[presentation] Die Wirkung von MOOCs und iMooX.at aus Sicht von Kursersteller:innen #imoox #bmbwf #zfhe

Im Rahmen einer Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung durften wir das Projet iMooX.at und unsere Wirkungsanalyse vorstellen. Dazu gab es nun eine Präsentationsmöglichkeit im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung des Bundesministeriums. Die Folien dazu sind hier zugänglich, der Beitrags selbst wurde bereits hier veröffentlicht:

[Link zu den Folien]

[presentation] Vorstellung der Publikation der AG OER “Zum Stand von OER an österreichischen Hochschulen” bei der Veranstaltung “Open Educational Resources an österreichischen Hochschulen: Status quo und Ausblick” #fnma #OER #openEducation

Im Rahmen des OER-Events, organisiert von der FNMA, haben wir eine kurze Präsentation gemacht “Zum Stand von OER an österreichischen Hochschulen“. Diese steht jetzt gerne auch online zum Nachlesen zu Verfügung:

[Link zu den Vortragsfolien]

[ijet, journal] Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Vol. 18 / No.11 #ijet #research

Issue 18(11) of our journal on emerging technologies for learning got published. Enjoy the readings as usual for free :-).

Table of Contents:

  • Knowledge Structure, Characteristics, and Global Research Trends Study of Smart Education Research: Bibliometric Analysis
  • Influence of Blockchain Technology Application in Education on Online Teaching Resources Sharing
  • Open Learning Environment for Multimodal Learning Based on Knowledge Base Technology
  • Design Considerations in Developing an Augmented Reality Learning Environment for Engaging Students in Covariational Reasoning
  • Web Technologies in the Development of Computational Thinking of Students with Mental Disabilities
  • A Novel Method for Constructing Online Learning Paths Based on Cognitive Level Assessment of College Students
  • Proposing a Feature Selection Approach to Predict Learners’ Performance in Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
  • Comparative Analysis of Cross-Cultural Teaching Management in Big Data Environment
  • Social Learning in Disadvantaged Municipalities in Hungary
  • A New Method of Teaching ‘Software Operation’ by a Knowledge Sharing Oriented to Practice Teaching Approach
  • Analysis of Student Performance Applying Data Mining Techniques in a Virtual Learning Environment
  • The Use of Technology in Geography Education Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
  • Comprehensive Evaluation of Experimental Teaching Quality Using AHP-TOPSIS Technique
  • Online Courses in Technology and Engineering: To What Extent Do They Tangibly Enhance Professional Development?
  • The Impact of Mobile Application-Assisted Instruction on Intrinsic Motivation and Sports Nutrition Knowledge: The Case of Blended Learning
  • Exploring the Relationship between Participant Role and Collaborative Quality in Online Collaborative Discussions
  • Student Online Learning Behavior Characteristics Based on Multidimensional Cognitive Model

[Link to Issue 18/11]

Nevertheless, if you are interested to become a reviewer for the journal, please just contact me 🙂 .

[veranstaltung] OPENess an der TU Graz #OER #OA #ORD #tugraz

Es freut mich, dass die TU Graz eine interne Initiative startet um das Thema OPENess an der TU Graz zu adressieren. Da sind natürlich Open Educational Resources (OER) ein wichtiger Teil und ich darf sogar die erste Veranstaltung der Serie gestalten. Hier gibt es dazu den Flyer, der dieser Tage verteilt wird:

Ich freu mich über viele Anmeldungen für den 28.6.2023 – einfach an die angegebene Mail-Adresse schicken 🙂

[presentation] Strategien zu OER an österreichischen öffentlichen Universitäten. Eine Analyse der Leistungsvereinbarungen 2022-2024 #OER #OEAA #research #austria

Im Rahmen der GMW 2022 haben wir unsere Analyse zu “Strategien zu OER an österreichischen öffentlichen Universitäten. Eine Analyse der Leistungsvereinbarungen 2022-2024” vorgestellt. Die Präsentationsfolien dazu sind bereits auf Researchgate veröffentlicht:


[publication] The ReDesign Canvas as a tool for the didactic-methodological redesign of courses and a case study #edil22 #tugraz

Our research, we presented at EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2022, about “The ReDesign Canvas as a tool for the didactic-methodological redesign of courses and a case study” is now online available:

Initially, in March 2020, when COVID-19 forced conventional face-to-face to pure online teaching, didactic matters were only of secondary importance. At Graz University of Technology (TU Graz, Austria) both the support team for Educational Technology as well as the instructors were mostly concerned with solving technical challenges. Nevertheless, a special tool, the ReDesign Canvas, was available to support lecturers in their endeavor to also address the didactic aspects of their teaching systematically. The article presents the work of the Educational Technology team of TU Graz within the March 2020 COVID-19 crisis as well as the application of the canvas in a redesign of an exemplary lecture.

[full article @ conference homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Schön, S., Braun, C., Hohla, K., Mütze, A. & Ebner, M. (2022). The ReDesign Canvas as a tool for the didactic-methodological redesign of courses and a case study. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1048-1055). New York City, NY, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 13, 2022 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/221410/.