[workshop] Learning-Management-Systeme und Open Educational Resources #LMS #OER

Im Rahmen des CAS eLearning Zertifikatkurses darf ich auch heuer das Modul “Learning Managment System und Open Educational Resources” abhalten. Die dafür notwendigen Unterlagen sind hier nochmals übersichtlich dargestellt (ich habe jene des vorigen Jahres verlinkt, da Sie nahezu identisch sind):

VORMITTAG: Learning-Management-Systeme

  • “LMS”: Learning-Management-Systeme – ohne geht’s auch nicht beschäftigt sich mit Learning-Management-Systemen. Sowohl technische und didaktische Aspekte kommen zur Sprache und auch wie man solche Systeme in Unternehmen/Bildungsinstitutionen einführt.

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NACHMITTAG: Open Educational Resources

  • “OER”: Eine Übersicht zu dem Thema inklusive Übungen.

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    Die Übungen können hier abgerufen werden: [Link zur Übungsdatei]

Als weiterführende Literatur wird das Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien empfohlen mit den entsprechenden Kapiteln.
Zur Info für Nicht-Teilnehmer/innen: Es handelt sich um einen ganztägigen Workshop.

[workshop] Learning Management Systeme und Open Educational Resources

Im Rahmen des CAS eLearning Zertifikatkurses darf ich das Modul “Learning Managment System und Open Educational Resources” abhalten. Die dafür notwendigen Unterlagen sind hier nochmals übersichtlich dargestellt.

VORMITTAG: Learning Management Systeme

  • “LMS”: Learning Management Systeme – ohne geht’s auch nicht beschäftigt sich mit Learning Management Systemen. Sowohl technische und didaktische Aspekte kommen zur Sprache und auch wie man solche Systeme in Unternehmen/Bildungsinstitutionen einführt.

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NACHMITTAG: Open Educational Resources

  • “OER”: Eine Übersicht zu dem Thema inklusive Übungen.

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Als weiterführende Literatur wird das Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien empfohlen mit den entsprechenden Kapiteln.
Zur Info für Nicht-Teilnehmer/innen: Es handelt sich um einen ganztägigen Workshop.

[publication] The TU Graz E-book Strategy: from Content Management to Online Mutliple Device Usage

My first publication with the title “The TU Graz E-book Strategy: from Content Management to Online Mutliple Device Usage” I did for a workshop in russian language is now online available.

This paper presents an authoring tool for creating content for teaching and learning purposes at universities in the meaning of e-learning2.0, named the ABC- Manager. The paper focuses on the advantages of the tool as well as its didactical background. The current use of the ABC-Manager as an integrated part of the e- learning strategy of Graz University of Technology especially in the face of its online version, the e-book platform of the learning management system in use called TU Graz TeachCenter.

The TU Graz E-book Strategy: from Content Management to Online Mutliple Device Usage by Martin

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Reference: Ebner M., Nagler W., Wiesenhofer K., Scerbakov N., 2014, The TU Graz E-book Strategy: from Content Management to Online Mutliple Device Usage, Непрерывное образование в общеевропейском образовательном пространстве (workshop proceedings), Dr. Ihar Sazonau int. al. (Ed.). 5th International Workshop on Lifelong Learning within European Framework, Mogilev 2014, 154-161. Belarusian-Russian University (Mogilev, Belarus). ISBN 978-985-492-131-0

[publication] EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?

Our publication for this year ICHL 2011 conference on “EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?” is now online available. The Slides are already published here.

The term Edupunk coined by Jim Groom defines a do-it-yourself concept of using the most recent Web tools available for teaching, instead of relying only on commercial learning platforms – it is the information, the content, the knowledge which matters. Technology itself does not make education valuable per se, it is the creation of individual knowledge which is of paramount importance. However, today, so much free technology is available, which can be used as hands-on tools to enhance learning and teaching of students. However, in this article, we demonstrate that such issues can also be included in a large university wide LMS, which has been developed at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) during the last years. The development was initiated by the necessity to emphasize and implement three crucial factors for learning: communication, active participation and social interaction. We assess the potential of current Web 2.0 technologies for implementing such factors. We show that the development process was not technology driven; on the contrary, end user requirements of all end user groups engaged into university learning (students, teachers and administrators) were thoroughly investigated and mapped onto functional components of the LMS. Finally, we provide an overview of the platform functionalities with an emphasis on Web 2.0 elements and EduPunk concepts.

EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?

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Reference: Ebner, M.; Scerbakov, N.; Tsang, P. .; Holzinger, A. (2011). EduPunks and Learning Management Systems – Conflict or Chance?. Pro- ceedings of International Conference on Hybrid Learning IHCL 2011. Springer Lec- ture Notes in Computer Sciences LNCS 6837. p. 224 – 238

[publication] Mobile Information Access in Higher Education

Unser Beitrag bei der heurigen E-Learn Conference über den mobilen Zugang zum Lernmanagesystem ist nun hier online verfügbar.

This paper describes the implementation and integration of a m-Learning interface into the existing University-wide e-Learning System. Thereby existing content and information from the e-learning environment is automatically styled and provided in a way, which is accessible for most mobile devices. Incompatible content is filtered out. The system has been developed at the Institute of Information Systems and Computer Media (IICM) of Graz University of Technology with a special focus on the needs of engineering students. The approach integrates the possibilities of current mobile and wireless computing technology with the efficient delivery of information, content and interaction.
This paper will describe the system as well as encourage discussion, although far from m-Learning scenarios – how this kind of mobile access to information and content can be used to support students in higher education.

Referenz: Ebner, M., Scerbakov, N., Stickel, C., Maurer, H. (2008) Mobile Information Access in Higher Education, Proceedings of E-Learn 2008, Las Vegas, p. 777-782, 2008