[mooc] Informatik-Fit (2024/25) #imoox #tugraz

Heute startet ein weiterer Brückenkurs der TU Graz – “Informatik-Fit (2024/25)“. Damit wollen wir unsere zukünftigen Studierenden unterstützen, sich auch in diesem Fachbereich ein wenig einzuarbeiten:

Die Vielfalt der Probleme, die in der Informatik behandelt werden, macht eine kurze und dennoch vollständige Definition dessen, was Informatik ist, unmöglich.
Unmöglich ist es auch, alle Themen in einem Einführungskurs unterzubringen.
Irgendwo müssen wir aber trotzdem anfangen und so haben wir versucht, die wichtigsten Grundbegriffe und Ideen der Informatik auszuwählen und diese so zu vermitteln, dass sich die Teilnehmer:innen schnell ein breiteres Bild von der Informatik machen können.
Darüber hinaus soll es für die Teilnehmer:innen möglich sein, Zusammenhänge zwischen den einzelnen Themen zu erkennen bzw. herzustellen. 

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Die Anmeldung ist natürlich frei und der Kurs kostenlos: [Link zur Anmeldung]

Hinweis: Es wird bei diesem MOOC erstmals ein Chatbot zum Einsatz kommen – nachdem die ganze Welt über Künstliche Intelligenz redet, wollen wir uns auch bei iMooX dem Thema widmen und praktisch erproben, wie ein solcher Bot beim Lernen helfen kann. Viel Spaß beim Testen bzw. Lernen 🙂

[publication] Mobile Gramabot: Development of a Chatbot App for Interactive German Grammar Learning #ijet #chatbot

Our publication “Mobile Gramabot: Development of a Chatbot App for Interactive German Grammar Learning” got published in the International Journal of Emerging Technologien in Learning.

This study aims to develop the Gramabot application as a means of online learning during the pandemic and to examine its effectiveness as a medium for German grammar learning. The design-based research uses learning experience design methodology. Beside an introduction of the state of the art of chatbots for language learning, the paper describes the concept of the chatbot application and its evaluation. Prior experiences with chatbots, implementation experiences and evaluations insights were obtained from 36 Indonesian students with beginner level German language skills. The data were described using qualitative and simple descriptive statistical analysis. The results of the analysis show that most of the respondents are familiar with several chatbot applications, the use of chatbots is not as a learning medium, but as a means of asking questions about products. In addition, String Matching is a suitable method used to develop Gramabot. Based on the results of the evaluation, it can be concluded that Gramabot can help students understand basic level grammatical material.

[article @ journal’s homepage]
[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Kharis, M., Schön, S., Hidayat, E., Ardiansyah , R. ., & Ebner, M. (2022). Mobile Gramabot: Development of a Chatbot App for Interactive German Grammar Learning . International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 17(14), pp. 52–63. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v17i14.31323

[master] Math trainer as a chatbot via system(push) messages for Android #tugraz #research #chatbot

Mirza defended successfully his master thesis about “Math trainer as a chatbot via system(push) messages for Android”. Find here his final slides:

Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von www.slideshare.net zu laden.

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[publication] Math Trainer as a Chatbot Via System (Push) Messages for Android #education #TechnologyEnhancedLearning

Our research titled “Math Trainer as a Chatbot Via System (Push) Messages for Android” got published in the newest issue of the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies.

In the recent years, as technology grew, so did the chatbot technology. More and more companies and people are using and reaping the benefits from them. This paper shows how a chatbot for mathematical tasks, named mathbot, was developed. The chatbot uses mathematical exercises from the “Schulapps” of the LearningLab of Graz, University of Technology and combines them with textual questions to provide a useful utility for practicing. It is shown that such a chatbot could be useful for pupils and teachers by evaluating a test run in an elementary school.

[publication @ journal’s homepage]
[publication @ researchgate]

Reference: Kabiljagić, M., Wachtler, J., Ebner, M., & Ebner, M. (2022). Math Trainer as a Chatbot Via System (Push) Messages for Android. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 16(17), pp. 75–87. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v16i17.33351

[webinar] Künstliche Interaktionspartner*innen an Hochschulen #fnma #fnmatalk

Für Kurzentschlossene noch schnell der Hinweis, dass heute, 14.4.21, um 11.00 Uhr wieder ein fnma-Talk stattfindet rund um das Thema “Künstliche Interaktionspartner*innen an Hochschulen“.

„Conversational user interfaces“ sind in den letzten Jahren vermehrt und in verschiedenen Ausprägungen – als textbasierte Chatbots, Digitale Assistentinnen oder sprachbegabte Roboter – im Alltag anzutreffen und mit unterschiedlichen Vorstellungen und Erwartungen verknüpft. Wie ist ihr Potenzial für Hochschulen und insbesondere für die Hochschullehre einzuschätzen? Der Vortrag befasst sich mit verschiedenen (realistischen) Möglichkeiten, Chatbots und Co. zu erstellen und an Hochschulen einzusetzen, und präsentiert Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus dem Förderprojekt „Künstliche Interaktionspartnerinnen an Hochschulen“.

Zuerst wird Michael Raunig einen Impulsvortrag geben, um dann danach gemeinsam mit Sandra Hummels und Vanessa Mai am Podium zu diskutieren. Wie immer kostenlos, aber wir freuen uns auf viele Fragen und Anregungen 🙂 .

[Link zum Webinar]

Herzlichen Dank natürlich an fnma und das Land Niederösterreiche die diese Veranstaltung ermöglichen.

[publication] Chatbots for Brand Representation in Comparison with Traditional Websites #chatbot #tugraz

Our publication about “Chatbots for Brand Representation in Comparison with Traditional Websites” are published in the International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM).

Chatbots have gained enormous popularity in recent years. IT giants such as Microsoft, Google and Facebook have taken an interest in automated conversations. Messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are playing an increasingly important role in smartphone usage and communication in general perfect conditions for chatbots. This paper provides an introduction of recent chatbot development in general and in customer environments. As part of this work, a chatbot was developed for the Austrian IT company CodeFluegel GmbH. The chatbot, named Theodore, provides information about CodeFluegel via Facebook Messenger and webchat, like the existing company website. The design process and implementation of the chatbot as well as architectural considerations are explained throughout this document. In a user study, participants perform typical tasks with the website and the chatbot. The usage of both platforms is evaluated in order to identify advantages and disadvantages as well as differences compared to the other technology and to draw conclusions. Findings to this study indicate promising prospects for chatbots as alternative touchpoints for customers and others and a way to replace and enhance traditional websites.

[full article @ ResearchGate]
[full article @ JournalsHomepage]

Reference: Kühnel, J., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2020) Chatbots for Brand Representation in Comparison with Traditional Websites. In: International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) 14(18):18-33

[presentation] Chatbots for Brand Representation in Comparison with Traditional Websites #chatbot #master #tugraz

Johannes did his masterthesis about “Chatbots for Brand Representation in Comparison with Traditional Websites“. The slides of his successful defense you can find right here:

Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von www.slideshare.net zu laden.

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[publication] Potential of Bots for Encyclopedia #tugraz #research #bot

We are very pleased that our short chapter about “Potential of Bots for Encyclopedia” for the special issue on Digital Heritage and Related Tools got pusblished.

The wide range of applications and the capability to process and understand natural languages made chatbots very popular. Besides that, many applications chatbots are also used as information retrieval tools. Chatbots are changing the way users search for information. This document focuses on a chatbot that is used as an information retrieval tool. The chatbot enables information search in natural language in a geography domain. In case of a large number of search results, the chatbot engages users with clarification questions. It also provides support to users when uploading multimedia content to the website.

[full article @ journal’s homepage]
[full article @ researchgate]

Reference: Saracevic, M., Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2020) Potential of Bots for Encyclopedia. In: Special issue – “Digital Heritage and Related Tools“, Maurer, H. (ed.). IPSI BgD Transactions. 16(1). pp. 54-60

[publication] Potentials of Chatbots for Spell Check among Youngsters #tugraz #chatbot #research #LearningAnalytic

We did an article about “Potentials of Chatbots for Spell Check among Youngsters” for the first issue of the “International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI)“.


Chatbots are already being used successfully in many areas. This publication deals with the development and programming of a chatbot prototype to support learning processes. This Chatbot prototype is designed to help pupils in order to correct their spelling mistakes by providing correction proposals to them. Especially orthographic spelling mistake should be recognized by the chatbot and should be replaced by correction suggestions stored in test data.

[article @ journal’s homepage]

[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Arifi, J., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2019) Potentials of Chatbots for Spell Check among Youngsters. IN: International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI). 2019(1). pp. 77-88

Erster Searchchatbot an der TU Graz #tugraz #bot

Es freut uns, dass wir einen Chatbot ankündigen können, welcher im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit an der TU Graz entstanden ist. Die Idee ist einfach und simpel – mit Hilfen des bots wollen wir die Suche nach sehr alltäglichen Dingen, wie die Telefonnummer, Adressen, Räume usw. verbessern.
Ob es einen Mehrwert darstellt, soll in einer Testphase nun festgestellt werden – also gerne ausprobieren und auch Feedback geben 🙂

[Link zum DigitalLab inkl. Chatbot]