[ipad App] TeamSketch

TeamsketchIm Rahmen einer Masterarbeit haben wir eine weitere kollaborative iPad App erstellt. Bisher haben wir uns vorallem mathematischen Themen gewidmet. Diesesmal haben wir untersucht, inwieweit es möglich ist, gemeinsam eine Zeichung zu erstellen. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass es ausgezeichnet funktioniert. Also installieren und drauf loszeichnen, wenn man zusätzlich möchte, dass die Zeichnung gespeichert wird, muss man einen Account unter https://schule.tugraz.at anlegen. Hier einmal die Beschreibung der App:

Teamsketch ist eine Zeichen App für Kinder zur Förderung von Teamarbeit und Kollaboration. Bis zu 4 Personen können gleichzeitig ein gemeinsames Bild malen.

[Link zur App]

[publication] What are we tweeting about? Providing Context for Twitter Analysis

Our publication about “What are we tweeting about? Providing Context for Twitter Analysis” is now published in the International Journal of Computer and Information Technology.

Twitter is a medium, which is primarily used for real-time communication. Due to the limitations of retrieving older tweets, archiving them is necessary to enable users to access and analyze old tweets. When analyzing tweet archives, more contexts can lead to better results. This research work aims to determine the value of context for an analysis of tweet archives. First of all the current state of the art of Twitter analysis research is discussed. Afterwards a tool called TweetCollector is introduced, which provides archiving capabilities. Additionally, a further tool for Twitter analysis called TwitterStat is developed. Finally a real-world use case is performed and discussed in depth. The research study points out that providing this context leads to better understanding of the analysis results.

Reference: Ebner, M., Altmann, T. (2014) What are we tweeting about? Providing Context for Twitter Analysis, International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 3/6, pp. 1390 – 1397

[Link to full article]

[presentation] A Contribution to Collaborative Learning Using iPads for School Children

Our presentation about “A Contribution to Collaborative Learning Using iPads for School Children” at this year 4th European Immersive Education Summit is now online available. I talked about our application “Buchstabenpost“, which can be used by anyone who is interested in it. Enjoy the slides and if there is any question, just ask 🙂

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[iPad] Dasda

iPad App "Dasda"Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit ist die iPad-App Dasda entstanden, welche für Kleinkindern einen ersten Anlaufpunkt darstellen soll, Begriffe zuzuordnen:

„Dasda – Gegenstände und Tiere kennen lernen – Hörverarbeitung für Kleinkinder“ ist ein Lernspiel für Kinder im Alter von 18-24+ Monaten. Das Ziel dieser App ist es die Hörverarbeitung des Kindes zu schulen.
Es gibt dabei zwei Modi. Zum einen hat das Kind die Möglichkeit Objekte durch Berührung kennen zu lernen und zum anderen soll das Gehör geschult werden, indem ein Objekt genannt wird, das Kind das Gehörte verarbeitet und das richtige Bild finden muss. Als Anreiz zum Lernen gibt es ein optisches Belohnungssystem.
Die 36 ausgewählten Begriffe stammen dabei aus dem für dieses Alter üblichen Wortschatz.

[Link zum Appstore]

[presentation] Interaction in mass education

My keynote talk at this year SMART (Social Media in Academia: Research and Training) conference about “Interaction in mass education” is now online available:

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Here is the recording:


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[master, presentation] Potential of Twitter Archives

Thomas did his master work about the “Potential of Twitter Archives”. His work is achievable here at https://twitterstat.tugraz.at and here you will find the final slides of his master defense:

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[master, presentation] Machbarkeitsstudie zur Erkennung von kindgerechten Pilatesübungen anhand von Smartphone-Sensordaten

Im Rahmen seiner Masterpräsentation hat sich Manuel Parfant mit der Möglichkeit der Nachverfolgung von Pilatesübungen bei Schulkindern auseinandergesetzt – hier die Folien der Präsentation seiner spannenden Masterarbeit

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[publication] Detection of Pilates Exercises Based on Movement Sensors Data in Modern Smartphones: For children aged 11 to 13

Our publication about “Detection of Pilates Exercises Based on Movement Sensors Data in Modern Smartphones: For children aged 11 to 13” in the International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT) is published:

Nowadays more and more children are suffering from back pain and postural defects. Different studies dedicate to this issue and various workouts are specially designed for prevention. Generally a therapeutic success remains low, because the patients do not accomplish the required exercises at home or perform them wrong and the therapist has no possibility to monitor their activities. This publication aims to answer the research question, if it is possible to monitor the activities of children, just with the data provided by sensors included in their personal smartphones.

Reference: Parfant, M., Ebner, M. & Deutschmann, D. (2014) Detection of Pilates Exercises Based on Movement Sensors Data in Modern Smartphones: For children aged 11 to 13. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT), Volume 3/4, pp. 755-782

[Link to Article]

[publication] How Open Content Servers Can Be Made Beneficial for Learning and Education

OER and open content is of course also a technical challenges. Here are some suggestions by Sandra Schön, Nicolai Scerbakov and me.

The development of Open Educational Resources (OER) is necessary for the classroom of tomorrow. Especially in Central Europe the copyright law does not allow the use of not-licensed content located in the Internet for educational purposes. Therefore different projects and initiatives started to provide Internet platforms with free educational resources or links to such resources. For educators as well as learners searching for open content on several platforms can be very exhausting. In this publication we present a first prototype for mobile devices that allow users to find open educational resources in minutes. In the discussion, benefits and handicaps of the approach are pointed out. The research work shows that the application supports the daily life of teachers and learners.

How Open Content Servers Can Be Made Beneficial for Learning and Education by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, Martin; Scerbakov, Nicolai & Schön, Sandra (2014). How open content servers an be made beneficial for learning and teaching. In: Transactions on Internet Research, vol.10, no.2 , pp. 26-30