alongside a competitive call phase, which is followed by a cooperative phase of funded interdisciplinary pilot teams codesigning and implementing TEL innovations. Pilot teams are supported by a University Innovation Canvas to document and reflect on their TEL innovation from multiple viewpoints.

Abstract of conference homepage

[Link to full paper @ ResearchGate]
[Link to full paper @ conference homepage]

Reference: Dennerlein, S., Pammer-Schindler, V., Ebner, Markus, Getzinger, G., Ebner, Martin (2020) Designing a Sandpit- and Co-Design-informed Innovation Process for Scaling TEL Research in Higher Education. In: Entwicklungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung – Band 2: Proceedings der Community Tracks zur WI 2020. 7. S.