[app, iphone] Twitterwall #tugraz #iphone

Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit ist die App Twitterwall entstanden, die eine mobile Lösung für unsere Twitterwall darstellt. Viel Spaß bei der Verwendung. Die TwitterWall der TU Graz jetzt auch auf deinem iPhone! Die Tweets können unterwegs praktisch verfolgt werden. Tweets sind nach User und Keywords sortiert. Für eine schnellere Suche können Tweets über einen bestimmten Zeitbereich …

[publication] TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants #research #twitter

Our publication about “TwitterSuitcase – How to Make Twitter Useful for Event/Lecture Participants” got published right now. Abstract: This publication introduces a tool for analysis and visualization of tweets for a particular event. Recently, many related studies have analysed and extracted information from social media such as Twitter. However, the majority of those approaches are …

[publication] What are we tweeting about? Providing Context for Twitter Analysis

Our publication about “What are we tweeting about? Providing Context for Twitter Analysis” is now published in the International Journal of Computer and Information Technology. Abstract: Twitter is a medium, which is primarily used for real-time communication. Due to the limitations of retrieving older tweets, archiving them is necessary to enable users to access and …

[master, presentation] Potential of Twitter Archives

Thomas did his master work about the “Potential of Twitter Archives”. His work is achievable here at https://twitterstat.tugraz.at and here you will find the final slides of his master defense: Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von www.slideshare.net zu laden. Inhalt laden Potential of twitter archives from Social Learning

[publication] How Useful Is Twitter for Learning in Massive Communities? An Analysis of Two MOOCs

We are feeling very honored that our contribution “How Useful Is Twitter for Learning in Massive Communities? An Analysis of Two MOOCs” is part of the book Twitter & Society. Abstract: In this chapter we concentrate on an analysis of Twitter usage surrounding a German-language MOOC that could indicate future trends in technology-enhanced learning. Our …

[publication] @twitter analysis of #edmediaXX– is the #informationstream usable for the #mass

Our book chapter about “@twitter analysis of #edmediaXX– is the #informationstream usable for the #mass” is now online available. Enjoy the reading. Abstract: In this paper we report the use of an application that enables an automatic analyses of social media content. In this early stage of development our work focuses on data from Twitter1 …

[publication] Die Rolle der Erwähnungen auf Twitter bei #OPCO12

Zusammen mit Sandra habe ich das Kapitel “Die Rolle der Erwähnungen auf Twitter bei #OPC12” geschrieben um zu beleuchten ob es erkennbare Anreize gibt auf Twitter zu posten. Das Kapitel ist dann im gesamten Werk “Macht mit im Web! Anreizsysteme zur Unterstützung von Aktivitäten bei Community- und Content-Plattformen” erschienen, welches zur Gänze auch online zugänglich …

[publication] “Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?

Our publication at this year ED-Media Conference in Victoria, Canada about ““Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?” is now online available. Abstract: One of the most important parameter for a successful service is to optimize targeting. Teaching at universities can be seen as …

[presentation] “Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?

Our presentation about ““Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the Field of Study Correlates with Web 2.0 Behavior?” at this year ED-Media Conference is now online available: Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von www.slideshare.net zu laden. Inhalt laden “Architecture Students Hate Twitter and Love Dropbox” or Does the …