[presentation] German Language Training App for Primary School Children #tugraz #LearningAnalytics #edil18 #InnovateLearning

At this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam we present our publication “German Language Training App for Primary School Children” and describe our research about an iphone application to assist the IDeRblog-project. Here you can find the slides:

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[publication] Learning analytics to improve writing skills for young children – an holistic approach #LearningAnalytics #iderblog

Our publication about “Learning analytics to improve writing skills for young children – an holistic approach” has been published in the Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning.


Due to the important role of orthography in society, the project called IDeRBlog presented in this paper created a web-based tool to motivate pupils to write text as well as to read and to comment on texts written by fellow students. In addition, IDeRBlog aims to improve student’s German orthography skills and supports teachers and parents with training materials for their students. The paper aims to discuss these issues.

With the aid of learning analytics, the submitted text is analyzed and special feedback is given to the students so that they can try to correct the misspelled words themselves. The teachers as well as the parents are benefiting from the analysis and exercises suggested by the system.

A recent study showed the efficiency of the system in form of an improvement of the students’ orthographic skills. Over a period of four months 70 percent of the students achieved a significant reduction of their spelling mistakes.

IDeRBlog is an innovative approach to improving orthography skills combining blogging and new media with writing and practice.

[Article @ Journal’s Website]

[Article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Nina Steinhauer, Michael Gros, Martin Ebner, Markus Ebner, Anneliese Huppertz, Mike Cormann, Susanne Biermeier, Lena Burk, Konstanze Edtstadler, Sonja Gabriel, Martina Wintschnig, Christian Aspalter, Susanne Martich, (2017) Learning analytics to improve writing skills for young children – an holistic approach, Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning, Vol. 10 Issue: 2, pp.143-159, https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIT-07-2017-0013

[presentation] German Language Training Apps for Primary School Children #tugraz

Alexander Schwaiger defended successfully his master thesis about an innovative app for the IdERblog project. Find here his slides:

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[publication] Lernen unter der Lupe – Wie „Learning Analytics“ individuelles Lernen unterstützt #LearningAnalytics

Im neuen Computer + Unterricht Heft wurden wir gebeten einen kurzen Beitrag zur unseren Learning-Analytics-Aktivitäten beizusteuern. Der Beitrag ist nun erschienen und berichtet kurz über die Möglichkeiten die wir in dieser Entwicklung sehen.


Learning Analytics ist die Möglichkeit aus gesammelten Daten durch entsprechende Analyseverfahren neue Erkenntnisse für die pädagogische Praxis zu erhalten. In diesem Beitrag soll eine kurze Einführung gegeben werden, sowie anhand von zwei konkreten Beispielen gezeigt werden wir man es für den Schulalltag nutzen kann.

[Vorabzug @ ResearchGate]

Referenz: Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2018) Lernen unter der Lupe – Wie „Learning Analytics“ individuelles Lernen unterstützt. Computer + Unterricht Nr. 110/2018, S. 11-12

[publication] Orthography Training with IDeRBlog-an Open Educational Resources Practice #iderblog #oer #learninganalytics

Our publication about “Orthography Training with IDeRBlog-an Open Educational Resources Practice” at this year Open Education Global Conference in Delft got published right now.


The article depicts the blogging platform IDeRBlog as an example of an Open Educational Resources Practice. The exercise databases of IDeRBlog are focussed in the context of orthography training. After briefly outlining Open Educational Resources an overview on how the exercises were researched and reviewed according to an established quality framework is given. This is followed by the Analysis of missing exercises and the creation of IDeRBlog exercises by the project team.

[Link to article @ ResearchGate]

[Link to article @ Conference Proceeding Database]

Reference: Gros, M., Aspalter, C., Ebner, M., Ebner, M., Steinhauer, N., Adolph, H., Ankner, L., Biermeier, S., Cormann, M., Edtstadler, K., Ernst, S., Gabriel, S., Goor, G., Huppertz, A., Irmag, K., Leitner, P., Martich, S., Taraghi, B., Ullmann, M. & Wintschnig, M. (2018) Orthography Training with IDeRBlog-an Open Educational Resources Practice. In: Open Education Global Conference 2018: OEGlobal2018. Van Valkenburg, W. & Schuwer, R. (Hrsg.). Delft University of Technology, 5 S.

[presentation] Orthography Training with IDeRBlog an Open Educational Resources Practice #tugraz #iderblog #learninganalytics

Our presentation about “Orthography Training with IDeRBlog an Open Educational Resources Practice” for this year Open Education Global Conference in Delft, Netherland, is now online available. We introduce to our project IDeRBlog, where you can participate to learn German orthography for free 🙂

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[app] IDeRBlog App für iOS #LearningAnalytics

Wir haben nun für unser IDeRBlog-Projekt ein iOS-App entwickelt, damit man nicht nur über das Webinterface sondern gleich direkt am iPad die Texte eintippen kann. Damit soll die User-Experience, vor allem also die Eingabe, nochmals deutlich verbessert werden.

Hallo, schön, dass Du dich für IDeRBlog interessierst. Um die App benutzen zu können, muss Dein Lehrer einen Account für Dich anlegen. Wenn Deine Schule noch nicht beim IDeRBlog Projekt mitmacht, kannst sich Dein Lehrer auf IDeRBlog.eu informieren.

[Link zur App im App Store]

Wir freuen uns auf alle Fälle über Rückmeldungen 🙂

[publication] Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – Proof of Concept #TEL #Iderblog

Our second publication at this year HCII 2017 conference was about “Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – Proof of Concept” and describes our IDeRBlog-project.

German orthography is known to be quite difficult to master, especially for primary-school pupils in writing texts [cf. 1]. In order to support children with the acquisition of German orthography, we are developing a web-based platform for German-speaking users based on learning analytics techniques. Our goal is to motivate pupils age 8 to 12 to improve their spelling abilities by writing texts and by the possibility to publish them. Concerning spelling in combination with learning analytics the system provides – in case of an orthographic mistake – a specific feedback that encourages pupils to think about the spelling and to correct it. Based on occurred mistakes the teachers and the students are provided with a qualitative analysis of the mistakes. This analysis shows the problematic orthographic areas and gives suggestions for online and offline exercises as well as online courses that are explaining the orthographic phenomena. The aim of this article is to describe the architecture of the web-based system and a proof of concept by evaluating 60 essays. Furthermore, relevant background information is given in order to gain a better understanding in the complex interdisciplinary development.

[Publication @ Springer]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner M., Edtstadler K., Ebner M. (2017) Learning Analytics and Spelling Acquisition in German – Proof of Concept. In: Zaphiris P., Ioannou A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Technology in Education. LCT 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10296. pp. 257-268. Springer, Cham

[publication] Tutoring writing spelling skills within a web-based platform for children #iderblog #LearningAnalytics

Our publication about “Tutoring writing spelling skills within a web-based platform for children” got published. We are describing our research project IDERblog and the results using learning analytics.


According to the NMC Horizon Report (Johnson et al. in Horizon Report Europe: 2014 Schools Edition, Publications Office of the European Union, The New Media Consortium, Luxembourg, Austin, 2014 [1]), data-driven learning in combination with emerging academic areas such as learning analytics has the potential to tailor students’ education to their needs (Johnson et al. 2014 [1]). Focusing on this aim, this article presents a web-based (training) platform for German-speaking users aged 8–12.Our objective is to support primary-school pupils—especially those who struggle with the acquisition of the German orthography—with an innovative tool to improve their writing and spelling competencies. On this platform, which is free of charge, they can write and publish texts supported by a special feature, called the intelligent dictionary. It gives automatic feedback for correcting mistakes that occurred in the course of fulfilling a meaningful writing task. Consequently, pupils can focus on writing texts and are able to correct texts on their own before publishing them. Additionally, they gain deeper insights in German orthography. Exercises will be recommended for further training based on the spelling mistakes that occurred. This article covers the background to German orthography and its teaching and learning as well as details concerning the requirements for the platform and the user interface design. Further, combined with learning analytics we expect to gain deeper insight into the process of spelling acquisition which will support optimizing our exercises and providing better materials in the long run.

[Full Publication @ Springer Nature (Open Access)]

[Publication @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Ebner, M., Edtstadler, K., Ebner, M. (2017) Tutoring writing spelling skills within a web-based platform for children. Universal Access in the Information Society (2017). doi:10.1007/s10209-017-0564-6

[poster] Rechtschreiblernen durch Learning Anlaytics #IDERblog #research

Im Rahmen des Symposiums Deutschdidaktik durften wir unser Projekt IDERblog im Rahmen eines Posters vorstellen und diskutieren.

Ziel ist die Bereitstellung einer Internetplattform für Kinder zwischen acht und zwölf Jahren zum Verfassen von Texten. Aufgrund der interdisziplinären Entwicklung (Medieninformatik und -didaktik, Fachwissenschaft und -didaktik Deutsch, Schulkooperationen) werden erstmals Learning-Analytics-Verfahren im Bereich der Rechtschreibung angewandt. Dies geschieht mithilfe des eigens entwickelten Informationssystems mit integriertem intelligenten Wörterbuchs, das den Text in Bezug auf allgemeine und kategorisierte Rechtschreibfehler überprüft. Bei den kategorisierten Rechtsschreibfehlern gibt das System dem/der Verfasser/in verbale Rückmeldungen zur Korrektur und stellt dem/der Lehrer/in eine qualitative Fehleranalyse zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus können die Texte von Lehrpersonen online korrigiert und verwaltet werden. Nachdem die Lehrperson den Text zur Veröffentlichung freigegeben hat, kann der/die Verfasser/in den Text publizieren, so dass ihn andere lesen und ggf. kommentieren können

[Link zum Poster @ ResearchGate]

Zitation: Edtstadler, K., Ebner, M., Ebner, M. (2016) Rechtschreiblernen durch Learning Analytics, Symposion Deutschdidaktik 2016, Ludwigsburg