[publication] On using markov chain to evidence the learning structures and difficulty levels of one digit multiplication

Our publication of this year Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK 2014) about „On using markov chain to evidence the learning structures and difficulty levels of one digit multiplication“ is now online available.


Understanding the behavior of learners within learning applications and analyzing the factors that may influence the learning process play a key role in designing and optimizing learning applications. In this work we focus on a specific application named “1×1 trainer” that has been designed for primary school children to learn one digit multiplications. We investigate the database of learners’ answers to the asked questions (N > 440000) by applying the Markov chains. We want to understand whether the learners’ answers to the already asked questions can affect the way they will answer the subsequent asked questions and if so, to what extent. Through our analysis we first identify the most difficult and easiest multiplications for the target learners by observing the probabilities of the different answer types. Next we try to identify influential structures in the history of learners’ answers considering the Markov chain of different orders. The results are used to identify pupils who have difficulties with multiplications very soon (after couple of steps) and to optimize the way questions are asked for each pupil individually.

Reference: Taraghi, B., Ebner, M., Saranti, A., Schön, M. (2014) On Using Markov Chain to Evidence the Learning Structures and Difficulty Levels of One Digit Multiplication, In: Proceedins of the Fourth International Conference on Learning Analytics And Knowledge, ACM, New York, p. 68-72

[Link Article]

[tagung] Zukunftswerkstatt „Learning Analytics“

Die heurige DINI-Zukunftswerkstatt beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema „Learning Analytics“ und man hat mich eingeladen die Keynote zu halten. Unter dem Titel „Der gläserne Lerner“ werde ich versuchen den Forschungsbereich systematisch aufzuarbeiten.

Daten, Daten, Daten machen auch vor dem Lehr- und Lernbereich nicht halt. Unter den Schlagworten Big Data und Learning Analytics dringen Analysen und Auswertungen immer mehr in den (Hoch-)Schulbereich. Aber wozu dient dies? Sollen die SchülerInnen oder Studierenden immer mehr kontrolliert oder sogar überwacht werden?
Der Vortrag widmet sich dem Themenfeld und möchte zeigen wo Learning Analytics tatsächlich Mehrwerte darstellt und welche neuen Möglichkeiten dies für den (Hoch-)Schulalltag bietet. Nichtsdestotrotz wird die kritische Reflexion nicht vergessen, denn die Datenaufzeichnung hat (leider) immer zwei Seiten. An konkreten Beispielen wird dies diskutiert und beleuchtet, sodass das aufkommende Forschungsfeld aus verschiedensten Blickrichtungen erfasst werden kann.

Hier gibt es den Folder zur Veranstaltung und ich freue mich sehr auf spannende Diskussionen.


Our publication on „TEACHERS LITTLE HELPER: MULTI-MATH-COACH“ is now online available in the Journal on WWW/Internet. The articel is free for download right here [download link].

Individual learning is out of sync with the elements of a curricula and the daily program of a teacher. At a time when multidigit multiplication methods are taught, many children are not perfectly performing the basic multiplication table. Teachers organize settings for learning and they usually have no time to give an individual feedback to every single student. Furthermore they have no physiological capacity to produce statistics and to investigate the probable causes of errors. Our goal is to give teachers a tool to help them to review and train some typical requirements for written multiplying. We use the ubiquity of the Internet and provide on different devices free applications with written multiplication problems. All data are collected centrally and are used to determine typical errors. These data could also be used to answer further new questions and test new hypothesis. This is one aspect of Learning Analytics. The given tasks are automatically adapted to the skill level of a student. Teachers can see every detail of the solution process of every task. But really useful is that teachers can see the typical problems of each student as well as of the whole class every time at a glance. They need just a connection to the database with a web browser – anywhere, anytime.
Finally the first evaluation of the system pointed out some remarkable results. Children are learning with the system in the intended way according to the shown learning curves.

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M., Taraghi, B., Steyrer, M. (2014) TEACHERS LITTLE HELPER: MULTI-MATH-COACH, IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 11, 3, pp.1-12 [.pdf]

[presentation] Learning Analytics und OER

Ich darf heute die Keynote zum Thema „Learning Analytics“ beim eBazar 2014 halten. Hierzu sind die Folien online. Weiters wurde ich gebeten einen Input für den OER-Workshop zu machen, auch hierzu der Foliensatz.

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[publication] Learning Analytics in basic math education – first results from the field

Our publication about „Learning Analytics in basic math education – first results from the field“ is part of the new elearning Papers issue 36 on Learning Analytics and Assessment. Both is published under an open license.


Learning Analytics is an emerging field, because the analyses of a big amount of data can lead to deeper insights into how learning occurs. In this publication we introduce a new addition / subtraction trainer which assists teachers in their daily basic math education. A first field study points out that beside of typical mistakes also systematic ones can be detected.

Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M., Neuhold, B. (2014). Learning Analytics in basic math education – first results from the field, eLearning Papers, 36, pp. 24-27 [.pdf]

[CfP] Call for Papers for a Special Issue on „Learning Analytics“

[CfP] Learning Analytics
Together with my colleagues from the University of Athabasca and the Private University of Teacher Education Graz I like to call for submissions on the topic “Learning Analaytics“. The contributions will appear as Special Issue of the journal J.UCS (Journal of Universal Computer Science) which is an open access journal and holds an Impact Factor. Please consider to send us a scientific contribution on 29th April 2014 at latest.
The detailed call can be found here or at the Journal’s homepage.

[itug, book] Learning Analytics: Mathematik Lernen neu gedacht

Learning AnalyticsIn Zusammenhang mit unserem Angebot https://mathe.tugraz.at ist unter anderem der Additions- und Subtraktionstrainer entstanden. In diesem Buch wird das Thema Learning Analytics im Allgemeinen und das Erlernen der schriftlichen Addition und Subtraktion beschrieben, sowie die Details zum Programm und deren Evaluation. Danke an Benedikt der seine Arbeit der iTuG-Serie zur Verfügung stellt.

Durch den rasanten Aufstieg des Internets in den letzten Jahren stehen immer mehr digitale Daten von Benutzern zur Verfügung. Dies stellt eine Chance für den Bildungsbereich dar, mit diesen Daten zu arbeiten, diese zu analysieren und daraus wertvolle Schlüsse ziehen zu können. Mit der Thematik der Datensammlung und Analyse beschäftigt sich der Forschungsbereich ”Learning Analytics“.
Dieser stellt Tools und Techniken zur Auswertung von Daten, welche durch Informationssysteme generiert werden, zur Verfügung.
Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Konzeption und die Implementierung eines adaptiven Informationssystems für Schülerinnen und Schüler der dritten bis fünften Schulstufe. Dieses System mit dem Namen ”Plusminus-Trainer“ bietet die Möglichkeit, Addition und Subtraktion zu trainieren und eine Echtzeitfehleranalyse zu erhalten.
Das Programm selbst ist unter https://mathe.tugraz.at frei zugänglich.

[Link zum Buch bei Amazon], [Weitere Details]

[publication] Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math-Coach

Our publication at this year IADIS Conference about our Multi-Math-Trainer ist now online available. And we like to invite everyone to use it 🙂 .

Individual learning is out of sync with the elements of a curricula and the daily program of a teacher. At a time when multidigit multiplication methods are taught, many children are not perfectly performing the basic multiplication table. Teachers organize settings for learning and they usually have no time to give an individual feedback to every single student. Furthermore they have no physiological capacity to produce statistics and to investigate the probable causes of errors. Our goal is to give teachers a tool to help them to review and train some typical requirements for written multiplying. We use the ubiquity of the Internet and provide on different devices free applications with written multiplication problems. All data are collected centrally and are used to determine typical errors. These data could also be used to answer further new questions and test new hypothesis. This is one aspect of Learning Analytics. The given tasks are automatically adapted to the skill level of a student. Teachers can see every detail of the solution process of every task. But really useful is that teachers can see the typical problems of each student as well as of the whole class every time at a glance. They need just a connection to the database with a web browser – anywhere, anytime.

Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math- Coach by Martin

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Reference: Ebner, M., Schön, M., Taraghi, B., Steyrer, M. (2013) Teachers Little Helper: Multi-Math- Coach, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2013, Nunes, M. B. & McPherson, M. (Ed.), Prague, IADIS Press, p. 183-190