[publication] German Language Training App for Primary School Children #LearningAnalytics #iderblog

At this year Ed-Media conference in Amsterdam we published our research work about “German Language Training App for Primary School Children”.


Mobile apps and the gaming industry experienced continuous growth and popularity over the last couple of years. While children have always played games for fun, researchers, recognized the promising possibilities behind games in the field of education. As nearly every child is in possession of a mobile device today, the sector of digital game-based learning is of special interest. Since primary school pupils often find it difficult to acquire good language skills, this research study deals with the creation of a prototype for tablets to support language training within primary schools. For the evaluation, a field test among children in Austria was conducted in order to see whether benefits could be observed. The extremely positive field test strengthened our approach and further motivated the participants to play the game even after the test was finished.

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Schwaiger, A., Ebner, M. & Ebner, M. (2018). German Language Training App for Primary School Children. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 1202-1210). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

[presentation] German Language Training App for Primary School Children #tugraz #LearningAnalytics #edil18 #InnovateLearning

At this year ED-Media conference in Amsterdam we present our publication “German Language Training App for Primary School Children” and describe our research about an iphone application to assist the IDeRblog-project. Here you can find the slides:

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[app] 1×1 Trainer #tugraz #math

Wir haben den 1×1 Trainer grundlegend überarbeitet und mit Handschrifterkennung ausgestattet. Ab sofort können die Kinder also die Zahlen per Finger eingeben und wir hoffen so, dass es noch einfacher wird mit der App umzugehen. Die Registierung kann direkt in der App oder auch über unsere LearningLab gemacht werden.

The 1×1 Trainer App with handwriting recognition is supposed to help children with learning multiplication tables. The numbers can be written with the finger.

[Link zur App]

[app, iphone] Twitterwall #tugraz #iphone

Twittewall Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit ist die App Twitterwall entstanden, die eine mobile Lösung für unsere Twitterwall darstellt. Viel Spaß bei der Verwendung.

Die TwitterWall der TU Graz jetzt auch auf deinem iPhone! Die Tweets können unterwegs praktisch verfolgt werden. Tweets sind nach User und Keywords sortiert. Für eine schnellere Suche können Tweets über einen bestimmten Zeitbereich oder bestimmte Suchwörter gefiltert werden. Der Aktualisierungs-Intervall kann nach Belieben gesetzt werden.

[Link zur App im Appstore]

[ipad] wOERksheets #iphone #ipad #OER #app

wOERksheetsIm Rahmen einer Projektarbeit haben wir versucht eine sehr einfache, simple App zu erstellen, welche hilft OER-Arbeitsblätter zu erstellen:

The app wOERksheets allows teachers to create work sheets for their students containing a creative commons license. The created work sheet may be exported as a PDF file.
Each work sheet contains a fixed border, header (Name, Class, Date) and a configurable creative commons license. Beside text it is also possible to include images from the devices’ photo library. The text may also contain simple formatting options (Bold, Italic, Underlined, Alignment, List, Font). Changing the color of the whole worksheet is also possible.
The created work sheets are designed to be used as OER (Open Educational Resources) in the lectures.

[Link to the App @ iOS-Store]

[iPhone app] Austria Forum #app #iOS #TUGraz

Austria Forum / iOS AppEs freut uns, dass wir ankündigen können, dass unser Austria Forum ab sofort auch über eine eigene iOS-App verfügt. Man kann damit nicht nur die vielzähligen Inhalte mobil genießen, wir haben uns auch ein paar Zusatzfeatures einfallen lassen:

  • Zufallsartikel
  • Artikel des Tages
  • Geobasierte Artikel (was ist in meiner Nähe?)
  • Favoriten und Lesezeichen
  • Auszeichnung der Nutzungslizenz

Wir hoffen die App macht Freude, auch mit der eingebauten Push-Notification und wird genauso gerne genutzt wie von uns selbst – viel Spaß 🙂

[Link zum App Store]

[iphone, app] CatchApp #AppDevelopment

CatchUpIm Rahmen unserer Vorlesung “Mobile Applications 2016” wurde eine App entwickelt die die Möglichkeit bietet Clubs in Graz zu besuchen und dies auch anzuzeigen:

App description: With our mobile application users can see clubs and their population in their near field area. Users can see the total population of a club, friends who are visiting this club and the proportion of single-girls and single-boys in there in form of a number, in percentage and a diagramm. There is a ‘Let’s go Out’ button. By hitting this button, the user tells the system that he/she is out right now. When he/she is in a range of 30m to a club, he/she gets signed in and his/her friends will see it. This will be possible only during the clubs opening hours. When the user opens the app and is no longer in range of the club he has signed into, he/she gets automatically signed out. He/she get’s also signed out, when the club closes. The Friends-UI contains out of a list of the users friends. He/she can also see who of his/her friends is currently out. We want keep the possibility of adding friends simple, so this can be done by reading another users QR code.

[Link zur App]