[presentation] OER-Certification for Higher Education #OER #edmedia #InnovateLearning #edil18

At this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam we present also our work of the national working group on OER. Last year we published a whitepaper how we can deal with OER in Higher Education. Here you can find the slides:

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[presentation] German Language Training App for Primary School Children #tugraz #LearningAnalytics #edil18 #InnovateLearning

At this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam we present our publication „German Language Training App for Primary School Children“ and describe our research about an iphone application to assist the IDeRblog-project. Here you can find the slides:

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[workshop] Making With Kids in Europe – To Foster Digital Literacy, to Make a Better World, and to Build a New Entrepreneurship Education #making #edmedia #InnovateLearning

At this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam we start with a workshop on „Making With Kids in Europe – To Foster Digital Literacy, to Make a Better World, and to Build a New Entrepreneurship Education“ where we like to introduce to our activities.


Some of Europe’s leading experts on making with children will share their experiences and different approaches within this joint workshop The workshop will include presentations about teacher education within makerspaces at the University of Technologies Graz (AT), about inspiring social innovation and educational projects at the Waag Society (NL) and about the European initiative DOIT, which sees making as a good base for an early entrepreneurship education. Participants will work with a set of tools and smaller maker projects. For example, they can program educational games in Scratch, build a dough piano (which will do music!) with a MaKeyMaKey set, or sew some “smart gloves”. Interactive discussions will be the base to develop own future implementations.

Find here the slides and workshop hand-outs at our partner’s website DoIT.

[conference] Freie Bildungsmaterialien in der Hochschullehre #OER #tugraz

Es freut mich, dass ich zu einer OER-Konferenz in Karlsruhe mit dem Titel „OER-KA: Freie Bildungsmaterialien in der Hochschullehre“ eingeladen worden bin. Ich möchte dort die letzten Entwicklungen aus Österreich überblicksmäßig darstellen, insbesondere die letzten Arbeiten auf nationalem Level vorstellen.

Ich freue mich auf viele TeilnehmerInnen und spannende Diskussionen 🙂 .

[publication] Lessons Learned when transferring Learning Analytics Interventions across Institutions #lak18 #research

Our publication at this year LAK18-conference about „Lessons Learned when transferring Learning Analytics Interventions across Institutions“ is now online available.


Learning Analytics is a promising research field, which is advancing quickly. Therefore, it finally impacts research, practice, policy, and decision making in the field of education. Nonetheless, there are still influencing obstacles when establishing Learning Analytics initiatives on higher education level. Besides the much discussed ethical and moral concerns, there is also the matter of data privacy. In 2015, the European collaboration project STELA started with the main goal to enhance the Successful Transition from secondary to higher Education by means of Learning Analytics. Together, the partner universities develop, test, and assess Learning Analytics approaches that focus on providing feedback to students. Some promising approaches are then shared between the partner universities. Therefore, the transferability of the Learning Analytics initiatives is of great significance. During the duration of our project, we found a variety of difficulties, we had to overcome to transfer one of those Learning Analytics initiatives, the Learning Tracker from one partner to the other. Despite, some of the difficulties can be categorized as small, all of them needed our attention and were time consuming. In this paper, we present the lessons learned while solving these obstacles.

[Full paper @ LAK 2018]

Reference: Leitner, P., Broos, T. & Ebner, M. (2018) Lessons Learned when transferring Learning Analytics Interventions across Institutions. In: Companion Proceedings 8th International Conference on Learning Analytcis & Knowledge. Sydney. pp. 621-629

[publication] Involving Stakeholders in Learning Analytics: Opportunity or Threat for Learning Analytics at Scale?

Our workshop publication at this year LAK18-conference about „Involving Stakeholders in Learning Analytics: Opportunity or Threat for Learning Analytics at Scale?“ is now online available.


This article introduces the goal and activities of the LAK 2018 half-day workshop on the involvement of stakeholders for achieving learning analytics at scale. The goal of the half-day workshop is to gather different stakeholders to discuss at-scale learning analytics interventions. In particular the workshop focuses on learning analytics applications and learning dashboards that go beyond the implementation in a single course or context, but that have at least the potential for scaling across different courses, programs, and institutes. The main theme of the workshop is to explore how the involvement of different stakeholders can strengthen or hinder learning analytics at scale. The key findings, recommendations, and conclusions of the workshop will be presented in a summarizing report, which will be shaped as a SWOT analysis for stakeholder involvement for achieving learning analytics at scale.

[Full paper @ LAK 2018]

Reference: De Laet, T., Broos, T., Verbert, K., van Staalduinen, J.-P., Ebner, M. & Leitner, P. (2018) Involving Stakeholders in Learning Analytics: Opportunity or Threat for Learning Analytics at Scale? Workshop. In: Companion Proceedings 8th International Conference on Learning Analytcis & Knowledge. Sydney. pp. 602-606

[presentation] It’s in your pocket: A MOOC about programming for kids and the role of OER in teaching and learning contexts #imoox #pocketcode #research

Our presentation about „It’s in your pocket: A MOOC about programming for kids and the role of OER in teaching and learning contexts“ for this year Open Education Global Conference in Delft, Netherland, is now online available. Maybe you are also interested in the MOOC or even you know some children who are, than just join us here for free. We would love to teach them coding 🙂 .

[Link to the PocketCode MOOC for children]

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[presentation] Orthography Training with IDeRBlog an Open Educational Resources Practice #tugraz #iderblog #learninganalytics

Our presentation about „Orthography Training with IDeRBlog an Open Educational Resources Practice“ for this year Open Education Global Conference in Delft, Netherland, is now online available. We introduce to our project IDeRBlog, where you can participate to learn German orthography for free 🙂

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[online-lecture] Open Educational Resources – eine Notwendigkeit für die digital gestützte Hochschullehre #digiPH #OER

Im Rahmen der Online-Tagung von der VPH darf ich einen Vortrag rund um OER halten. Grundsätzlich eine spannende Idee einmal über einen längeren Zeitraum durch eLectures eine Veranstaltung durchzuführen:

Von 9. April – 6. Mai 2018 findet die erste VPH Online-Tagung zum Thema Hochschule digital.innovativ | #digiPH statt. Zwei hochkarätige Keynotes, fast 40 eLectures sowie zwei Online-Seminare zielen speziell darauf ab, den digitalen Kompetenzerwerb von Personen zu unterstützen, die an tertiären Bildungseinrichtungen tätig sind. Hochschulen sind gefordert, sich den Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung zu stellen, aber auch, diese optimal für ihre Zwecke zu nutzen. Das heißt, dass Hochschulangehörige digitale Kompetenzen erwerben und laufend aktuell halten müssen, um unter diesen geänderten Bedingungen reüssieren zu können.

[Link zur gesamten Veranstaltung]

Wer sich dann eben speziell für OER interessiert ist herzlich eingeladen bei meiner Session teilzunehmen – ich freu mich auf spannende Diskussionen:

[eLecture zu „Open Educational Resources – eine Notwendigkeit für die digital gestützte Hochschullehre“]

[online-talk] Peer Teaching und Datenschutzgrundverordnung #fnma #talk #online

Heute findet der nächste fnma-talk zu einem sehr spannenden Thema – Peer Teachinng – statt und nächsten Montag gleich der nächste. Nachdem es kostenfrei ist, kann ich nur soviele wie möglich einladen teilzunehmen:

fnma Talk #4
Wann: Do., 15.3.2018, 14:00
Wer: Malte Persike
Thema: Peer Teaching mit studentisch generierten Medien
Kurz-Cv Dr. Malte Persike ist Diplom-Psychologe und Wissenschaftler an der Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz. Dort widmet er sich der Lehre von Statistik und empirischen Methoden und kümmert sich damit um eines der Sorgenkinder im Psychologiestudium. Im Jahr 2012 erhielt Malte Persike den Ars legendi-Preis für exzellente Hochschullehre für seine innovativen Lehr- und Prüfungskonzepte.

fnma Talk #5
Wann: Mo., 19.3.2018, 14:00
Wer: Michael Lanzinger
Thema: Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung und ihre Bedeutung für die Hochschule.
Kurz-CV: Mag. Michael Lanzinger ist selbstständiger Rechtsanwalt mit Kanzleisitz in Wels, externer Lektor an der KU Graz, Lehrender am WiFi Linz sowie Wels, weiters Vortragender im Bereich Internet- und Urheberrecht.

[Link zu beiden fnma-talks]