Together with my colleague I like to call for submissions on the topic “Learning Analytics“. The contributions will appear as Special Issue of the Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning that is an open access journal published by Emerald Publishing Services.
Please consider to send us a scientific contribution on 28th April 2017 at latest, if the following sounds interesting and meet your research interests as well:
This special issue focuses on these research dimensions and aims to foster discussion on both individual impact of these dimensions and the interdependencies. Suggested topics will include, but are not limited to, the following concerning learning analytics in primary and secondary education (K-12):
- Big data learning analytics
- Learning process analytics
- Learning analytics in institutional effectiveness
- Semantic technologies in learning analytics
- Learning analytics in mobile and/or ubiquitous learning
- Learning analytics with the help of virtual reality/wearable technologies
- Visualizations in learning analytics
- Learning analytics in schools and beyond
- Dashboards for self-regulated learning
- Use of open badges for certification
- Formative assessment
- Educational data mining
- Process mining
Here you will find the detailed Call for Paper (CfP).