[publication] From Gretel to Strudelcity: Empowering Teachers Regarding Generative AI for Enhanced AI Literacy with CollectiveGPT #AIinEducation #research #edtech

Congratulations to Benedikt, who did a great job developing a successful workshop for school teachers. We summarized his results in the publication „From Gretel to Strudelcity: Empowering Teachers Regarding Generative AI for Enhanced AI Literacy with CollectiveGPT.“

In the era of transformative technologies, generative artificial intelligence (genAI) offers profound opportunities and challenges for education. This study explores the development and execution of an interactive workshop designed to equip educators with foundational genAI literacy. Using a design-based research (DBR) framework, the workshop leverages interactivity and contextual relevance to introduce genAI concepts, prompting strategies and ethical considerations. Participants engaged in a scripted learning workshop design, comparing human and AI responses, exploring genAI’s probabilistic foundations, context dependency, and vulnerability to manipulation. Conducted across 12 workshops with 191 participants in Austria, this study revealed significant improvements in self-perceived genAI understanding, with 70% of participants reporting better grades in post-assessment evaluations. Feedback emphasized the workshop’s strengths in interactivity and relevance, alongside recommendations for deeper school-specific applications. Scalability analysis showed that workshop duration remained consistent regardless of group size, suggesting potential for broader implementation. The findings highlight the effectiveness of scripted learning workshop design in fostering critical AI literacy, preparing educators to critically evaluate and ethically integrate genAI into pedagogical practices. This adaptable model contributes to the discourse on professional development in AI-enhanced education.

[full paper @ publisher’s Homepage]
[full paper @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Brünner, B., Schön, S., & Ebner, M. (2025). From Gretel to Strudelcity: Empowering Teachers Regarding Generative AI for Enhanced AI Literacy with CollectiveGPT. Education Sciences15(2), 206. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci15020206

[publication] How to Plan and Manage a Blended Learning Course Module Using Generative Artificial Intelligence? #ai #research

Our contribution about „How to Plan and Manage a Blended Learning Course Module Using Generative Artificial Intelligence?“ got published.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the educational landscape, playing a crucial role in the transition to blended learning environments. As generative AI gains momentum, educators now have access to a growing repository of AI tools that can facilitate the shift from face-to-face instruction to more virtual learning experiences. This chapter provides a practical guideline for integrating and using AI tools to support educators in transitioning their courses to blended learning. The approach is structured around four key pillars: teacher practice support, online classroom support, evaluation and feedback, and student support. Following this guideline, we explore a curated list of AI-powered tools categorized based on their functions within these four pillars. To illustrate the application of these guidelines, we present a case study demonstrating a transition of a selected module of a traditional face-to-face machine learning course and make it accessible to students online, thus enabling blended learning experience. This chapter can empower future educators interested in AI to structure engaging blended learning courses and underscore the significant role of AI in enhancing the planning, management, implementation, and assessment of new blended learning courses.

[final publication @ publisher’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M., Shakya, R., Liu, Q., Ebner, M. (2024). How to Plan and Manage a Blended Learning Course Module Using Generative Artificial Intelligence?. In: Panda, S., Mishra, S., Misra, P.K. (eds) Case Studies on Blended Learning in Higher Education. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-9388-4_4

[interview] Using AI-Generated Instructor Video for Multilingual Content in MOOCs #tugraz #edtech

Benedikt gave an interview about „Using AI-Generated Instructor Video for Multilingual Content in MOOCs“ to the „Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education“ and introduced our recent research on AI-genereated videos:

Benedikt Brünner is a member of the e-education team at TU Graz, and facilitates the production of avatars, assets, audio and video. As part of his PhD project he has conducted initial survey research to gauge students’ reactions to AI avatars. While most students found the avatars to be authentic and natural, they still preferred real human teachers over AI avatars. However, many students indicated that they would not have realized that the videos were AI-generated, which shows the increasing sophistication of the technology.
In the interview, Benedikt Brünner discusses the potential of generative AI for creating educational videos.

[Link to the interview]

[presentation] Der erste multilinguale MOOC zum Thema der Open Eduational Resources. Rolle, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen des Einsatzes von KI bei der Erstellung von Videos mit Avataren der Lehrenden #oead #tugraz #KI #research

Im Rahmen der der OeaD-Hochschultagung 2024 unter dem Thema „Internationalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz“ haben wir heute einen Kurvortrag über unseren multilingualen OER-MOOC:

Im MOOC „Open Educational Resources in Higher Education“ wurde die KI-Anwendung HeyGen verwendet, um Avatare der Lehrenden zu erstellen, die dann die ursprüngliche deutsche Sprachversion automatisch in mehrere Sprachen der Unite!-Universitätsallianz übersetzten. Nur die Avatare wurden durch KI generiert; die Videos des MOOC wurden professionell illustriert, und die Struktur des Kurses, die Texte, Quizze und Beschreibungen wurden ohne (signifikante) Nutzung von KI erstellt. Dieser MOOC ist wahrscheinlich der erste weltweit, der gleichzeitig in mehreren Sprachversionen produziert wurde und über die bloße Untertitelung der Videos hinausgeht. Im Vortrag wird das Vorhaben und Abläufe des Projekts und der Verwendung von KI präsentiert und Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten adressiert, die sich ergeben haben.

[Link zu den Vortragsfolien]

[CfP] Special Issue on „Applications of Digital Technology and AI in Educational Settings“ #call #AI

We are very happy to invite submissions to the special issue “Applications of Digital Technology and AI in Educational Settings” in Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417), part of the “Computing and Artificial Intelligence” section. This special issue explores the innovative uses of digital tools and artificial intelligence in enhancing education.

Submission Deadline: 20 March 2025

For more information and to submit your manuscript, visit the MDPI Special Issue Page.

[workshop] Collective GPT verstehen #tugraz #bildungsinformatik #künstlicheIntelligenz

Benedikt hat einen sehr netten Workshop erstellt um anschaulich die Funktionsweise einer generativen KI zu erklären:

In der Fortbildung Digitale Tools im Unterricht wurde unser kollektiver Chatbot ed-tech.app eingesetzt, hier finden Sie die Fragen und Antworten von ChatGPT 4o-mini zur Nachlese. Dabei wurde von den Teilnehmenden zuerst der Satz vervollständigt, und im Hintergrund ChatGPT 4o-mini parallel angefragt. Sie können die Antworten von ChatGPT hier im Blogeintrag nachlesen.

Sein Workshop ist auf unsere Bildungsinformatik.at Seite zum Nachlesen frei verfügbar – viel Spaß damit 🙂

[publication] Exploring the Use of Generative AI in Education: Broadening the Scope #tugraz #AI #research

Our publication „Exploring the Use of Generative AI in Education: Broadening the Scope“ was published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) already plays a significant role in education and society altogether. With the rapid and largely impactful development in the field of generative AI, we must consider the potential changes and shifts of the new normal. Generative models like ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, DALL-E, and many others, are proving to be powerful allies and assistants in practically every branch and aspect of life. Given their proficiency in language and their technical capabilities, we must acknowledge their significance and ensure they are not overlooked. In this work, we focus on their impact on education and what is the feedback from the educational community. We want to determine exactly how generative AI is used and how it can be used in education. Our goal is to review more, and new papers, to classify the papers based on the subject the paper has covered, the type of the study, the educational level it concerns, and how is generative AI generally perceived. After the analysis, we conclude that it is perceived as generally positive, with most papers focusing on higher education, and STEM subjects while mostly using qualitative research methods.

[article @ publisher’s homepage]
[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Jahić, I., Ebner, M., Schön, S., Edelsbrunner, S. (2024). Exploring the Use of Generative AI in Education: Broadening the Scope. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14724. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61691-4_19