[presentation] Learning Anaytics: Einsatz an österreichischen Hochschulen #fnma #LearningAnalytics

Ich habe zusammen mit vielen Kolleginnen und Kollegen im Rahmen einer Arbeitsgruppe des Forums Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria (FNMA) ein Whitepaper zu „Learning Analaytics: Einsatz an österreichischen Hochschulen“ erstellt und darf diese heute im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung präsentieren. Hier die Folien dazu:

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[article] Efforts in Europe for Data-Driven Improvement of Education – A Review of Learning Analytics Research in Six Countries #LearningAnalytics #tugraz

I did an article with a hand of colleagues about „Efforts in Europe for Data-Driven Improvement of Education – A Review of Learning Analytics Research in Six Countries“ for the first issue of the „International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI)„.


Information and communication technologies are increasingly mediating learning and teaching practices as well as how educational institutions are handling their administrative work. As such, students and teachers are leaving large amounts of digital footprints and traces in various educational apps and learning management platforms, and educational administrators register various processes and outcomes in digital administrative systems. It is against such a background we in recent years have seen the emergence of the fast-growing and multi-disciplinary field of learning analytics. In this paper, we examine the research efforts that have been conducted in the field of learning analytics in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Germany, Spain, and Sweden. More specifically, we report on developed national policies, infrastructures and competence centers, as well as major research projects and developed research strands within the selected countries. The main conclusions of this paper are that the work of researchers around Europe has not led to national adoption or European level strategies for learning analytics. Furthermore, most countries have not established national policies for learners’ data or guidelines that govern the ethical usage of data in research or education. We also conclude, that learning analytics research on pre-university level to high extent have been overlooked. In the same vein, learning analytics has not received enough focus form national and European national bodies. Such funding is necessary for taking steps towards data-driven development of education.

[article @ journal’s homepage]

[article @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Nouri, J., Ebner, M., Ifenthaler, D., Saqr, M., Malmberg, J., Khalil, M., Bruun, J., Viberg, O., González, M., Papamitsiou, Z., Berthelsen, U. (2019) Efforts in Europe for Data-Driven Improvement of Education – A Review of Learning Analytics Research in Six Countries. IN: International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI). 2019(1). pp. 8-27

[master] Learning Analytics Tools for Massive Open Online Courses #LearningAnalytics #MOOCs #tugraz

Karin did her masterthesis about „Learning Analytics Tools for Massive Open Online Courses“ and helped us a lot developing our MOOC platform iMooX.at in this direction. Here you can find her slides for the defense:

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[publication] Learning Analytics Cockpit for MOOC Platforms #imoox #LearningAnalytics

Our article about an important extension for iMooX titled „Learning Analytics Cockpit for MOOC Platforms“ got publishes now. Enjoy reading 🙂

Within the sector of education, Learning Analytics (LA) has become an interdisciplinary field aiming to support learners and teachers in their learning process. Most standard tools available for Learning Analytics in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) do not cater to the individual’s conception of where Learning Analytics should provide them with insights and important key figures. We propose a prototype of a highly configurable and customizable Learning Analytics Cockpit for MOOC-platforms. The ultimate goal of the cockpit is to support administrators, researchers, and especially teachers in evaluating the engagement of course participants within a MOOC. Furthermore, comparing learner’s individual activity to course wide average scores should enhance the self-assessment of students, motivate their participation, and boost completion rates. Therefore, several metrics were defined which represent and aggregate learner’s activity. From this predefined list, stakeholders can customize the cockpit by choosing from multiple visualization widgets. Although, the current prototype focuses only on a minimal group of stakeholders, namely administrators and researchers. Therefore, it is designed in a modular, highly configurable and customizable way to ensure future extensibility. It can be strongly carried out that customization is integral to deepen the understanding of Learning Analytic tools and represented metrics, to enhance the student’s learning progress.

[Article @ Book’s Homepage]

[Draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Maier, K., Leitner, P., & Ebner, M. (2019). „Learning Analytics Cockpit for MOOC Platforms“. In Emerging Trends in Learning Analytics. Leiden, Niederlande: Brill | Sense. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004399273_014

[journal] International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI) #learninganalytics

I am very proud to announce a rather new journal – called „International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI)„. I will assist the Journal as Deputy Editor:

The newly launched International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (www.i-jai.org) aims to increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which learning analytics (LA) and artificial intelligence (AI) can support and enhance education. As such the journal aims to connect researchers and other stakeholders that share a common interest in understanding learning and teaching and improving learning and teaching with the support of LA and AI. Thus the journal aims to bridge the gap between pure academic research journals and more practical publications.

We are asking for contributions in following areas:

  • Analysing Learner’s Activity, Engagement, and Motivation
  • Modeling Learning and Teaching in Different Environments (online, blended and physical environments)
  • Evaluation and Development of Teaching Practices and Learning Designs
  • Application of Machine Learning, Educational Data Mining, and Predictive Analytics
  • Social Network Analysis and Network Modelling Tools
  • Supporting and Developing Assessment and Feedback Practices
  • Supporting Personalised and Adaptive Learning
  • Analyzing and Improvement of Learning Organisations based on Data
  • Development of new Methods and Theories
  • AI applications in the educational domain

If you are interested please visit the Journal’s Homepage and send us your latest research 🙂

[app] Multiplication Trainer #app #android #tugraz #trainer

We are happy to announce another learning app – the multiplication trainer for android. It is part of our math-trainer applications, which you can find here.

An educative game where you train your multiplication skills.
You can challenge your skills offline, and to play online, you need to create an account on „Learning Apps TUGraz“ ( https://schule.learninglab.tugraz.at/ ).
With each correct or incorrect answer, you will be prompted with feedback from the server that generated the assignment.
It will either congratulate you or tell you the right answer if you failed to give one.
The server keeps track of your personal statistics and gives you challenges appropriate to the skill level that you previously demonstrated.
The better you are, the harder is the challenge.

[App @ Google-Play-Store]

[publication] Learning Analytics – eine Einführung #LearningAnalytics #TUGraz

Ich durfte in der Zeitschrift „Bildung und Beruf“ eine kurze Einführung zu Learning Analytics geben – hier der Beitrag.


Learning Analytics ist ein sehr junges Forschungsgebiet aus dem Bereich der Bildungsinformatik und versucht durch das Sammeln und Gegenüberstellen von Daten Unterstützung im Lernprozess zu geben. Dieser Beitrag gibt eine Einführung und stellt die wesentlichen Aspekte, kritischen Punkte, Ziele und Methoden vor. Weiters soll dabei ein Bezug zur berufsbildenden Schulpraxis geschaffen werden.

[Beitrag bei ResearchGate]

Zitation: Ebner, M. (2019) Learning Analytics – eine Einführung. Bildung und Beruf. Ausgabe Februar 2019. S. 46-49. ISSN 2511-1353

[publication] Learning Analytics Challenges to Overcome in Higher Education Institutions #LearningAnalytics #tugraz #research

Our chapter on „Learning Analytics Challenges to Overcome in Higher Education Institutions“ got published in the book „Utilizing Learning Analytics to Support Study Success


While a large number of scientific publications explain the development of prototypes or the implementation of case studies in detail, descriptions of the challenges and proper solutions when implementing learning analytics initiatives are rare. In this chapter, we provide a practical tool that can be used to identify risks and challenges that arise when implementing learning analytics (LA) initiatives and discuss how to approach these to find acceptable solutions. In this way, implementers are given the opportunity to handle challenges early on and avoid being surprised at a critical moment in the project, which will save time, resources, and effort. We are aware that all aspects needed to successfully carry out learning analytics initiatives are co-dependent. Nonetheless, we identified and categorized the criteria necessary for implementing successful learning analytics initiatives. We conclude this chapter with an overview of the challenges faced and possible approaches that can be taken to facilitate the successful implementation of learning analytics.

[full article @ Springer]

[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Leitner P., Ebner M., Ebner M. (2019) Learning Analytics Challenges to Overcome in Higher Education Institutions. In: Ifenthaler D., Mah DK., Yau JK. (eds) Utilizing Learning Analytics to Support Study Success. Springer, Cham

[poster] Analysis of Misspellings in German Orthography in Grade 3 to 6 #iderblog #learninganalytics

At this year European Dyslexia Autumn Seminar 2018 in Munich, Germany Konstanze Edstadler introduced our IDeRBlog-project. Here you can find our poster:

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IDeR-Blog neu #iderblog #tugraz

Unser IDeR-Blog-Projekt geht ja in die zweite Runde und wir freuen uns, dass wir es in den nächsten 2 Jahren weiterentwickeln können. Hier zu gibt es jetzt wieder Webinar-Termine für Interessierte:

Allgemeine Einführung in die Plattform:
08.01.19 19:00-20:30
11.02.19 19:00-20:30
20.03.19 19:00-20:30
Link zur Veranstaltung: https://webconf.vc.dfn.de/iderblog/

Vorstellung der geplanten Erneuerungen in IDeRBlog ii:
28.11.18 19:00-20:00
15.01.19 19:00-20:00
Link zur Veranstaltung: https://webconf.vc.dfn.de/iderblogiinews/

Wir freuen uns über zahlreiche Teilnahmen 🙂