[publication] QR Code – The Business Card of Tomorrow?

Im Rahmen des FH Science Day habe ich einen Artikel rund um die Verwendung von QR Codes veröffentlicht.

We are getting familiar with mobile devices; they begin to pervade our daily life in a way that we won’t notice them anymore as something remarkable. The amazing fact that there are more registered mobile phones than inhabitants in Germany and Austria makes it easy to claim that mobile phones have already reached the state of a ubiquitous device. One often unsatisfying user experience in dealing with the mobile device addresses the entry of data. Instead of typing data key-by-key one of the most promising technologies towards mobile technologies are Barcodes. 2D Barcodes or “mobile tags” can be used to exchange information very easily and quickly. By scanning a data matrix access to additional materials can be simply provided. Such codes are able to combine and connect two different media: Print and Internet.
Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) has been started about half a year ago a master thesis and research work with the aim to gather experiences about the practicability of two-dimensional barcodes in general as well as for teaching purposes. By using QR-Codes (Quick Response-Codes) it should be pointed out how and why mobile tagging becomes valuable for the society. This paper gives an overview about the use QR Codes and discusses methods and possibilities.
It can be summarized that by using two-dimensional barcodes the print and online media will get closer and enhance our mobile lives.

Reference: Ebner, M. (2008), QR Code – The Business Card of Tomorrow, Proceedings of FH Science Day, Linz, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, p. 431-435, ISBN 978-3-8322-7643-0

Final Program for 4th Usability Symposium

The final program of this year’s Usability Symposium at Graz University of Technology is now available.
Here you will find all sessions, workshops and presentations given by a broad range of international researchers.
Again the topic for this conference is „Human Computer Interaction for Education“ and adresses to special needs of software for educational purposes. Hopefully you enjoy the programm and we will meet each other on 20th and 21st of November in Graz.