[publication] Digital Learning during COVID-19. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distance Learning at Universities in Austria #covid19 #edmedia #research

At this year’s EDMedia conference in Brussels we published a paper titled „Digital Learning during COVID-19. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distance Learning at Universities in Austria„.

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected universities in Austria, leading to a rapid shift to distance learning. This study analyzed 59 surveys conducted between March 2020 and October 2021. The quality of distance learning varies among universities and lecturers. Effective communication and access to information along with an appropriate workload for online teaching are key aspects. Adequate examination dates, seats, and time to complete courses are necessary. Students appreciated video recordings and some examination formats but preferred face-to-face exams in the future. This shows that online teaching is useful as a complement but not in itself. Using blended and hybrid learning methods can preserve the identified advantages.

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Reference: Brünner, B., Findenig, K. & Ebner, M.(2024). Digital Learning during COVID-19. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distance Learning at Universities in Austria. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 980-988). Brussels, Belgium: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://learntechlib.org/primary/p/224617/

[publication] Exploring the Use of Generative AI in Education: Broadening the Scope #tugraz #AI #research

Our publication „Exploring the Use of Generative AI in Education: Broadening the Scope“ was published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) already plays a significant role in education and society altogether. With the rapid and largely impactful development in the field of generative AI, we must consider the potential changes and shifts of the new normal. Generative models like ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, DALL-E, and many others, are proving to be powerful allies and assistants in practically every branch and aspect of life. Given their proficiency in language and their technical capabilities, we must acknowledge their significance and ensure they are not overlooked. In this work, we focus on their impact on education and what is the feedback from the educational community. We want to determine exactly how generative AI is used and how it can be used in education. Our goal is to review more, and new papers, to classify the papers based on the subject the paper has covered, the type of the study, the educational level it concerns, and how is generative AI generally perceived. After the analysis, we conclude that it is perceived as generally positive, with most papers focusing on higher education, and STEM subjects while mostly using qualitative research methods.

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[draft @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Jahić, I., Ebner, M., Schön, S., Edelsbrunner, S. (2024). Exploring the Use of Generative AI in Education: Broadening the Scope. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14724. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61691-4_19

[publication] Promotion of Emotional Learning in Technical and Social Domains: A Systematic Review #tugraz #research #hcii

Our publication, „Promotion of Emotional Learning in Technical and Social Domains: A Systematic Review, “ was published.

Different learning approaches and new Learning Environment Systems (LES) are evolving rapidly these days and are designed by taking more and more individual skills and personal characteristics and preferences into account. Also Emotional Learning is gaining more importance when it comes to different learning environments in the technical domain as well as in the social context. Emotional Learning can help to support the overall engagement in learning and approaching learning achievements significantly. This paper should give some deeper insights into Emotional Learning, which possibilities exist to support it in a meaningful way and how feedback of emotional states can be obtained in Learning Environment Systems in higher education. For this purpose a literature review was chosen as the underlying research method to explore and find the necessary answers in various scientific articles, encyclopedias and relevant conference papers from different sources. The outcome will show different state-of-the-art approaches and tools to promote Emotional Learning and how to incorporate emotional learning support in Learning Environments.

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Reference: Struger, P., Brünner, B., Ebner, M. (2024). Promotion of Emotional Learning in Technical and Social Domains: A Systematic Review. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14723. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61685-3_18

[publication] The Analysis of Learning Management System towards Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcome #tugraz #researg

Our article titled „The Analysis of Learning Management System towards Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcome“ got published in the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET).

The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the moodle and edmodo learning management system (LMS) in education, to identify the specific features of the LMS that were utilized in the learning process, and to assess the impact of the LMS on student learning outcomes, drawing on cognitive learning theory. The research method is a systematic literature review (SLR) using the Scopus and Taylor & Francis databases, guided by the PRISMA (preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analyses) protocol, to analyze the data. The validity of the study was tested using the Gregory test with four expert examiners, namely an SLR expert, an LMS expert, and experts in cognitive learning outcomes. The results of the electronic database search focused on articles related to LMS implementation, LMS features, and student cognitive learning outcomes. This systematic literature review identified four key stages that serve as indicators of LMS implementation: 1) introduction, 2) registration, 3) learning materials, and 4) evaluation (assessment or feedback). The LMS features used in learning are grouped into four sections: communication features, course content features, course delivery features, and assignment features. The findings of the literature review indicate that the implementation of LMS and the features utilized in the learning process have an impact on various aspects of learning. These include learning satisfaction, engagement, learning experience, comfort, effectiveness, motivation, and the improvement of student learning outcomes.

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Reference: Aulianda, N., Wijayati, P. H., Ebner, M., & Schön, S. (2023). The Analysis of Learning Management System towards Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcome: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18(23), pp. 4–26. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v18i23.36443

[publication] The Missing Link to Computational Thinking

Congratulations to my PhD-student who did his first publication about a literature research to computational thinking. His work got published right now in Future Internet, enjoy the great reading.

After a lengthy debate within the scientific community about what constitutes the problem solving approach of computational thinking (CT), the focus shifted to enable the integration of CT within compulsory education. This publication strives to focus the discussion and enable future research in an educational setting with a strong focus on the Austrian circumstances and the goal to allow wide international adoption later on. Methodically, a literature review was conducted to gain knowledge about the current strands of research and a meta study to show the diversity of proposed and materialized studies. Three main questions were answered, establishing that CT as an idea is rooted in scientific literature dating back to the 1980s and grew in popularity after Wing introduced the concept to a broader audience. A number of authors contributed to the current state of the field, with the most cited review coming from Grover and Pea. The challenge to integrate CT in curricula around the world was met by many experiments and case studies but without a conclusive framework as of yet. Ultimately, this paper determines that expert integration is a blank spot in the literature and aims to create a strong, inclusive path to CT education by inviting practitioners.

[Full article @ journal’s homepage]
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Reference: Pollak, M.; Ebner, M. (2019) The Missing Link to Computational Thinking. Future Internet 2019, 11, 263.

[publication] Gamification in MOOCs: A Review of the State of the Art #tugraz #MOOC #research

Our contribution at this year EDUCON conference is about „Gamification in MOOCs: A Review of the State of the Art„. We took a close look to current research studies about game elements in MOOCs and summarized the result.


A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a type of online learning environment that has the potential to increase students‘ access to education. However, the low completion rates in MOOCs suggest that student engagement and progression in the courses are problematic. Following the increasing adoption of gamification in education, it is possible that gamification can also be effectively adopted in MOOCs to enhance students‘ motivation and increase completion rates. Yet at present, the extent to which gamification has been examined in MOOCs is not known. Considering the myriad gamification elements that can be adopted in MOOCs (e.g., leaderboards and digital badges), this theoretical research study reviews scholarly publications examining gamification of MOOCs. The main purpose is to provide an overview of studies on gamification in MOOCs, types of research studies, theories applied, gamification elements implemented, methods of implementation, the overall impact of gamification in MOOCs, and the challenges faced by researchers and practitioners when implementing gamification in MOOCs. The results of the literature study indicate that research on gamification in MOOCs is in its early stages. While there are only a handful of empirical research studies, results of the experiments generally showed a positive relation between gamification and student motivation and engagement. It is concluded that there is a need for further studies using educational theories to account for the effects of employing gamification in MOOCs.

[Draft version @ ResearchGate]

Reference: Khalil, M., Wong, J., de Koning, B. B., Ebner, M., & Paas, F. (2018). Gamification in MOOCs: A Review of the State of the Art. In proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (pp. 1635-1644). Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

[presentation] What is Learning Analytics about? #LearningAnalytics #IA9 #research

Today, Mohammad Khalil is presenting our publication about „What is Learning Analytics about?“ at Smart Learning Excellence Conference in Dubai. Here are his presentation slides:

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[publication] Technology Enhanced Learning and the Digital Economy: A Literature Review

Our publication about „Technology Enhanced Learning and the Digital Economy: A Literature Review“ is now online published in the International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE).

Throughout history, the ongoing technological progress has caused the economy to change in many aspects; furthermore, at times it triggered the dawn of a new era. In the 1980s, this happened for the last time and the digital economy has emerged over the last decades. Since then, the significance of approaches to technology enhanced learning (TEL) has increased rapidly. However, the relations between the digital economy and technology enhanced learning are hardly investigated. Therefore this study points out the known relations between technology enhanced learning and the digital economy by reviewing 1089 publications. Thereby one could recognize that the relations between the regularities of the digital economy and the field of technology enhanced learning have not been thoroughly researched yet.

Reference: Schweighofer, P., Grünwald, S., & Ebner, M. (2015). Technology Enhanced Learning and the Digital Economy: A Literature Review. International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE), 6(1), 50-62. doi:10.4018/ijide.2015010104 [Link to the article]

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