[publication] Adaptive Learner Profiling Provides the Optimal Sequence of Posed Basic Mathematical Problems

Our publication about „Adaptive Learner Profiling Provides the Optimal Sequence of Posed Basic Mathematical Problems“ at this year EC-TEL conference is now available.

Applications that try to enhance learners’ knowledge can profit by the creation and analysis of learner profiles. This work deals with the derivation of an optimal sequence of questions by comparing similar learning behaviour of users of a mathematics training application. The adaptation of the learners’ clusters to the answers of the revised optimal question sequence improves learning

Reference: Taraghi, B., Saranti, A., Ebner, M., Großmann, A., Müller, V. (2014) Adaptive Learner Profiling Provides the Optimal Sequence of Posed Basic Mathematical Problems. In: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities. Rensing, C., de Freitas, S., Ley, T., Muñoz-Merino, P. J. (Ed.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8719, Springer 2014, pp. 592-59

[Link to .pdf at Springer]

[publication] Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics

Our contribution to 8th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoCs on „Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics“ is now online available.

Building a cloud-based e-learning platform using the approach of the research field of learning analytics is the overall goal of this research study. With the strengths of a cloud service it is possible to add value to the learning process for all stakeholders. With such a solution, the process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data becomes rather easily.
This research study aims to introduce a novel platform to generate interactive e-books. In order to create digitalized forms of exercise books for primary school children, additional features have to be added to gain acceptance by such an idea. The evolution of new e-book standards as EPUB in its version 3.0 makes it possible to generate those additional features. The developments of the platform as well as each interactive exercise, which can be done are described in detail. Finally the weakness and the strength of the approach is discussed. The study concluded that the approach offers huge potential for tomorrow’s learning behaviors

Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Prettenthaler, C., Hamada, M. (2014) Cloud-based service for eBooks using EPUB under the Aspect of Learning Analytics, Proceedings of IEEE 8th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoCs, pp. 116-122

[poster] Learning Analytics und EPUB3

We are presenting two posters at this year EC-TEL conference in Graz. One is about Learning Analytics and one about the potential of eBooks:

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Rechtzeitig zum Schulbeginn haben wir nun endlich alles umgestellt und unsere Aktivitäten im Bereich Schule und Learning Analytics gebündelt. Ab sofort steht die Seite schule.tugraz.at zur Verfügung und bündelt den Einmaleins-Trainer, den Additions- und Subtraktionstrainer, den mehrstelligen Multiplikationstrainer, sowie auch die Apps für den Lesestest und der Buchstabenpost.
Wir hoffen, dass das Angebot auch weiterhin noch ausgebaut werden kann (zumindest wird von den Studierenden im Hintergrund fleißig gearbeitet) und freuen uns natürlich auch auf Rückmeldungen 🙂 .

This is my last blogpost for the next two weeks – I will go for vacation with my family. In the meanwhile have a pleasant time and come back with me on 18th of August 🙂

[publication] Markov Chain and Classification of Difficulty Levels Enhances the Learning Path in One Digit Multiplication

Our second publication at this year HCII conference in Crete, Greece is about „Markov Chain and Classification of Difficulty Levels Enhances the Learning Path in One Digit Multiplication„.

In this work we focus on a specific application named “1×1 trainer” that has been designed to assist children in primary school to learn one digit multiplications. We investigate the database of learners’ answers to the asked questions by applying Markov chain and classification algorithms. The analysis identifies different clusters of one digit multiplication problems in respect to their difficulty for the learners. Next we present and discuss the outcomes of our analysis considering Markov chain of different orders for each question. The results of the analysis influence the learning path for every pupil and offer a personalized recommendation proposal that optimizes the way questions are asked to each pupil individually.

Markov Chain and Classification of Difficulty Levels Enhances the Learning Path in One Digit Multiplication… by Martin

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Reference: Taraghi, B., Saranti, A., Ebner, M., Schön, M. (2014) Markov Chain and Classification of Difficulty Levels Enhances the Learning Path in One Digit Multiplication. Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing and Developing Novel Learning Experiences. Panayiotis, Z., Ioannou, A. (Ed.), Springer Lecture Notes, pp. 322-322

[publication] Learning Analytics: From Theory to Practice – Data Support for Learning and Teaching

Our contribution at this year International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference (CAA 2014) about „Learning Analytics: From Theory to Practice – Data Support for Learning and Teaching“ is now online available.

Much has been written lately about the potential of Learning Analyt- ics for improving learning and teaching. Nevertheless, most of the contributions to date are concentrating on the abstract theoretical or algorithmic level, or, deal with academic efficiencies like teachers’ grading habits. This paper wants to fo- cus on the value that Learning Analytics brings to pedagogic interventions and feedback for reflection. We first analyse what Learning Analytics has to offer in this respect, and, then, present a practical use case of applied Learning Analytics for didactic support in primary school Arithmetic.

Learning Analytics: From Theory to Practice – Data Support for Learning and Teaching by Martin

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Reference: Greller, W., Ebner, M., Schön, M. (2014) Learning Analytics: From Theory to Practice – Data Support for Learning and Teaching. In: Computer Assisted Assessment. Kalz, Marco, Ras, Eric (Eds.) -Research into E-Assessment, Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 439, 2014, pp 79-87. Springer, New York

[presentation] Learning Analytics in Math – Why Open Education?

Marieke asked me if I can give a short input for the Open Education Working Group about aspects of Open Education for Learning Analytics. Here you will find the event and this are the slides I will use for the short talk:

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[presentation] Learning Analytics: From Theory to Practice – Data Support for Learning and Teaching

Our presentation (done by Martin) at this year International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference (CAA 2014) about „Learning Analytics: From Theory to Practice – Data Support for Learning and Teaching“ is now online available.

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[presentation] Markov Chain and Classification of Difficulty Levels Enhances the Learning Path in One Digit Multiplication

Beni did the presentation about „Markov Chain and Classification of Difficulty Levels Enhances the Learning Path in One Digit Multiplication“ at this HCII conference in Creete, Greece. Here are his slides:

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[presentation] Learning Analytics – Der gläserne Lerner

Für die heurige DINI-Zukunfstwerkstatt bin ich gebeten worden über das Thema Learning Analytics zu reden. Die Folien meiner Keynote sind ab sofort online zugänglich:

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